Born in Bradford Data Dictionary

AoW survey module 3 2023 release

Table ID: BiB_AgeOfWonder.survey_mod03_dr23

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Entity type Variables Entities Updated Related tables
Participant 225 2026 2023-11-10 NA

Annual data release 2023 student survey module 3

variable label value_type summary
BiBPersonID BiB cohort person ID text 719 unique values
719 non-missing values
8 characters
is_bib Participant is in original BiB cohort decimal mean (sd)
0.35 (0.48)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 1.00

Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

aow_recruitment_id Age of Wonder recruitment ID text 2026 unique values
2026 non-missing values
10 characters
recruitment_era Recruitment era (academic year) text 1 unique values
2026 non-missing values
7 characters
age_recruitment_y Age at recruitment in years decimal mean (sd)
13.37 (0.98)

min < median < max
12.00 < 13.00 < 16.00

Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

age_recruitment_m Age at recruitment in months decimal mean (sd)
165.79 (11.07)

min < median < max
145.00 < 166.00 < 192.00

Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

gender Gender reported by school decimal 1 : Female
2 : Male
Complete: 2025 (99.95%)

ethnicity_1 Ethnicity reported by school - higher level category decimal 1 : Asian or Asian British
2 : Black, Black British, Caribbean or African
3 : Mixed or multiple ethnic groups
4 : White
5 : Other ethnic group
97 : Data provided but ethnicity not stated
98 : Data provided but unmapped
99 : Data not provided
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

ethnicity_2 Ethnicity reported by school - lower level category decimal 11 : Indian
12 : Pakistani
13 : Bangladeshi
14 : Chinese
15 : Any other Asian background
21 : Caribbean
22 : African
23 : Any other Black, Black British, or Caribbean background
31 : White and Black Caribbean
32 : White and Black African
33 : White and Asian
34 : Any other Mixed or multiple ethnic background
41 : English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British
42 : Irish
43 : Gypsy or Irish Traveller
44 : Roma
45 : Any other White background
51 : Arab
52 : Any other ethnic group
97 : Data provided but ethnicity not stated
98 : Data provided but unmapped
99 : Data not provided
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

birth_year Year of birth decimal mean (sd)
2008.68 (0.97)

min < median < max
2006.00 < 2009.00 < 2010.00

Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

birth_month Month of birth decimal mean (sd)
6.42 (3.48)

min < median < max
1.00 < 6.00 < 12.00

Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

school_id Pseudo school ID text 8 unique values
2026 non-missing values
40 characters
year_group Year group at recruitment text 3 unique values
2026 non-missing values
1 to 2 characters
form_tutor_id Pseudo recruitment form tutor ID text 136 unique values
2026 non-missing values
40 characters
age_survey_y Age (years) at survey date decimal mean (sd)
13.69 (0.97)

min < median < max
12.00 < 14.00 < 16.00

Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

age_survey_m Age (months) at survey date decimal mean (sd)
169.73 (10.83)

min < median < max
150.00 < 170.00 < 197.00

Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

survey_date Date survey taken date from 2023-03-13
to 2023-08-07

Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

survey_version Survey version decimal mean (sd)
5.74 (1.12)

min < median < max
5.00 < 5.00 < 8.00

Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

survey_mode Survey taken online or offline? decimal 1 : Online
2 : Offline
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_1_general_hlth How good is your health in general? decimal 1 : Very good
2 : Good
3 : Fair
4 : Bad
5 : Very Bad
Complete: 1999 (98.67%)

awb5_1_hearing_sght_1 Do you wear glasses or contact lenses? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 2008 (99.11%)

awb5_1_hearing_sght_2 Do you have any difficulty seeing? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 1994 (98.42%)

awb5_1_hearing_sght_3 Do you have any difficulty hearing or use a hearing aid, including if you cannot decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 1997 (98.57%)

awb5_1_hearing_sght_4 Have you ever had your eyes tested outside of school? decimal 1 : No
2 : Not sure
3 : Yes
Complete: 2006 (99.01%)

awb5_1_food_dt_1 How often do you and your family usually have meals together? decimal 1 : Every day
2 : Most days
3 : About once a week
4 : Less often
5 : Never
Complete: 1997 (98.57%)

awb5_1_food_dt_2 How often do you eat breakfast over a week? decimal 1 : Every day
2 : Most days
3 : About once a week
4 : Less often
5 : Never
Complete: 1986 (98.03%)

awb5_1_food_dt_3 How often do you eat at least 2 portions of fruit per day? decimal 1 : Every day
2 : Most days
3 : About once a week
4 : Less often
5 : Never
Complete: 1986 (98.03%)

awb5_1_food_dt_4 How often do you eat at least 2 portions of vegetables per day? decimal 1 : Every day
2 : Most days
3 : About once a week
4 : Less often
5 : Never
Complete: 1977 (97.58%)

awb5_1_food_dt_5 How often do you drink diet drinks or sugar free drinks like diet cola or sugar- decimal 1 : Every day
2 : Most days
3 : About once a week
4 : Less often
5 : Never
Complete: 1979 (97.68%)

awb5_1_food_dt_6_r7 How often do you drink sugary drinks like regular cola or squash? decimal -2 : Revised in version 7
1 : Every day
2 : Most days
3 : About once a week
4 : Less often
5 : Never
Complete: 1952 (96.35%)

awb5_1_food_dt_7 How often do you eat fast food such as McDonalds, Burger King, KFC or other fast decimal 1 : Every day
2 : Most days
3 : About once a week
4 : Less often
5 : Never
Complete: 1979 (97.68%)

awb5_1_food_dt_8 How would you describe your diet? decimal 1 : Very unhealthy
2 : Unhealthy
3 : Neither healthy nor unhealthy
4 : Healthy
5 : Very healthy
Complete: 1962 (96.84%)

awb4_5_location_1 Where do you normally eat your meals? decimal 1 : At a table
2 : In front of the television
3 : Somewhere else (please descirbe)
Complete: 1982 (97.83%)

awb4_5_location_2 Where do you normally eat your meals? Describe text 141 unique values
183 non-missing values
3 to 120 characters
awb2_12_eat_hbt_1_a5 Have you deliberately limited food intake to influence weight? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : 0 days
2 : 1-2 days
3 : 3-5 days
4 : 6-7 days
Complete: 1901 (93.83%)

