Born in Bradford Data Dictionary

Primary School Years EF BDR task data

Table ID: BiB_PrimarySchoolYears.ef_task_bdr

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Participant 13 15179 2022-09-30 ef_task_bdr_bib

Primary School Years Executive Function tasks. This table contains data from the Backward Digit Recall (BDR) task.

variable label value_type summary
PSYSchoolID Primary School Years: School pseudonym decimal mean (sd)
140.26 (24.60)

min < median < max
101.00 < 140.00 < 189.00

Complete: 15179 (100.00%)

PSYClassID Primary School Years: Class pseudonym decimal mean (sd)
1312.36 (182.11)

min < median < max
1001.00 < 1310.00 < 1649.00

Complete: 15179 (100.00%)

TestYearGroup Year group of BDR completion decimal mean (sd)
3.39 (0.55)

min < median < max
2.00 < 3.00 < 6.00

Complete: 15179 (100.00%)

TestAcadTerm Academic term of BDR completion decimal 1 : Autumn
2 : Spring
3 : Summer
Complete: 15179 (100.00%)

TestYear Calendar year of BDR completion decimal mean (sd)
2017.64 (0.91)

min < median < max
2016.00 < 2018.00 < 2019.00

Complete: 15179 (100.00%)

TestMonth Calendar month of BDR completion decimal mean (sd)
5.44 (3.36)

min < median < max
1.00 < 5.00 < 12.00

Complete: 15179 (100.00%)

PSYTestDay Days elapsed since study start + 50000 decimal mean (sd)
50614.21 (320.96)

min < median < max
50001.00 < 50626.00 < 51151.00

Complete: 15179 (100.00%)

AgeYears Child age in years at BDR completion decimal mean (sd)
7.91 (0.78)

min < median < max
6.00 < 8.00 < 11.00

Complete: 15179 (100.00%)

AgeMonths Child age in months at BDR completion decimal mean (sd)
100.47 (8.46)

min < median < max
81.00 < 99.00 < 141.00

Complete: 15179 (100.00%)

PSYTabletID Tablet computer used for testing decimal mean (sd)
26.13 (10.22)

min < median < max
11.00 < 22.00 < 45.00

Complete: 15179 (100.00%)

EFSessionID Testing software session ID decimal mean (sd)
18160.68 (4669.79)

min < median < max
10001.00 < 18195.00 < 26189.00

Complete: 15179 (100.00%)

bdr_summary Summary test score for BDR decimal mean (sd)
0.53 (0.19)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.55 < 1.00

Complete: 15149 (99.80%)

bdr_rowcount Number of rows in BDR trials raw data file for the session decimal mean (sd)
62.00 (0.00)

min < median < max
62.00 < 62.00 < 62.00

Complete: 15179 (100.00%)