Born in Bradford Data Dictionary

AoW survey module 4 2023 release

Table ID: BiB_AgeOfWonder.survey_mod04_dr23

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Entity type Variables Entities Updated Related tables
Participant 352 1868 2023-11-10 NA

Annual data release 2023 student survey module 4

variable label value_type summary
BiBPersonID BiB cohort person ID text 686 unique values
686 non-missing values
8 characters
is_bib Participant is in original BiB cohort decimal mean (sd)
0.37 (0.48)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 1.00

Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

aow_recruitment_id Age of Wonder recruitment ID text 1868 unique values
1868 non-missing values
10 characters
recruitment_era Recruitment era (academic year) text 1 unique values
1868 non-missing values
7 characters
age_recruitment_y Age at recruitment in years decimal mean (sd)
13.39 (0.98)

min < median < max
12.00 < 13.00 < 16.00

Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

age_recruitment_m Age at recruitment in months decimal mean (sd)
166.06 (11.06)

min < median < max
145.00 < 167.00 < 192.00

Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

gender Gender reported by school decimal 1 : Female
2 : Male
Complete: 1867 (99.95%)

ethnicity_1 Ethnicity reported by school - higher level category decimal 1 : Asian or Asian British
2 : Black, Black British, Caribbean or African
3 : Mixed or multiple ethnic groups
4 : White
5 : Other ethnic group
97 : Data provided but ethnicity not stated
98 : Data provided but unmapped
99 : Data not provided
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

ethnicity_2 Ethnicity reported by school - lower level category decimal 11 : Indian
12 : Pakistani
13 : Bangladeshi
14 : Chinese
15 : Any other Asian background
21 : Caribbean
22 : African
23 : Any other Black, Black British, or Caribbean background
31 : White and Black Caribbean
32 : White and Black African
33 : White and Asian
34 : Any other Mixed or multiple ethnic background
41 : English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British
42 : Irish
43 : Gypsy or Irish Traveller
44 : Roma
45 : Any other White background
51 : Arab
52 : Any other ethnic group
97 : Data provided but ethnicity not stated
98 : Data provided but unmapped
99 : Data not provided
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

birth_year Year of birth decimal mean (sd)
2008.66 (0.97)

min < median < max
2006.00 < 2009.00 < 2010.00

Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

birth_month Month of birth decimal mean (sd)
6.40 (3.45)

min < median < max
1.00 < 6.00 < 12.00

Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

school_id Pseudo school ID text 8 unique values
1868 non-missing values
40 characters
year_group Year group at recruitment text 3 unique values
1868 non-missing values
1 to 2 characters
form_tutor_id Pseudo recruitment form tutor ID text 133 unique values
1868 non-missing values
40 characters
age_survey_y Age (years) at survey date decimal mean (sd)
13.73 (0.97)

min < median < max
12.00 < 14.00 < 16.00

Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

age_survey_m Age (months) at survey date decimal mean (sd)
170.30 (10.82)

min < median < max
150.00 < 171.00 < 197.00

Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

survey_date Date survey taken date from 2023-03-20
to 2023-08-07

Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

survey_version Survey version decimal mean (sd)
5.97 (1.40)

min < median < max
5.00 < 5.00 < 8.00

Complete: 1867 (99.95%)

survey_mode Survey taken online or offline? decimal 1 : Online
2 : Offline
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb7_1_like I enjoy school decimal 1 : All the time
2 : Most of the time
3 : Some of the time
4 : Almost never
5 : Never
Complete: 1840 (98.50%)

awb7_1_challenge Teachers help me to do my best decimal 1 : In every lesson
2 : In most lessons
3 : In some lessons
4 : In very few lessons
5 : In none of my lessons
Complete: 1825 (97.70%)

awb7_1_enjoy My teachers give me work that challenges me decimal 1 : In every lesson
2 : In most lessons
3 : In some lessons
4 : In very few lessons
5 : In none of my lessons
Complete: 1822 (97.54%)

awb7_1_teachers I enjoy learning at this school decimal 1 : All the time
2 : Most of the time
3 : Some of the time
4 : Almost never
5 : Never
Complete: 1819 (97.38%)

awb7_1_listen Teachers listen to what I have to say in lessons decimal 1 : Strongly agree
2 : Agree
3 : Neither agree nor disagree
4 : Disagree
5 : Strongly disagree
Complete: 1808 (96.79%)

awb7_1_trust There is an adult at school I can talk to if something is worrying me decimal 1 : Strongly agree
2 : Agree
3 : Neither agree nor disagree
4 : Disagree
5 : Strongly disagree
Complete: 1811 (96.95%)

awb7_1_behaviour_lssns The behaviour of other pupils in my lessons is good decimal 1 : All of the time
2 : Most of the time
3 : Some of the time
4 : Almost never
5 : Never
Complete: 1810 (96.90%)

awb7_1_behaviour_schl The behaviour of other pupils around school is good decimal 1 : All of the time
2 : Most of the time
3 : Some of the time
4 : Almost never
5 : Never
Complete: 1798 (96.25%)