awb2_12_eat_hbt_2_a5 Have you gone for long periods of time without eating to influence weight? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : 0 days
2 : 1-2 days
3 : 3-5 days
4 : 6-7 days
Complete: 1909 (94.23%)

awb2_12_eat_hbt_3_a5 Has thinking about food/calories made it difficult to concentrate on interests? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : 0 days
2 : 1-2 days
3 : 3-5 days
4 : 6-7 days
Complete: 1900 (93.78%)

awb2_12_eat_hbt_4_a5 Has thinking about your weight made it difficult to concentrate on interests? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : 0 days
2 : 1-2 days
3 : 3-5 days
4 : 6-7 days
Complete: 1891 (93.34%)

awb2_12_eat_hbt_5_a5 Have you had a definite fear that you might gain weight? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : 0 days
2 : 1-2 days
3 : 3-5 days
4 : 6-7 days
Complete: 1895 (93.53%)

awb2_12_eat_hbt_6_a5 Have you had a strong desire to lose weight? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : 0 days
2 : 1-2 days
3 : 3-5 days
4 : 6-7 days
Complete: 1900 (93.78%)

awb2_12_eat_hbt_7_a5 Have you tried to control weight by making yourself sick/taking laxatives? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : 0 days
2 : 1-2 days
3 : 3-5 days
4 : 6-7 days
Complete: 1900 (93.78%)

awb2_12_eat_hbt_8_a5 Have you exercised compulsively to control weight? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : 0 days
2 : 1-2 days
3 : 3-5 days
4 : 6-7 days
Complete: 1899 (93.73%)

awb2_12_eat_hbt_9_a5 Have you felt like you’ve lost control over eating? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : 0 days
2 : 1-2 days
3 : 3-5 days
4 : 6-7 days
Complete: 1896 (93.58%)

awb2_12_eat_hbt_10_a5 How many days do you eat an unusually large amount of food in one go? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : 0 days
2 : 1-2 days
3 : 3-5 days
4 : 6-7 days
Complete: 1050 (51.83%)

awb2_12_wght_1_a5 Has your weight influenced how you judge yourself in past 7 days? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Not at all
2 : Slightly
3 : Moderately
4 : Markedly
Complete: 1909 (94.23%)

awb2_12_wght_2_a5 How dissatisfied have you been with your weight in past 7 days? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Not at all
2 : Slightly
3 : Moderately
4 : Markedly
Complete: 1911 (94.32%)

awb5_1_oral_hlth_1 How often do you brush your teeth? decimal 1 : More than once a day
2 : Once a day
3 : At least once a week but not daily
4 : Less than once a week
5 : Never
Complete: 1976 (97.53%)

awb5_1_oral_hlth_2 How many times did you clean your teeth yesterday? decimal 1 : None
2 : Once
3 : Twice
4 : Three times or more
Complete: 1977 (97.58%)

awb5_1_oral_hlth_3 Do you have a dentist you see every 6 months or so? decimal 1 : No
2 : Not sure
3 : Yes
Complete: 1954 (96.45%)

awb5_1_oral_hlth_4 Why did you go to the dentist last time? decimal 1 : I have never been
2 : I was having trouble with my teeth
3 : I went for a check up
4 : Other reason (please describe)
Complete: 1958 (96.64%)

awb5_1_oral_hlth_5 Why did you last go to the dentist? Describe text 97 unique values
131 non-missing values
3 to 362 characters
awb4_4_sex What is your sex? The biological sex on your birth certificate decimal 1 : Female
2 : Male
3 : Do not wish to answer
4 : Wish to enter own response
Complete: 1968 (97.14%)

awb4_4_sex_othr What is your sex? Describe text 22 unique values
22 non-missing values
3 to 32 characters
awb4_4_growth_sprt How would you describe a growth spurt? decimal 1 : My growth spurt has not yet begun
2 : My growth spurt has barely started
3 : My growth spurt has definitely started
4 : My growth spurt seems completed
Complete: 1865 (92.05%)

awb4_4_body_hr How would you describe the growth of your body hair? decimal 1 : My body hair has not yet begun to grow
2 : My body hair has barely started to grow
3 : My body hair has definitely started to grow
4 : My body hair growth seems completed
Complete: 1809 (89.29%)

awb4_4_skin How would you describe the changes to your skin? decimal 1 : My skin has not yet started changing
2 : My skin has barely started changing
3 : My skin has definitely started changing
4 : My skin changes seem completed
Complete: 1877 (92.65%)

awb4_4by_gendersex_m How would you describe your voice? decimal 1 : My voice has not yet started getting deeper
2 : My voice has barely started getting deeper
3 : My voice has definitely started getting deeper
4 : My voice change seems completed
Complete: 784 (38.70%)

awb4_4y_gendersex_m_1 How would you describe the growth of your facial hair? decimal 1 : My facial hair has not yet started to grow
2 : My facial hair has barely started to grow
3 : My facial hair has definitely started to grow
4 : My facial hair growth seems completed
Complete: 782 (38.60%)

awb4_4y_gendersex_f_1 How would you describe the growth of your breasts? decimal 1 : My breasts have not yet started to grow
2 : My breasts have barely started to grow
3 : My breasts have definitely started to grow
4 : My breast growth seems completed
Complete: 925 (45.66%)

awb4_4y_gendersex_f_2 Have you started your periods? decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 1057 (52.17%)

awb4_4y_gendersex_y_f_2 How old were you when you had your first period? decimal mean (sd)
16.28 (94.14)

min < median < max
1.00 < 12.00 < 2017.00

Complete: 906 (44.72%)

awb4_4y_ph_otherq If you could ask teenagers in Bradford about health, what would it be? text 635 unique values
757 non-missing values
1 to 277 characters
awb5_1_cigs_a5 Have you ever smoked cigarettes? (not including vape/e-cigarettes) decimal -1 : Added in version 5
0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 1958 (96.64%)

awb5_1_cigs2_a5 If yes, how often do you smoke cigarettes? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : I have only ever tried smoking cigarettes once
2 : I used to smoke sometimes but I never smoke now
3 : I sometimes smoke cigarettes, but less than one a week
4 : I usually smoke between one and six cigarettes a week
5 : I usually smoke more than six cigarettes a week
Complete: 67 (3.31%)

