Born in Bradford Data Dictionary

Starting School Child Info

Table ID: BiB_StartingSchool.stschool_info

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Entity type Variables Entities Updated Related tables
Participant 14 6844 2022-09-30 NA

Administrative information about children in the Starting School cohort.

variable label value_type summary
BiBPersonID text 3444 unique values
3444 non-missing values
8 characters
has_stschool_info Has starting school child info decimal mean (sd)
1.00 (0.00)

min < median < max
1.00 < 1.00 < 1.00

Complete: 6844 (100.00%)

agecm_ssbpvs Age in months at BPVS decimal mean (sd)
59.64 (4.34)

min < median < max
48.00 < 60.00 < 75.00

Complete: 6657 (97.27%)

agecm_ssckat Age in months at CKAT decimal mean (sd)
59.65 (4.45)

min < median < max
8.00 < 60.00 < 75.00

Complete: 6586 (96.23%)

agecm_ssclid Age in months at Letter ID decimal mean (sd)
59.61 (4.33)

min < median < max
48.00 < 60.00 < 75.00

Complete: 6582 (96.17%)

agecm_sscsdq Age in months at SDQ decimal mean (sd)
61.62 (3.72)

min < median < max
54.00 < 62.00 < 77.00

Complete: 2340 (34.19%)

has_ssbpvs Has Starting School BPVS decimal 1 : has
Complete: 6657 (97.27%)

has_ssckat Has Starting School CKAT decimal 1 : has
Complete: 6586 (96.23%)

has_ssclid Has Starting School Letter ID decimal 1 : has
Complete: 6582 (96.17%)

has_sscsdq Has Starting School SDQ decimal 1 : has
Complete: 2340 (34.19%)

has_stschl Is in Starting School cohort decimal 1 : has
Complete: 6844 (100.00%)

ssgender Child gender decimal 1 : Male
2 : Female
Complete: 6844 (100.00%)

ssschoolid School reference number decimal mean (sd)
40.59 (33.00)

min < median < max
1.00 < 37.00 < 166.00

Complete: 6844 (100.00%)

sstermofbirth Term of birth decimal 1 : Autumn
2 : Spring
3 : Summer
Complete: 6844 (100.00%)