awb7_1_bullying_1_on Is bullying a problem at your school? decimal 1 : It doesnt happen
2 : It happens and teachers are really good at resolving it
3 : It happens and teachers are good at resolving it
4 : It happens and teachers are not good at resolving it
5 : It happens and teachers do nothing about it
Complete: 1068 (57.17%)

awb7_1_safe_r8 I feel safe when I am at school decimal -2 : Revised in version 8
1 : All the time
2 : Most of the time
3 : Some of the time
4 : Almost never
5 : Never
Complete: 1842 (98.61%)

awb7_1_bullying_2 Do you think your school takes bullying seriously? decimal 1 : No
2 : Not sure
3 : Yes
Complete: 1263 (67.61%)

awb7_1_physcial_hlth My school encourages me to look after my physical health decimal 1 : Strongly agree
2 : Agree
3 : Neither agree nor disagree
4 : Disagree
5 : Strongly disagree
Complete: 1797 (96.20%)

awb7_1_mental_hlth My school encourages me to look after my emotional and mental health decimal 1 : Strongly agree
2 : Agree
3 : Neither agree nor disagree
4 : Disagree
5 : Strongly disagree
Complete: 1791 (95.88%)

awb7_1_indep My school encourages me to be independent and to take on responsibilities decimal 1 : Strongly agree
2 : Agree
3 : Neither agree nor disagree
4 : Disagree
5 : Strongly disagree
Complete: 1780 (95.29%)

awb7_1_respect Does your school encourage you to respect people from other backgrounds? decimal 1 : Strongly agree
2 : Agree
3 : Neither agree nor disagree
4 : Disagree
5 : Strongly disagree
Complete: 1783 (95.45%)

awb7_1_future_r8 Does your school provide you with next steps? decimal -2 : Revised in version 8
1 : Yes, but it was too much information and was not helpful
2 : Yes, I received the right amount of information that was helpful
3 : Yes, but there wasnt enough information that was helpful
4 : No, I havent received any information
Complete: 1838 (98.39%)

awb7_2_water_1 Are you able to get water at school? decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
3 : Not easily
Complete: 1799 (96.31%)

awb7_2y_water___1 Can you get water from water fountain at school? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Water fountain
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb7_2y_water___2 Can you get water from taps in classroom at school? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Tap in classroom
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb7_2y_water___3 Can you get water from canteen/dinner room at school? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Canteen / dinner room
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb7_2y_water___4 Can you get water from sink in toilets at school? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Sink in toilet
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb7_2y_water___5 Can you get water from class water bottle in school? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Class water bottle
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb7_2y_water___6 Can you get water from your own bottle in school? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: My own drinking bottle
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb7_2y_water___7 Can you get water from a water machine/cool at school? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Water machine / cooler
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb7_2y_water___8 Which other places can you get water from in school? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Other (please describe)
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb7_2_water_3 If you can, where can you get it from? Describe text 52 unique values
54 non-missing values
1 to 352 characters
awb7_2_grades_a5 Competition with other people for grades is intense decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Strongly agree
2 : Agree
3 : Neither agree nor disagree
4 : Disagree
5 : Strongly disagree
Complete: 1771 (94.81%)

awb7_2_fam_diss_a5 If I dont do well in school, my family will be disappointed decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Strongly agree
2 : Agree
3 : Neither agree nor disagree
4 : Disagree
5 : Strongly disagree
Complete: 1777 (95.13%)

awb7_2_prnt_preshr_a5 My teachers put too much pressure on me to do well in school decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Strongly agree
2 : Agree
3 : Neither agree nor disagree
4 : Disagree
5 : Strongly disagree
Complete: 1770 (94.75%)

awb7_2_progrssng_a5 Im worried about progressing in the future decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Strongly agree
2 : Agree
3 : Neither agree nor disagree
4 : Disagree
5 : Strongly disagree
Complete: 1765 (94.49%)

awb7_2_dnt_do_well_a5 If I dont do well in school, Ill be a failure decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Strongly agree
2 : Agree
3 : Neither agree nor disagree
4 : Disagree
5 : Strongly disagree
Complete: 1765 (94.49%)

awb7_2_acad_strss_r8 I often feel stressed because of the pressure to do well in school decimal -2 : Revised in version 8
1 : Strongly agree
2 : Agree
3 : Neither agree nor disagree
4 : Disagree
5 : Strongly disagree
Complete: 1834 (98.18%)

awb7_2_test_wrries_a5 I worry about doing well in tests, exams and assessments decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Strongly agree
2 : Agree
3 : Neither agree nor disagree
4 : Disagree
5 : Strongly disagree
Complete: 1771 (94.81%)

awb7_2_too_mny_exms_a5 I have too many tests, exams and assessments decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Strongly agree
2 : Agree
3 : Neither agree nor disagree
4 : Disagree
5 : Strongly disagree
Complete: 1760 (94.22%)

awb2_7_friends_physcl_a5 How many in-person friends do you have? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Not many
2 : Some
3 : Lots
Complete: 1779 (95.24%)

awb2_7_friends_onln_a5 How many online friends do you have? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Not many
2 : Some
3 : Lots
Complete: 1759 (94.16%)