awb5_3_smoke How old were you when you first tried smoking a cigarette? decimal mean (sd)
11.65 (3.24)

min < median < max
1.00 < 12.00 < 15.00

Complete: 60 (2.96%)

awb5_2_evr_vaped_a5 Have you ever vaped/used an e-cigerette? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 1945 (96.00%)

awb5_2_vape_r4 Which vaping habit best describes you? decimal -2 : Revised in version 4
1 : I have never tried an e-cigarette or vaping device
2 : I have only ever tried an e-cigarette or vaping device once
3 : I used to use an e-cigarette or vaping device sometimes but I dont now
4 : I sometimes use an e-cigarette or vaping device now but less than once a week
5 : I usually use an e-cigarette or vaping device between one and six times a week
6 : I usually use an e-cigarette or vaping device more than six times a week
Complete: 1908 (94.18%)

awb5_2_smokevape_prnt Do your parents/carers smoke/vape at all? decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 1947 (96.10%)

aw5_2_vape_prnt Does anyone smoke/vape indoors at home in rooms you use? decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 1941 (95.80%)

awb5_2_alcohol Have you ever had an alcoholic drink that is more than a few sips? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 1946 (96.05%)

awb5_2y_alcohol_age How old were you when you first had an alcoholic drink? decimal mean (sd)
11.79 (2.68)

min < median < max
1.00 < 12.00 < 18.00

Complete: 128 (6.32%)

awb5_2y_alcohol_frqncy How many times have you had an alcoholic drink in the last 12 months? decimal 1 : Never
2 : 1-2 times
3 : A few times
4 : Monthly
5 : Weekly
6 : More than once a week
Complete: 145 (7.16%)

awb5_2y_alcohol_qntty Have you ever had 5+ alcoholic drinks at a time? decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 141 (6.96%)

awb5_2_yalcohol_y_qntty_age How old were you when you first had 5+ alcohol drinks? decimal mean (sd)
13.31 (1.79)

min < median < max
5.00 < 14.00 < 15.00

Complete: 29 (1.43%)

awb5_2_yalcohol_y_qntty_frqncy How many times have you had 5+ alcoholic drinks in the last 12 months? decimal 1 : Never
2 : 1-2 times
3 : A few times
4 : Monthly
5 : Weekly
6 : More than once a week
Complete: 36 (1.78%)

awb5_2y_alcohol_lctn___1 I got alcohol from parents to drink with them in past week decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: I got my alcohol from my parents to drink with them
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2y_alcohol_lctn___2 I got alcohol from parents to drink with friends in past week decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: I got my alcohol from my parents to drink with my friends
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2y_alcohol_lctn___3 I took/stole alcohol from home in past week decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: I took/stole my alcohol from home
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2y_alcohol_lctn___4 I bought alcohol from supermarket in past week decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: I bought my alcohol from a supermarket
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2y_alcohol_lctn___5 I bought alcohol from off licence in past week decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: I bought my alcohol from an off licence or other shop
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2y_alcohol_lctn___6 I got stranger to buy alcohol from supermarket in past week decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: I got a stranger to buy alcohol for me from a supermarket
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2y_alcohol_lctn___7 I got stranger to buy alcohol from off licence in past week decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: I got a stranger to buy alcohol for me from an off licence or other shop
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2y_alcohol_lctn___8 I got friend/sibling to buy alcohol for me in past week decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: I got a friend/sibling to buy alcohol for me
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2y_alcohol_lctn___9 I bought alcohol in a pub/club in past week decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: I bought alcohol in a pub or club
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2y_alcohol_lctn___10 I got alcohol some other way in past week (describe) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: I got alcohol some other way (please describe)
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2y_alcohol_lctn_1 Have you bought alcoholic drinks at any of these places in past week? text 6 unique values
6 non-missing values
9 to 24 characters
awb5_2y_alcohol_whch_1___1 Have you had no alcohol in the past 7 days? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: None
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2y_alcohol_whch_1___2 Have you had pre-mixed spirits in past 7 days? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Pre-mixed spirits (‘alcopops’)
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2y_alcohol_whch_1___3 Have you had beer/lager in past 7 days? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Beer or lager
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2y_alcohol_whch_1___4 Have you had any spirits in past 7 days? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Spirits (vodka, whisky, rum, Baileys)
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2y_alcohol_whch_1___5 Have you had cider/perry in past 7 days? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Cider or perry
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2y_alcohol_whch_1___6 Have you have fortified wine in past 7 days? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Fortified wines (Martini, port, sherry)
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2y_alcohol_whch_1___7 Have you had wine in past 7 days? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Wine
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2y_alcohol_whch_1___8 Have you had any other alcohol in past 7 days? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Other (please describe)
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2y_alcohol_lctn_2 Which drinks have you had in past week? Describe text 10 unique values
11 non-missing values
3 to 32 characters
awb5_2y_alcohol_prnts If you ever drink alcohol, do your parents/carers know? decimal 1 : I never drink alcohol
2 : My parents/carers always know
3 : My parents/carers usually know
4 : My parents/carers sometimes know
5 : My parents/carers never know
Complete: 142 (7.01%)

awb5_drugs Have you ever taken drugs? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 1961 (96.79%)

awb5_2_drugs_1 Have you ever taken cannibis? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 83 (4.10%)

awb5_2_cannabis_pstyr In the past year how many times have you taken cannabis? decimal 1 : Once or twice
2 : Three of four times
3 : Five to ten times
4 : More than ten times
5 : Not taken in last year
Complete: 32 (1.58%)

awb5_2_drugs_2 Have you ever taken cocaine? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 72 (3.55%)

awb5_2_cocaine_pstyr In the past year how many times have you taken cocaine? decimal 1 : Once or twice
2 : Three of four times
3 : Five to ten times
4 : More than ten times
5 : Not taken in last year
Complete: 9 (0.44%)

awb5_2_drugs_3 Have you ever taken acid or LSD? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 70 (3.46%)

