Born in Bradford Data Dictionary

Primary School Years SDQ data BiB only

Table ID: BiB_PrimarySchoolYears.sdq_data_bib

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Entity type Variables Entities Updated
Participant 59 1073 2022-10-01

Copy of sdq_data, only containing BiB records

variable label value_type summary
BiBPersonID text 1073 unique values
1107 non-missing values
8 characters
PSYSchoolID Primary School Years: School pseudonym decimal mean (sd)
139.20 (24.23)

min < median < max
102.00 < 140.00 < 187.00

Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

PSYClassID Primary School Years: Class pseudonym decimal mean (sd)
1297.57 (191.35)

min < median < max
1014.00 < 1300.00 < 1644.00

Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

TestYearGroup Year group of SDQ completion decimal mean (sd)
3.46 (0.65)

min < median < max
3.00 < 3.00 < 5.00

Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

TestAcadTerm Academic term of SDQ completion decimal 1 : Autumn
2 : Spring
3 : Summer
Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

TestYear Calendar year of SDQ completion decimal mean (sd)
2017.67 (0.89)

min < median < max
2016.00 < 2018.00 < 2019.00

Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

TestMonth Calendar month of SDQ completion decimal mean (sd)
6.20 (1.39)

min < median < max
4.00 < 6.00 < 10.00

Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

PSYTestDay Days elapsed since study start + 50000 decimal mean (sd)
50645.54 (309.86)

min < median < max
50005.00 < 50718.00 < 51167.00

Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

AgeYears Child age in years at SDQ completion decimal mean (sd)
8.22 (0.61)

min < median < max
7.00 < 8.00 < 10.00

Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

AgeMonths Child age in months at SDQ completion decimal mean (sd)
103.98 (6.53)

min < median < max
92.00 < 103.00 < 128.00

Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

dc_mode Data capture mode: on screen or paper decimal 1 : On paper (pilot)
2 : On screen
3 : On paper
Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

respondent_id SDQ respondent identifier decimal mean (sd)
52.01 (29.31)

min < median < max
1.00 < 51.00 < 105.00

Complete: 986 (89.07%)

resp_role SDQ respondent professional role decimal 1 : Class Teacher
2 : Head of Year
3 : Other
4 : Teaching Assistant
Complete: 986 (89.07%)

resp_gender SDQ respondent gender decimal 1 : Female
2 : Male
Complete: 986 (89.07%)

resp_age SDQ respondent age decimal mean (sd)
34.20 (10.65)

min < median < max
22.00 < 30.00 < 59.00

Complete: 986 (89.07%)

resp_qualy SDQ respondent years since qualified decimal mean (sd)
26.22 (191.41)

min < median < max
1.00 < 5.00 < 2018.00

Complete: 986 (89.07%)

resp_eth SDQ respondent ethnicity decimal 1 : Black
2 : Indian
3 : Mixed White and Black
4 : Other
5 : Pakistani
6 : White British
7 : White Other
Complete: 986 (89.07%)

psysdqASDQ1_01 Considerate of other people’s feelings decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

psysdqASDQ1_02 Restless, overactive, cannot stay still for long decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

psysdqASDQ1_03 Often complains of headaches, stomach-aches or sickness decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

psysdqASDQ1_04 Shares readily with other children (treats, toys, pencils etc.) decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

psysdqASDQ1_05 Often has temper tantrums or hot tempers decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

psysdqASDQ1_06 Rather solitary, tends to play alone decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

psysdqASDQ1_07 Generally obedient, usually does what adults request decimal 0 : Certainly true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Not true
Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

psysdqASDQ1_08 Many worries, often seems worried decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

psysdqASDQ1_09 Helpful if someone is hurt, upset or feeling ill decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 1105 (99.82%)

psysdqASDQ1_10 Constantly fidgeting or squirming decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

psysdqASDQ1_11 Has at least one good friend decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

psysdqASDQ1_12 Often fights with other children or bullies them decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

psysdqASDQ1_13 Often unhappy, down-hearted or tearful decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 1104 (99.73%)

psysdqASDQ1_14 Generally liked by other children decimal 0 : Certainly true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Not true
Complete: 1105 (99.82%)

