Born in Bradford Data Dictionary

AoW school visit blood pressure 2023 release

Table ID: BiB_AgeOfWonder.bloodpressure_dr23

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Entity type Variables Entities Updated Related tables
Participant 21 1747 2023-11-10 NA

Annual data release 2023 school visit blood pressure data.

variable label value_type summary
BiBPersonID BiB cohort person ID text 767 unique values
819 non-missing values
8 characters
is_bib Participant is in original BiB cohort decimal mean (sd)
0.44 (0.50)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 1.00

Complete: 1854 (100.00%)

aow_recruitment_id Age of Wonder recruitment ID text 1747 unique values
1854 non-missing values
10 characters
recruitment_era Recruitment era (academic year) text 2 unique values
1854 non-missing values
7 characters
age_recruitment_y Age at recruitment in years decimal mean (sd)
13.43 (0.50)

min < median < max
13.00 < 13.00 < 15.00

Complete: 1854 (100.00%)

age_recruitment_m Age at recruitment in months decimal mean (sd)
166.64 (4.44)

min < median < max
158.00 < 167.00 < 180.00

Complete: 1854 (100.00%)

sex Gender reported by school decimal 1 : Female
2 : Male
Complete: 1854 (100.00%)

ethnicity_1 Ethnicity reported by school - higher level category decimal 1 : Asian or Asian British
2 : Black, Black British, Caribbean or African
3 : Mixed or multiple ethnic groups
4 : White
5 : Other ethnic group
97 : Data provided but ethnicity not stated
98 : Data provided but unmapped
99 : Data not provided
Complete: 1854 (100.00%)

ethnicity_2 Ethnicity reported by school - lower level category decimal 11 : Indian
12 : Pakistani
13 : Bangladeshi
14 : Chinese
15 : Any other Asian background
21 : Caribbean
22 : African
23 : Any other Black, Black British, or Caribbean background
31 : White and Black Caribbean
32 : White and Black African
33 : White and Asian
34 : Any other Mixed or multiple ethnic background
41 : English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British
42 : Irish
43 : Gypsy or Irish Traveller
44 : Roma
45 : Any other White background
51 : Arab
52 : Any other ethnic group
97 : Data provided but ethnicity not stated
98 : Data provided but unmapped
99 : Data not provided
Complete: 1854 (100.00%)

birth_year Year of birth decimal mean (sd)
2008.63 (0.51)

min < median < max
2007.00 < 2009.00 < 2009.00

Complete: 1854 (100.00%)

birth_month Month of birth decimal mean (sd)
6.52 (3.46)

min < median < max
1.00 < 7.00 < 12.00

Complete: 1854 (100.00%)

school_id Pseudo school ID text 14 unique values
1854 non-missing values
40 characters
year_group Year group at recruitment text 1 unique values
1854 non-missing values
1 characters
form_tutor_id Pseudo recruitment form tutor ID text 100 unique values
1854 non-missing values
40 characters
date_measurement Date of measurement date from 2022-02-15
to 2023-06-30

Complete: 1854 (100.00%)

age_m Age (months) at measurement decimal mean (sd)
167.42 (4.67)

min < median < max
158.00 < 167.00 < 184.00

Complete: 1854 (100.00%)

age_y Age (years) at measurement decimal mean (sd)
13.49 (0.51)

min < median < max
13.00 < 13.00 < 15.00

Complete: 1854 (100.00%)

bp_sys_1 Systolic reading 1 (mm Hg) decimal mean (sd)
126.81 (14.71)

min < median < max
0.14 < 126.00 < 210.00

Complete: 1854 (100.00%)

bp_dia_1 Diastolic reading 1 (mm Hg) decimal mean (sd)
76.64 (11.57)

min < median < max
42.00 < 76.00 < 185.00

Complete: 1854 (100.00%)

bp_sys_2 Systolic reading 2 (mm Hg) decimal mean (sd)
121.96 (12.70)

min < median < max
77.00 < 121.00 < 198.00

Complete: 1833 (98.87%)

bp_dia_2 Diastolic reading 2 (mm Hg) decimal mean (sd)
74.99 (9.78)

min < median < max
42.00 < 75.00 < 173.00

Complete: 1833 (98.87%)