awb5_2_acid_pstyr In the past year how many times have you taken acid or LSD? decimal 1 : Once or twice
2 : Three of four times
3 : Five to ten times
4 : More than ten times
5 : Not taken in last year
Complete: 8 (0.39%)

awb5_2_drugs_4 Have you ever taken ecstasy? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 70 (3.46%)

awb5_2_ecstasy_pstyr In the past year how many times have you taken ecstasy? decimal 1 : Once or twice
2 : Three of four times
3 : Five to ten times
4 : More than ten times
5 : Not taken in last year
Complete: 9 (0.44%)

awb5_2_drugs_5 Have you ever taken heroin? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 73 (3.60%)

awb5_2_heroin_pstyr In the past year how many times have you taken heroin? decimal 1 : Once or twice
2 : Three of four times
3 : Five to ten times
4 : More than ten times
5 : Not taken in last year
Complete: 4 (0.20%)

awb5_2_drugs_6 Have you ever taken crack? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 72 (3.55%)

awb5_2_crack_pstyr In the past year how many times have you taken crack? decimal 1 : Once or twice
2 : Three of four times
3 : Five to ten times
4 : More than ten times
5 : Not taken in last year
Complete: 8 (0.39%)

awb5_2_drugs_7 Have you ever taken speed or amphetamines? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 72 (3.55%)

awb5_2_speed_pstyr In the past year how many times have you taken speed or amphetamines? decimal 1 : Once or twice
2 : Three of four times
3 : Five to ten times
4 : More than ten times
5 : Not taken in last year
Complete: 5 (0.25%)

awb5_2_drugs_8 Have you ever taken methamphetamine? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 71 (3.50%)

awb5_2_meth_pstyr In the past year how many times have you taken Methamphetamine? decimal 1 : Once or twice
2 : Three of four times
3 : Five to ten times
4 : More than ten times
5 : Not taken in last year
Complete: 7 (0.35%)

awb5_2_drugs_9 Have you ever taken semeron? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 69 (3.41%)

awb5_2_smrn_pstyr_a5 In the past year, how many times have you taken semeron? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Once or twice
2 : Three of four times
3 : Five to ten times
4 : More than ten times
5 : Not taken in last year
Complete: 1 (0.05%)

awb5_2_drugs_10 Have you ever taken ketamine? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 70 (3.46%)

awb5_2_ket_pstyr In the past year how many times have you taken Ketamine? decimal 1 : Once or twice
2 : Three of four times
3 : Five to ten times
4 : More than ten times
5 : Not taken in last year
Complete: 6 (0.30%)

awb5_2_drugs_11 Have you ever taken mephedrone? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 65 (3.21%)

awb5_2_mephedrone_pstyr In the past year how many times have you taken Mephedrone? decimal 1 : Once or twice
2 : Three of four times
3 : Five to ten times
4 : More than ten times
5 : Not taken in last year
Complete: 3 (0.15%)

awb5_2_drugs_12 Have you ever taken spice? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 67 (3.31%)

awb5_2_spice_pstyr In the past year how many times have you taken spice? decimal 1 : Once or twice
2 : Three of four times
3 : Five to ten times
4 : More than ten times
5 : Not taken in last year
Complete: 14 (0.69%)

awb5_2_drugs_13 Have you ever taken magic mushrooms? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 66 (3.26%)

awb5_2_mushrooms_pstyr In the past year how many times have you taken magic mushrooms? decimal 1 : Once or twice
2 : Three of four times
3 : Five to ten times
4 : More than ten times
5 : Not taken in last year
Complete: 9 (0.44%)

awb5_2_drugs_14 Have you ever taken salvia? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 64 (3.16%)

awb5_2_salvia_pstyr In the past year how many times have you taken salvia? decimal 1 : Once or twice
2 : Three of four times
3 : Five to ten times
4 : More than ten times
5 : Not taken in last year
Complete: 5 (0.25%)

awb5_2_drugs_15 Have you ever taken nitrous oxide? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 65 (3.21%)

awb5_2_nitrous_pstyr In the past year how many times have you taken nitrous oxide? decimal 1 : Once or twice
2 : Three of four times
3 : Five to ten times
4 : More than ten times
5 : Not taken in last year
Complete: 16 (0.79%)

awb5_2_drugs_16 Have you ever taken poppers? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 62 (3.06%)

awb5_2_poppers_pstyr In the past year how many times have you taken poppers? decimal 1 : Once or twice
2 : Three of four times
3 : Five to ten times
4 : More than ten times
5 : Not taken in last year
Complete: 5 (0.25%)

awb5_2_drugs_17 Have you ever taken prescription drugs not prescribed to you? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 64 (3.16%)

awb5_2_prescription_pstyr In the past year how many times have you taken prescription drugs for recreation decimal 1 : Once or twice
2 : Three of four times
3 : Five to ten times
4 : More than ten times
5 : Not taken in last year
Complete: 17 (0.84%)

awb5_2_gambling_1_a5 Have you spent any money on the Lotto? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Yes, in the last 7 days
2 : Yes, in the last 4 weeks
3 : Yes, in the last 12 months
4 : Yes, more than 12 months ago
5 : No, never
Complete: 1925 (95.01%)

awb5_2_gambling_2_a5 Have you spent any money on shop bought Scratchcards? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Yes, in the last 7 days
2 : Yes, in the last 4 weeks
3 : Yes, in the last 12 months
4 : Yes, more than 12 months ago
5 : No, never
Complete: 1906 (94.08%)

awb5_2_gambling_3_a5 Have you spent any money on National Lottery instant win games? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Yes, in the last 7 days
2 : Yes, in the last 4 weeks
3 : Yes, in the last 12 months
4 : Yes, more than 12 months ago
5 : No, never
Complete: 1908 (94.18%)

awb5_2_gambling_4_a5 Have you spent any money on National Lottery games? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Yes, in the last 7 days
2 : Yes, in the last 4 weeks
3 : Yes, in the last 12 months
4 : Yes, more than 12 months ago
5 : No, never
Complete: 1904 (93.98%)

awb5_2_gambling_5_a5 Have you spent any money on other lotteries? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Yes, in the last 7 days
2 : Yes, in the last 4 weeks
3 : Yes, in the last 12 months
4 : Yes, more than 12 months ago
5 : No, never
Complete: 1893 (93.44%)

