Born in Bradford Data Dictionary

BiBBS LSOA level geographic information

Table ID: BiBBS_Geographic.bibbs_geog_lsoa

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LSOA 9 123 2023-05-02 NA

BiBBS participants LSOA level information, including national IMD and a local version of the IMD 2019 decile variable which has been recalculated using only Bradford LSOA. Can be linked to bibbs_geog_person and bibbs_geog_property by “LSOA11CD”, or can be used as a stand-alone table of unique LSOA. Obtained from monthly NHS Tracing Service searches. All IMD and Townsend variables are open data and are covered by the UK Open Government License (OGL) - please get in touch for more information.

variable label value_type summary
IMD_2010_decile IMD 2010 decile decimal mean (sd)
2.37 (1.85)

min < median < max
1.00 < 2.00 < 10.00

Complete: 123 (100.00%)

IMD_2010_score IMD 2010 score decimal mean (sd)
43.10 (18.17)

min < median < max
3.51 < 44.65 < 81.07

Complete: 123 (100.00%)

IMD_2019_decile IMD 2019 decile decimal mean (sd)
2.04 (1.56)

min < median < max
1.00 < 1.00 < 10.00

Complete: 123 (100.00%)

IMD_2019_score IMD 2019 score decimal mean (sd)
44.46 (15.87)

min < median < max
4.21 < 45.55 < 75.91

Complete: 123 (100.00%)

IMD_2019_decile_bfd IMD 2019 decile - reclassified for only Bradford LSOA decimal mean (sd)
3.75 (2.12)

min < median < max
1.00 < 3.00 < 9.00

Complete: 118 (95.93%)

IDACI_2019_decile Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI) 2019 decile decimal mean (sd)
2.83 (1.80)

min < median < max
1.00 < 2.00 < 10.00

Complete: 123 (100.00%)

IDACI_2019_score Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI) 2019 score decimal mean (sd)
0.26 (0.10)

min < median < max
0.03 < 0.26 < 0.54

Complete: 123 (100.00%)

TDI_2011_score Townsend deprivation index (score) using 2011 census data decimal mean (sd)
3.84 (3.56)

min < median < max
-3.74 < 4.56 < 10.53

Complete: 123 (100.00%)

TDI_2011_quintile Townsend deprivation index (quintile) using 2011 census data decimal mean (sd)
4.26 (1.05)

min < median < max
1.00 < 5.00 < 5.00

Complete: 123 (100.00%)