psysdqASDQ1_15 Easily distracted, concentration wanders decimal 0 : Certainly true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Not true
Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

psysdqASDQ1_16 Nervous or clingy in new situations, easily loses confidence decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

psysdqASDQ1_17 Kind to younger children decimal 0 : Certainly true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Not true
Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

psysdqASDQ1_18 Often lies or cheats decimal 0 : Certainly true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Not true
Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

psysdqASDQ1_19 Picked on or bullied by other children decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

psysdqASDQ1_20 Often volunteers to help others (parents, teachers, other children) decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 1106 (99.91%)

psysdqASDQ1_21 Thinks things out before acting decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

psysdqASDQ1_22 Steals from home, school or elsewhere decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

psysdqASDQ1_23 Gets on better with adults than with other children decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

psysdqASDQ1_24 Many fears, easily scared decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

psysdqASDQ1_25 Sees tasks through to the end, good attention span decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 1106 (99.91%)

psysdqBOverallDiffic Overall, do you think that this child has difficulties in one or more of the following areas: emotions, concentration, behaviour or being able to get on with other people? decimal 1 : No
2 : Yes - minor difficulties
3 : Yes - definite difficulties
4 : Yes - severe difficulties
Complete: 1105 (99.82%)

psysdqBDifficultLng How long have these difficulties been present? decimal 1 : Less than a month
2 : 1-5 months
3 : 6-12 months
4 : Over a year
Complete: 335 (30.26%)

psysdqBDfficultDistr Do the difficulties upset or distress the child? decimal 1 : Not at all
2 : Only a little
3 : Quite a lot
4 : A great deal
Complete: 335 (30.26%)

psysdqBDfficultInter_1 PEER RELATIONSHIPS decimal 1 : Not at all
2 : Only a little
3 : Quite a lot
4 : A great deal
Complete: 335 (30.26%)

psysdqBDfficultInter_2 CLASSROOM LEARNING decimal 1 : Not at all
2 : Only a little
3 : Quite a lot
4 : A great deal
Complete: 335 (30.26%)

psysdqBDfficltBurden Do the difficulties put a burden on you or the class as a whole? decimal 1 : Not at all
2 : Only a little
3 : Quite a lot
4 : A great deal
Complete: 335 (30.26%)

psysdqsc_empr SDQ emotional problems scale decimal mean (sd)
1.52 (1.99)

min < median < max
0.00 < 1.00 < 10.00

Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

psysdqsc_cond SDQ conduct problems scale decimal mean (sd)
1.20 (1.80)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 10.00

Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

psysdqsc_hypr SDQ hyperactivity scale decimal mean (sd)
3.29 (3.08)

min < median < max
0.00 < 3.00 < 10.00

Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

psysdqsc_peer SDQ peer problems scale decimal mean (sd)
1.34 (1.64)

min < median < max
0.00 < 1.00 < 8.00

Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

psysdqsc_pros SDQ prosocial scale decimal mean (sd)
7.35 (2.63)

min < median < max
0.00 < 8.00 < 10.00

Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

psysdqsc_ext SDQ externalising scale decimal mean (sd)
4.49 (4.51)

min < median < max
0.00 < 3.00 < 20.00

Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

psysdqsc_int SDQ internalising scale decimal mean (sd)
2.86 (3.01)

min < median < max
0.00 < 2.00 < 16.00

Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

psysdqsc_total SDQ total difficulties score decimal mean (sd)
7.35 (6.28)

min < median < max
0.00 < 6.00 < 31.00

Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

psysdqsc_impact SDQ teacher reported impact score decimal mean (sd)
1.31 (1.41)

min < median < max
0.00 < 1.00 < 6.00

Complete: 335 (30.26%)

n_sdq Number of SDQ records for child at this wave decimal mean (sd)
1.06 (0.24)

min < median < max
1.00 < 1.00 < 2.00

Complete: 1107 (100.00%)

order_sdq Date order of SDQ records for child at this wave decimal mean (sd)
1.03 (0.17)

min < median < max
1.00 < 1.00 < 2.00

Complete: 1107 (100.00%)