awb5_2_gambling_6_a5 Have you spent any money on fruit/slot machines? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Yes, in the last 7 days
2 : Yes, in the last 4 weeks
3 : Yes, in the last 12 months
4 : Yes, more than 12 months ago
5 : No, never
Complete: 1891 (93.34%)

awb5_2_gambling_7_a5 Have you spent any money on placing private bet for money? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Yes, in the last 7 days
2 : Yes, in the last 4 weeks
3 : Yes, in the last 12 months
4 : Yes, more than 12 months ago
5 : No, never
Complete: 1896 (93.58%)

awb5_2_gambling_8_a5 Have you spent any money on playing cards for money? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Yes, in the last 7 days
2 : Yes, in the last 4 weeks
3 : Yes, in the last 12 months
4 : Yes, more than 12 months ago
5 : No, never
Complete: 1903 (93.93%)

awb5_2_gambling_9_a5 Have you spent any money on bingo at a bingo club? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Yes, in the last 7 days
2 : Yes, in the last 4 weeks
3 : Yes, in the last 12 months
4 : Yes, more than 12 months ago
5 : No, never
Complete: 1899 (93.73%)

awb5_2_gambling_10_a5 Have you spent any money on bingo at somewhere other than bingo club? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Yes, in the last 7 days
2 : Yes, in the last 4 weeks
3 : Yes, in the last 12 months
4 : Yes, more than 12 months ago
5 : No, never
Complete: 1904 (93.98%)

awb5_2_gambling_11_a5 Have you visited a betting shop to play machines? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Yes, in the last 7 days
2 : Yes, in the last 4 weeks
3 : Yes, in the last 12 months
4 : Yes, more than 12 months ago
5 : No, never
Complete: 1897 (93.63%)

awb5_2_gambling_12_a5 Have you personally placed a bet at a betting shop? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Yes, in the last 7 days
2 : Yes, in the last 4 weeks
3 : Yes, in the last 12 months
4 : Yes, more than 12 months ago
5 : No, never
Complete: 1896 (93.58%)

awb5_2_gambling_13_a5 Have you visited a casino to play casino games? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Yes, in the last 7 days
2 : Yes, in the last 4 weeks
3 : Yes, in the last 12 months
4 : Yes, more than 12 months ago
5 : No, never
Complete: 1894 (93.48%)

awb5_2_gambling_14_a5 Have you spent any money on gambling websites/apps for real money? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Yes, in the last 7 days
2 : Yes, in the last 4 weeks
3 : Yes, in the last 12 months
4 : Yes, more than 12 months ago
5 : No, never
Complete: 1889 (93.24%)

awb5_2_gambling_pstyr1_a5 In the past 12 months has your gambling ever led to arguments with family/friend decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : My gambling has never led to this
2 : Once or twice
3 : Sometimes
4 : Often
5 : Prefer not to say
Complete: 431 (21.27%)

awb5_2_gambling_pstyr2_a5 Has your gambling led to you lying to friends/family in past 1yr? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : My gambling has never led to this
2 : Once or twice
3 : Sometimes
4 : Often
5 : Prefer not to say
Complete: 424 (20.93%)

awb5_2_gambling_pstyr3_a5 In the past 12 months has your gambling ever led to missing school? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : My gambling has never led to this
2 : Once or twice
3 : Sometimes
4 : Often
5 : Prefer not to say
Complete: 425 (20.98%)

awb5_2_tkn_mny_r8___1 I’ve never taken money without permission to spend on gambling decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: I have never taken money without permission to spend on gambling
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2_tkn_mny_r8___2 I’ve taken dinner/fare money to spend on gambling in past year decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Dinner money or fare money
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2_tkn_mny_r8___3 I’ve taken money from family to spend on gambling in past year decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Money from family
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2_tkn_mny_r8___4 I’ve taken money from things I’ve sold to spend on gambling in past year decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Money from things you have sold
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2_tkn_mny_r8___5 I’ve taken money from outside the family to spend on gambling in past yr decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Money from outside the family
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2_tkn_mny_r8___6 I’ve taken money from elsewhere to spend on gambling in past year decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Somewhere else
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2_tkn_mny_r8___7 I’d prefer not to say where I’ve taken money from to spend on gambling decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Prefer not to say
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2_fam_spend1_a5 Have you spent any money on the lotto in past year? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Yes, in the last 12 months
2 : No, more than 12 months ago
3 : Never, as far as you know
4 : Dont know
5 : Prefer not to say
Complete: 1869 (92.25%)

awb5_2_fam_spend2_a5 Have you spent any money on the slot machines in past year? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Yes, in the last 12 months
2 : No, more than 12 months ago
3 : Never, as far as you know
4 : Dont know
5 : Prefer not to say
Complete: 1857 (91.66%)

awb5_2_fam_spend3_a5 Have you visited a betting shop to play game machines in past year? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Yes, in the last 12 months
2 : No, more than 12 months ago
3 : Never, as far as you know
4 : Dont know
5 : Prefer not to say
Complete: 1846 (91.12%)

awb5_2_fam_spend4_a5 Have you placed a bet at a betting shop in past year? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Yes, in the last 12 months
2 : No, more than 12 months ago
3 : Never, as far as you know
4 : Dont know
5 : Prefer not to say
Complete: 1831 (90.38%)

awb5_2_fam_spend5_a5 Have you played bingo at a bingo club in past year? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Yes, in the last 12 months
2 : No, more than 12 months ago
3 : Never, as far as you know
4 : Dont know
5 : Prefer not to say
Complete: 1845 (91.07%)

awb5_2_fam_spend6_a5 Have you played bingo elsewhere in past year? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Yes, in the last 12 months
2 : No, more than 12 months ago
3 : Never, as far as you know
4 : Dont know
5 : Prefer not to say
Complete: 1830 (90.33%)

awb5_2_fam_spend7_a5 Have you visited a casino to play casino games in past year? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Yes, in the last 12 months
2 : No, more than 12 months ago
3 : Never, as far as you know
4 : Dont know
5 : Prefer not to say
Complete: 1830 (90.33%)

