Born in Bradford Data Dictionary

BiBBS property level street centrality, walkabilty and land use data

Table ID: BiBBS_Geographic.bibbs_geog_sc_walkability_lu

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Property 37 3478 2023-05-17 NA

Summarises the walkability and urban composition in the area surrounding the property address. Average walkability is measured through a circular buffer at a range of radii. Street centrality measures betweenness and closeness centrality of the residential street and the street network at a range of radii. Land use is measured through Shannon’s Diversity Index through a circular buffer at a range of radii.
Usage instructions: To link to BiBBS participants, use the id column to link to the property_id variable in bibbs_geog_person.
Further information: Created by Kimon Krenz, on behalf of Born in Bradford. Please reference Krenz et al. (2023) when using this data, where more detailed methodological information can be found regarding the construction of these variables.

variable label value_type summary
sc_2021_btwn_r500_f32_300_max Max value of angular betweenness centrality (r500m) within street network 300m
Maximum value of angular betweenness centrality (radius 500m) within street network based distance of 300m.
decimal mean (sd)
15947363.35 (5840040.71)

min < median < max
1294935.38 < 15528597.00 < 29180513.00

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

sc_2021_btwn_r1000_f32_300_max Max value of angular betweenness centrality (r1000m) within street network 300m
Maximum value of angular betweenness centrality (radius 1000m) within street network based distance of 300m.
decimal mean (sd)
153613307.87 (57087377.59)

min < median < max
10634199.00 < 144413504.00 < 290522640.00

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

sc_2021_btwn_r1500_f32_300_max Max value of angular betweenness centrality (r1500m) within street network 300m
Maximum value of angular betweenness centrality (radius 1500m) within street network based distance of 300m.
decimal mean (sd)
598171881.21 (226280005.30)

min < median < max
36437610.00 < 594767392.00 < 1037617984.00

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

sc_2021_btwn_r2000_f32_300_max Max value of angular betweenness centrality (r2000m) within street network 300m
Maximum value of angular betweenness centrality (radius 2000m) within street network based distance of 300m.
decimal mean (sd)
1533253018.28 (616537932.96)

min < median < max
78208008.00 < 1528212992.00 < 2822244096.00

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

sc_2021_close_r500_f32_300_max Max value of angular closeness centrality (r500m) within street network 300m
Maximum value of angular closeness centrality (radius 500m) within street network based distance of 300m.
decimal mean (sd)
3985.89 (1175.33)

min < median < max
338.83 < 3932.44 < 6075.59

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

sc_2021_close_r1000_f32_300_max Max value of angular closeness centrality (r1000m) within street network 300m
Maximum value of angular closeness centrality (radius 1000m) within street network based distance of 300m.
decimal mean (sd)
9603.92 (2384.61)

min < median < max
1710.99 < 9816.04 < 13894.24

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

sc_2021_close_r1500_f32_300_max Max value of angular closeness centrality (r1500m) within street network 300m
Maximum value of angular closeness centrality (radius 1500m) within street network based distance of 300m.
decimal mean (sd)
16416.09 (3482.18)

min < median < max
2983.45 < 16498.43 < 23212.66

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

sc_2021_close_r2000_f32_300_max Max value of angular closeness centrality (r2000m) within street network 300m
Maximum value of angular closeness centrality (radius 2000m) within street network based distance of 300m.
decimal mean (sd)
24147.68 (4574.15)

min < median < max
4329.27 < 24172.01 < 36374.08

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

sc_2021_btwn_r500_f32_300_mean Mean value of angular betweenness centrality (r500m) within street network 300m
Average value of angular betweenness centrality (radius 500m) within street network based distance of 300m.
decimal mean (sd)
4151627.10 (1190331.40)

min < median < max
384236.98 < 4104114.99 < 7429823.23

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

sc_2021_btwn_r1000_f32_300_mean Mean value of angular betweenness centrality (r1000m) within street network 300m
Average value of angular betweenness centrality (radius 1000m) within street network based distance of 300m.
decimal mean (sd)
30446677.47 (8735932.19)