awb5_2_fam_spend8_a5 Have you spent any money gambling websites in past year? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Yes, in the last 12 months
2 : No, more than 12 months ago
3 : Never, as far as you know
4 : Dont know
5 : Prefer not to say
Complete: 1826 (90.13%)

awb5_2_fam_spend9_a5 Have you spent any money other gambling in past year? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Yes, in the last 12 months
2 : No, more than 12 months ago
3 : Never, as far as you know
4 : Dont know
5 : Prefer not to say
Complete: 1828 (90.23%)

awb5_2_online_gamb1_a5 When, if ever, did you last play an online gambling-style game? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : In the past 7 days
2 : In the past 4 weeks
3 : In the past 12 months
4 : Longer than 12 months ago
5 : I have never played online gambling-style games
6 : Dont know
Complete: 1844 (91.02%)

awb5_2_online_gamb2_a5___1 Did you use social media website to gamble? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Using Facebook or other social networking website
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2_online_gamb2_a5___2 Did you use social media apps to gamble? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Using Facebook or other social networking apps
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2_online_gamb2_a5___3 Did you use free demo games on gambling websites? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Free demo games on gambling websites
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2_online_gamb2_a5___4 Did you use free demo games on gambling apps? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Free demo games on gambling apps
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2_online_gamb2_a5___5 Did you use another type of app to gamble? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Using another type of app on a smartphone or tablet
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2_online_gamb2_a5___6 Did you use another website to gamble? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: On another website
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2_online_gamb2_a5___7 Did you use another way to gamble? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Another way
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2_online_gamb2_a5___8 You don’t know/can’t remember what you used to gamble decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Don’t know/ can’t remember
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2_online_gamb3_a5___1 Have you ever paid money to buy in-game items? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Paid money (or used virtual currency you have bought) to buy specific in-game items (e.g. skins, clothes, weapons, players)
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2_online_gamb3_a5___2 Have you ever paid money to unlock in-game items? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Paid money (or used virtual currency you have bought) to open loot boxes/packs/chests to get other in-game items (e.g. skins, clothes, weapons, players)
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2_online_gamb3_a5___3 Have you ever bet with in-game items outside of the game? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Bet with in-game items on websites outside of the game you are playing
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2_online_gamb3_a5___4 You haven’t used any way to buy in-game items decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: None of these
Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

awb5_2y_knife Have you carried a knife/other weapon in past year? decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 1897 (93.63%)

awb5_2y_gang Are you a member of a gang? A street gang is a group of young people who hang ar decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
3 : I used to be a member but not any more
Complete: 1904 (93.98%)

awb5_2_contactpolice_1 Have you ever been stopped and questioned by the police? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 1904 (93.98%)

awb5_2_contactpolice_2 Have you ever been given a formal warning or caution by a police officer? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 1896 (93.58%)

awb5_2_contactpolice_3 Have you ever been arrested by a police officer and taken to a police station? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 1905 (94.03%)

awb5_2y_gang_6 Have you appeared in court because you were accused of a crime? decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 1902 (93.88%)

awb5_2y_gang_5 Were you found guilty or not guilty? decimal 1 : Guilty
2 : Not guilty
Complete: 20 (0.99%)

awb4_1_physical_actvty_1_a5 How many mornings actively travel to school in past week? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : None
2 : 1 time last week
3 : 2 or 3 times last week
4 : 4 times last week
5 : 5 times last week
Complete: 1864 (92.00%)

awb4_1_physical_actvty_2_a5 How often were you active in PE in past week? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : I dont do PE
2 : Hardly ever
3 : Sometimes
4 : Quite often
5 : Always
Complete: 1863 (91.95%)

awb4_1_physical_actvty_3_a5 What did you normally do at lunch in past week? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Sat down (talking, reading, doing schoolwork)
2 : Stood around or walked around
3 : Ran or played a little bit
4 : Ran around and played quite a bit
5 : Ran and played hard most of the time
Complete: 1850 (91.31%)

awb4_1_physical_actvty_4_a5 What did you normally do at break time in past week? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Sat down (talking, reading, doing schoolwork)
2 : Stood around or walked around
3 : Ran or played a little bit
4 : Ran around and played quite a bit
5 : Ran and played hard most of the time
Complete: 1840 (90.82%)

awb4_1_physical_actvty_5_a5 How many afternoons did you actively travel from school in past week? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : None
2 : 1 time last week
3 : 2 or 3 times last week
4 : 4 times last week
5 : 5 times last week
Complete: 1821 (89.88%)

awb4_1_physical_actvty_6_a5 How many days did you do sports after school in past week? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : None
2 : 1 time last week
3 : 2 or 3 times last week
4 : 4 times last week
5 : 5 times last week
Complete: 1814 (89.54%)

awb4_1_physical_actvty_7_a5 How many evenings did you do sports in past week? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : None
2 : 1 time last week
3 : 2 or 3 times last week
4 : 4 or 5 times last week
5 : 6 or 7 times last week
Complete: 1811 (89.39%)

awb4_1_physical_actvty_8_a5 How many times were you active last weekend? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : None
2 : 1 time
3 : 2 - 3 times
4 : 4 - 5 times
5 : 6 or more times
Complete: 1815 (89.59%)

awb4_1_sick_a5 Were you sick last week, or did anything prevent your normal physical activities? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 1800 (88.85%)

awb4_1y_sick_a5 What prevented you doing normal physical activities in past week? text 223 unique values
255 non-missing values
3 to 133 characters
awb4_2_outside_schl_1_r7 How long did you watch TV outside of school? decimal -2 : Revised in version 7
1 : Did not do
2 : Less than 1 hour per day
3 : 1 to 2 hours per day
4 : 2 to 3 hours per day
5 : 3 hours per day or more
Complete: 1988 (98.12%)

awb4_2_outside_schl_2_r7 How long did you play video games outside of school? decimal -2 : Revised in version 7
1 : Did not do
2 : Less than 1 hour per day
3 : 1 to 2 hours per day
4 : 2 to 3 hours per day
5 : 3 hours per day or more
Complete: 1982 (97.83%)

awb4_2_outside_schl_3_r7 How long did you use computers/tablets outside of school? decimal -2 : Revised in version 7
1 : Did not do
2 : Less than 1 hour per day
3 : 1 to 2 hours per day
4 : 2 to 3 hours per day
5 : 3 hours per day or more
Complete: 1979 (97.68%)

awb4_2_outside_schl_4_r7 How long did you use a mobile outside of school? decimal -2 : Revised in version 7
1 : Did not do
2 : Less than 1 hour per day
3 : 1 to 2 hours per day
4 : 2 to 3 hours per day
5 : 3 hours per day or more
Complete: 1982 (97.83%)

awb4_2_overall_a5 What are your typical sedentry habits at home? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : I spend almost none of my free time sitting
2 : I spend little time sitting during my free time
3 : I spend about half of my free time sitting
4 : I spend a lot of time sitting during my free time
5 : I spend almost all of my free time sitting
Complete: 1776 (87.66%)

awb4_3_times2_a5 On school nights, what time do you typically fall asleep at? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : 00:00
10 : 02:15
11 : 02:30
12 : 02:45
13 : 03:00
14 : 03:15
15 : 03:30
16 : 03:45
17 : 04:00
18 : 04:15
19 : 04:30
2 : 00:15
20 : 04:45
21 : 05:00
22 : 05:15
23 : 05:30
24 : 05:45
25 : 06:00
26 : 06:15
27 : 06:30
28 : 06:45
29 : 07:00
3 : 00:30
30 : 07:15
31 : 07:30
32 : 07:45
33 : 08:00
34 : 08:15
35 : 08:30
36 : 08:45
37 : 09:00
38 : 09:15
39 : 09:30
4 : 00:45
40 : 09:45
41 : 10:00
42 : 10:15
43 : 10:30
44 : 10:45
45 : 11:00
46 : 11:15
47 : 11:30
48 : 11:45
49 : 12:00
5 : 01:00
50 : 12:15
51 : 12:30
52 : 12:45
53 : 13:00
54 : 13:15
55 : 13:30
56 : 13:45
57 : 14:00
58 : 14:15
59 : 14:30
6 : 01:15
60 : 14:45
61 : 15:00
62 : 15:15
63 : 15:30
64 : 15:45
65 : 16:00
66 : 16:15
67 : 16:30
68 : 16:45
69 : 17:00
7 : 01:30
70 : 17:15
71 : 17:30
72 : 17:45
73 : 18:00
74 : 18:15
75 : 18:30
76 : 18:45
77 : 19:00
78 : 19:15
79 : 19:30
8 : 01:45
80 : 19:45
81 : 20:00
82 : 20:15
83 : 20:30
84 : 20:45
85 : 21:00
86 : 21:15
87 : 21:30
88 : 21:45
89 : 22:00
9 : 02:00
90 : 22:15
91 : 22:30
92 : 22:45
93 : 23:00
94 : 23:15
95 : 23:30
96 : 23:45
Complete: 1811 (89.39%)

awb4_3_times3_a5 On school nights, what time do you typically wake up for the day at? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : 00:00
10 : 02:15
11 : 02:30
12 : 02:45
13 : 03:00
14 : 03:15
15 : 03:30
16 : 03:45
17 : 04:00
18 : 04:15
19 : 04:30
2 : 00:15
20 : 04:45
21 : 05:00
22 : 05:15
23 : 05:30
24 : 05:45
25 : 06:00
26 : 06:15
27 : 06:30
28 : 06:45
29 : 07:00
3 : 00:30
30 : 07:15
31 : 07:30
32 : 07:45
33 : 08:00
34 : 08:15
35 : 08:30
36 : 08:45
37 : 09:00
38 : 09:15
39 : 09:30
4 : 00:45
40 : 09:45
41 : 10:00
42 : 10:15
43 : 10:30
44 : 10:45
45 : 11:00
46 : 11:15
47 : 11:30
48 : 11:45
49 : 12:00
5 : 01:00
50 : 12:15
51 : 12:30
52 : 12:45
53 : 13:00
54 : 13:15
55 : 13:30
56 : 13:45
57 : 14:00
58 : 14:15
59 : 14:30
6 : 01:15
60 : 14:45
61 : 15:00
62 : 15:15
63 : 15:30
64 : 15:45
65 : 16:00
66 : 16:15
67 : 16:30
68 : 16:45
69 : 17:00
7 : 01:30
70 : 17:15
71 : 17:30
72 : 17:45
73 : 18:00
74 : 18:15
75 : 18:30
76 : 18:45
77 : 19:00
78 : 19:15
79 : 19:30
8 : 01:45
80 : 19:45
81 : 20:00
82 : 20:15
83 : 20:30
84 : 20:45
85 : 21:00
86 : 21:15
87 : 21:30
88 : 21:45
89 : 22:00
9 : 02:00
90 : 22:15
91 : 22:30
92 : 22:45
93 : 23:00
94 : 23:15
95 : 23:30
96 : 23:45
Complete: 1780 (87.86%)

awb4_3_times4_a5 On non-school nights, what time do you typically fall asleep at? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : 00:00
10 : 02:15
11 : 02:30
12 : 02:45
13 : 03:00
14 : 03:15
15 : 03:30
16 : 03:45
17 : 04:00
18 : 04:15
19 : 04:30
2 : 00:15
20 : 04:45
21 : 05:00
22 : 05:15
23 : 05:30
24 : 05:45
25 : 06:00
26 : 06:15
27 : 06:30
28 : 06:45
29 : 07:00
3 : 00:30
30 : 07:15
31 : 07:30
32 : 07:45
33 : 08:00
34 : 08:15
35 : 08:30
36 : 08:45
37 : 09:00
38 : 09:15
39 : 09:30
4 : 00:45
40 : 09:45
41 : 10:00
42 : 10:15
43 : 10:30
44 : 10:45
45 : 11:00
46 : 11:15
47 : 11:30
48 : 11:45
49 : 12:00
5 : 01:00
50 : 12:15
51 : 12:30
52 : 12:45
53 : 13:00
54 : 13:15
55 : 13:30
56 : 13:45
57 : 14:00
58 : 14:15
59 : 14:30
6 : 01:15
60 : 14:45
61 : 15:00
62 : 15:15
63 : 15:30
64 : 15:45
65 : 16:00
66 : 16:15
67 : 16:30
68 : 16:45
69 : 17:00
7 : 01:30
70 : 17:15
71 : 17:30
72 : 17:45
73 : 18:00
74 : 18:15
75 : 18:30
76 : 18:45
77 : 19:00
78 : 19:15
79 : 19:30
8 : 01:45
80 : 19:45
81 : 20:00
82 : 20:15
83 : 20:30
84 : 20:45
85 : 21:00
86 : 21:15
87 : 21:30
88 : 21:45
89 : 22:00
9 : 02:00
90 : 22:15
91 : 22:30
92 : 22:45
93 : 23:00
94 : 23:15
95 : 23:30
96 : 23:45
Complete: 1750 (86.38%)