min < median < max
2670739.87 < 30499576.85 < 66213931.32

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

sc_2021_btwn_r1500_f32_300_mean Mean value of angular betweenness centrality (r1500m) within street network 300m
Average value of angular betweenness centrality (radius 1500m) within street network based distance of 300m.
decimal mean (sd)
98051873.94 (35308000.64)

min < median < max
9943965.27 < 94574550.61 < 244463199.58

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

sc_2021_btwn_r2000_f32_300_mean Mean value of angular betweenness centrality (r2000m) within street network 300m
Average value of angular betweenness centrality (radius 2000m) within street network based distance of 300m.
decimal mean (sd)
223448172.18 (97766007.23)

min < median < max
21929838.35 < 211586665.54 < 611610235.85

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

sc_2021_close_r500_f32_300_mean Mean value of angular closeness centrality (r500m) within street network 300m
Average value of angular closeness centrality (radius 500m) within street network based distance of 300m.
decimal mean (sd)
2458.96 (860.28)

min < median < max
184.71 < 2379.01 < 4240.56

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

sc_2021_close_r1000_f32_300_mean Mean value of angular closeness centrality (r1000m) within street network 300m
Average value of angular closeness centrality (radius 1000m) within street network based distance of 300m.
decimal mean (sd)
6492.54 (1737.86)

min < median < max
805.27 < 6823.38 < 10800.25

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

sc_2021_close_r1500_f32_300_mean Mean value of angular closeness centrality (r1500m) within street network 300m
Average value of angular closeness centrality (radius 1500m) within street network based distance of 300m.
decimal mean (sd)
11845.20 (2694.58)

min < median < max
1404.63 < 12069.38 < 17873.82

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

sc_2021_close_r2000_f32_300_mean Mean value of angular closeness centrality (r2000m) within street network 300m
Average value of angular closeness centrality (radius 2000m) within street network based distance of 300m.
decimal mean (sd)
18152.71 (3647.50)

min < median < max
3104.65 < 18298.05 < 29004.45

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

sc_2021_btwn_r500_b_3_2 Angular betweenness centrality (r500m) at residential street
Angular betweenness centrality (radius 500m) at the residential street.
decimal mean (sd)
3146663.54 (3262155.48)

min < median < max
19619.16 < 2036303.84 < 21449420.00

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

sc_2021_btwn_r1000_b_3_2 Angular betweenness centrality (r1000m) at residential street
Angular betweenness centrality (radius 1000m) at the residential street.
decimal mean (sd)
20118675.58 (29518331.44)

min < median < max
100417.26 < 8124890.75 < 242974872.00

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

sc_2021_btwn_r1500_b_3_2 Angular betweenness centrality (r1500m) at residential street
Angular betweenness centrality (radius 1500m) at the residential street.
decimal mean (sd)
59358619.90 (109533760.39)

min < median < max
268326.00 < 17268605.75 < 902639968.00

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

sc_2021_btwn_r2000_b_3_2 Angular betweenness centrality (r2000m) at residential street
Angular betweenness centrality (radius 2000m) at the residential street.
decimal mean (sd)
126142137.63 (273308268.14)

min < median < max
490324.16 < 30181474.00 < 2405968128.00

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

sc_2021_close_r500_b_3_2 Angular closeness centrality (r500m) at residential street
Angular closeness centrality (radius 500m) at the residential street.
decimal mean (sd)
2245.02 (1018.96)

min < median < max
96.67 < 2135.12 < 5623.77

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

sc_2021_close_r1000_b_3_2 Angular closeness centrality (r1000m) at residential street
Angular closeness centrality (radius 1000m) at the residential street.
decimal mean (sd)
6067.95 (1975.15)

min < median < max
530.17 < 6167.37 < 13276.41

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

sc_2021_close_r1500_b_3_2 Angular closeness centrality (r1500m) at residential street
Angular closeness centrality (radius 1500m) at the residential street.
decimal mean (sd)
11228.34 (3047.56)