awb4_3_times5_a5 On non-school nights, what time do you typically wake up for the day at? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : 00:00
10 : 02:15
11 : 02:30
12 : 02:45
13 : 03:00
14 : 03:15
15 : 03:30
16 : 03:45
17 : 04:00
18 : 04:15
19 : 04:30
2 : 00:15
20 : 04:45
21 : 05:00
22 : 05:15
23 : 05:30
24 : 05:45
25 : 06:00
26 : 06:15
27 : 06:30
28 : 06:45
29 : 07:00
3 : 00:30
30 : 07:15
31 : 07:30
32 : 07:45
33 : 08:00
34 : 08:15
35 : 08:30
36 : 08:45
37 : 09:00
38 : 09:15
39 : 09:30
4 : 00:45
40 : 09:45
41 : 10:00
42 : 10:15
43 : 10:30
44 : 10:45
45 : 11:00
46 : 11:15
47 : 11:30
48 : 11:45
49 : 12:00
5 : 01:00
50 : 12:15
51 : 12:30
52 : 12:45
53 : 13:00
54 : 13:15
55 : 13:30
56 : 13:45
57 : 14:00
58 : 14:15
59 : 14:30
6 : 01:15
60 : 14:45
61 : 15:00
62 : 15:15
63 : 15:30
64 : 15:45
65 : 16:00
66 : 16:15
67 : 16:30
68 : 16:45
69 : 17:00
7 : 01:30
70 : 17:15
71 : 17:30
72 : 17:45
73 : 18:00
74 : 18:15
75 : 18:30
76 : 18:45
77 : 19:00
78 : 19:15
79 : 19:30
8 : 01:45
80 : 19:45
81 : 20:00
82 : 20:15
83 : 20:30
84 : 20:45
85 : 21:00
86 : 21:15
87 : 21:30
88 : 21:45
89 : 22:00
9 : 02:00
90 : 22:15
91 : 22:30
92 : 22:45
93 : 23:00
94 : 23:15
95 : 23:30
96 : 23:45
Complete: 1767 (87.22%)

awb4_3_nap_a5 Do you ever take naps during the day? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : Often
Complete: 1855 (91.56%)

awb4_3_alert_tod_a5 Some people feel more active and alert at certain times of the day. Please indic decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Much more active and alert in the morning
2 : A little bit more active and alert in the morning
3 : About the same in the morning and evening
4 : A little bit more active and alert in the evening
5 : Much more active and alert in the evening
Complete: 1814 (89.54%)

awb4_3_fall_asleep_a5 When youre in bed and the lights are turned off… decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : You fall asleep quickly
2 : You stay awake for a while
3 : It takes you a long time to fall asleep
Complete: 1829 (90.28%)

awb4_3_wake_drng_nght_a5 Do you wake up during the night? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
-3 : Removed in version 7
1 : Rarely
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
Complete: 1878 (92.69%)

awb4_3_wake_drng_nght2_r7 When you wake up during the night… decimal -2 : Revised in version 7
-5 : Not present in offline version
1 : You fall asleep quickly
2 : You stay awake for a while
3 : It takes you a long time to fall asleep
Complete: 1993 (98.37%)

awb4_3_sleep_well_nght_a5 Do you sleep well at night? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : No
2 : Sometimes
3 : Yes, always
Complete: 1851 (91.36%)

awb4_3_sleep_drngday_a5 How likely are you to feel sleepy during the day? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Rarely
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
Complete: 1850 (91.31%)

awb5_2_online_gamb2_a5 How do you play online gambling games for real money? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
Complete: 0 (0.00%)

awb5_2_online_gamb3_a5 In which ways have you ever used in-game items/currency? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
Complete: 0 (0.00%)

awb5_2_tkn_mny_r8 Have you taken money without permission to gamble in past year? decimal -2 : Revised in version 8
Complete: 1740 (85.88%)

edeqs_total Eating Disorder Examination (higher = more disordered) decimal mean (sd)
7.22 (7.56)

min < median < max
0.00 < 5.00 < 35.00

Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

edeqs_nas Eating Disorder Examination NAs decimal mean (sd)
1.16 (2.43)

min < median < max
0.00 < 1.00 < 12.00

Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

edeqs_missing Eating Disorder Examination missing decimal mean (sd)
0.03 (0.17)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 1.00

Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

edeqs_cat Eating Disorder Examination category text 2 unique values
2026 non-missing values
6 to 17 characters
paqa_total Physical Activity Questionnaire (higher = more active) decimal mean (sd)
17.95 (7.89)

min < median < max
0.00 < 18.00 < 40.00

Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

paqa_nas Physical Activity Questionnaire NAs decimal mean (sd)
0.76 (2.14)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 8.00

Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

paqa_missing Physical Activity Questionnaire missing decimal mean (sd)
0.07 (0.25)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 1.00

Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

paqa_mean Physical Activity Questionnaire (higher = more active) decimal mean (sd)
2.24 (0.99)

min < median < max
0.00 < 2.25 < 5.00

Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

yapsed_total Youth Activity Profile (higher = more sedentary) decimal mean (sd)
-0.77 (8.63)

min < median < max
-8.00 < -5.00 < 25.00

Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

yapsed_nas Youth Activity Profile NAs decimal mean (sd)
0.21 (0.75)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 5.00

Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

yapsed_missing Youth Activity Profile missing decimal mean (sd)
0.02 (0.13)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 1.00

Complete: 2026 (100.00%)

yapsed_mean Youth Activity Profile mean (higher = more sedentary) decimal mean (sd)
-0.15 (1.73)

min < median < max
-1.60 < -1.00 < 5.00

Complete: 2026 (100.00%)