min < median < max
1727.11 < 11381.12 < 21597.29

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

sc_2021_close_r2000_b_3_2 Angular closeness centrality (r2000m) at residential street
Angular closeness centrality (radius 2000m) at the residential street.
decimal mean (sd)
17374.94 (4119.52)

min < median < max
3048.56 < 17428.90 < 32828.23

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

sc_2021_distance_300_mean Mean distance to street segments in meters within street network 300m
Average distance to street segments in meters within street network based distance of 300m.
decimal mean (sd)
204.44 (11.79)

min < median < max
133.03 < 205.22 < 238.81

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

wa_2019_walk_g_1_100_mean Mean walkability within 100m circular buffer of home address
Average walkability within 100m circular buffer around the home address.
decimal mean (sd)
1.01 (0.23)

min < median < max
0.28 < 0.98 < 2.13

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

wa_2019_walk_g_1_300_mean Mean walkability within 300m circular buffer of home address
Average walkability within 300m circular buffer around the home address.
decimal mean (sd)
1.02 (0.20)

min < median < max
0.34 < 1.00 < 2.14

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

wa_2019_walk_g_1_500_mean Mean walkability within 500m circular buffer of home address
Average walkability within 500m circular buffer around the home address.
decimal mean (sd)
1.03 (0.17)

min < median < max
0.35 < 1.03 < 2.10

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

wa_2019_walk_g_1_1000_mean Mean walkability within 1000m circular buffer of home address
Average walkability within 1000m circular buffer around the home address.
decimal mean (sd)
1.02 (0.16)

min < median < max
0.33 < 1.02 < 1.70

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

wa_2019_walk_g_1_1500_mean Mean walkability within 1500m circular buffer of home address
Average walkability within 1500m circular buffer around the home address.
decimal mean (sd)
1.02 (0.17)

min < median < max
0.32 < 1.04 < 1.44

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

wa_2019_walk_g_1_2000_mean Mean walkability within 2000m circular buffer of home address
Average walkability within 2000m circular buffer around the home address.
decimal mean (sd)
1.00 (0.16)

min < median < max
0.31 < 1.04 < 1.29

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

la_2019_LandUseInt_g_1_100_mean Mean intensity of land_use (SDI) within 100m circular buffer of home address
Average intensity of lande-uses (Shannon’s Diversity Index) within 100m circular buffer around the home address.
decimal mean (sd)
0.06 (0.03)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.05 < 0.34

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

la_2019_LandUseInt_g_1_300_mean Mean intensity of land_use (SDI) within 300m circular buffer of home address
Average intensity of lande-uses (Shannon’s Diversity Index) within 300m circular buffer around the home address.
decimal mean (sd)
0.06 (0.03)

min < median < max
0.01 < 0.05 < 0.38

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

la_2019_LandUseInt_g_1_500_mean Mean intensity of land_use (SDI) within 500m circular buffer of home address
Average intensity of lande-uses (Shannon’s Diversity Index) within 500m circular buffer around the home address.
decimal mean (sd)
0.06 (0.03)

min < median < max
0.02 < 0.06 < 0.39

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

la_2019_LandUseInt_g_1_1000_mean Mean intensity of land_use (SDI) within 1000m circular buffer of home address
Average intensity of lande-uses (Shannon’s Diversity Index) within 1000m circular buffer around the home address.
decimal mean (sd)
0.07 (0.03)

min < median < max
0.03 < 0.07 < 0.27

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

la_2019_LandUseInt_g_1_1500_mean Mean intensity of land_use (SDI) within 1500m circular buffer of home address
Average intensity of lande-uses (Shannon’s Diversity Index) within 1500m circular buffer around the home address.
decimal mean (sd)
0.08 (0.03)

min < median < max
0.03 < 0.07 < 0.17

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)

la_2019_LandUseInt_g_1_2000_mean Mean intensity of land_use (SDI) within 2000m circular buffer of home address
Average intensity of lande-uses (Shannon’s Diversity Index) within 2000m circular buffer around the home address.
decimal mean (sd)
0.08 (0.02)

min < median < max
0.04 < 0.08 < 0.13

Complete: 3460 (99.48%)