awb2_7_friends_clse_a5 Do you have any close friends? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 1782 (95.40%)

awb2_7y_friends_clse_a5 How many of your close friends are from the same ethnic group? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : All of them
2 : Most of them
3 : Some of them
4 : None of them
Complete: 1616 (86.51%)

awb2_7_friends_clse_1_a5 How many of your close friends work hard at school? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : All of them
2 : Most of them
3 : Some of them
4 : None of them
Complete: 1619 (86.67%)

awb2_7_friends_clse_2_a5 How many of your close friends get into a lot of trouble at school? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : All of them
2 : Most of them
3 : Some of them
4 : None of them
Complete: 1616 (86.51%)

awb7_1_ask_any_q If you could ask any teenager in Bradford any question about school, what would it be? text 669 unique values
746 non-missing values
1 to 149 characters
awb8_1_attitudes_1 It is less important for women to go out to work than men. decimal 1 : Strongly disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Agree
4 : Strongly agree
Complete: 1693 (90.63%)

awb8_1_attitudes_2 I like clothing with popular labels. decimal 1 : Strongly disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Agree
4 : Strongly agree
Complete: 1715 (91.81%)

awb8_1_attitudes_3 It bothers me if my friends have things I dont. decimal 1 : Strongly disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Agree
4 : Strongly agree
Complete: 1713 (91.70%)

awb8_1_values_1 How important is it for you to be well liked? decimal 1 : Very important
2 : Quite important
3 : Not very important
4 : Not at all important
Complete: 1728 (92.51%)

awb8_1_values_2 How important is it for you to work hard? decimal 1 : Very important
2 : Quite important
3 : Not very important
4 : Not at all important
Complete: 1725 (92.34%)

awb8_1_morality_1 Is it wrong for someone your age to start a fight? decimal 1 : Very wrong
2 : A bit wrong
3 : Not wrong
Complete: 1731 (92.67%)

awb8_1_morality_2 Is it wrong for someone your age to spray paint on buildings? decimal 1 : Very wrong
2 : A bit wrong
3 : Not wrong
Complete: 1724 (92.29%)

awb8_1_morality_3 Is it wrong for someone your age to steal something from a shop? decimal 1 : Very wrong
2 : A bit wrong
3 : Not wrong
Complete: 1721 (92.13%)

awb8_1_morality_4 Is it wrong for someone your age to download content without paying? decimal 1 : Very wrong
2 : A bit wrong
3 : Not wrong
Complete: 1719 (92.02%)

awb8_2y_migration_1 Have any of your parents/guardians migrated from another country? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 1682 (90.04%)

awb8_2y_migration_2 Have any of your grandparents migrated from another country? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 1664 (89.08%)

awb8_2y_migration Which country did they migrate from? text 338 unique values
1018 non-missing values
1 to 353 characters
awb8_3_bully How often have you taken part in bullying somebody at school? decimal 1 : I have not bullied another person(s) in the past couple of months
2 : It has happened once or twice
3 : 2 or 3 times a month
4 : About once a week
5 : Several times a week (3-5 times)
6 : Every day
Complete: 1692 (90.58%)

awb8_2_bullied How often have you been bullied at school in the past couple of months? decimal 1 : I have not been bullied at school in the past couple of months
2 : It has happened once or twice
3 : 2 or 3 times a month
4 : About once a week
5 : Several times a week (3-5 times)
6 : Every day
Complete: 1701 (91.06%)

awb8_2_bully_onlne In the past couple of months, how often have you taken part in online bullying? decimal 1 : I have not bullied another person online in the past couple of months
2 : It has happened once or twice
3 : 2 or 3 times a month
4 : About once a week
5 : Several times a week (3-5 times)
6 : Every day
Complete: 1671 (89.45%)

awb8_2_bullied_onlne How often have you taken part in bullying online? decimal 1 : I have not been bullied online in the past couple of months
2 : It has happened once or twice
3 : 2 or 3 times a month
4 : About once a week
5 : Several times a week (3-5 times)
6 : Every day
Complete: 1675 (89.67%)

awb8_2_club_1 Have you ever been discouraged from joining a club/group? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 1694 (90.69%)

awb8_2_club_rsn_1___1 Were you discourage from joining a club/group because your ethnicity? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Ethnicity
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_club_rsn_1___2 Were you discourage from joining a club/group because your sex/gender? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Sex/ gender identity
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_club_rsn_1___3 Were you discourage from joining a club/group because your disability? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Disability
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_club_rsn_1___4 Were you discourage from joining a club/group because your religion? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Religion
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_club_rsn_1___5 Were you discourage from joining a club/group because your class? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Class
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_club_rsn_1___6 Were you discourage from joining a club/group because your neurodiversity? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Neurodiversity (e.g. conditions such as Autism, Asperger’s, Dyslexia)
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_club_rsn_1___7 Were you discourage from joining a club/group because your sexuality? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Sexuality
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_club_rsn_1___8 Were you discourage from joining a club/group because of something else? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Other*
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_club_rsn_2 Why have you been discouraged for joining a club? Describe text 43 unique values
43 non-missing values
3 to 157 characters
awb8_2_excl_2 Have others your age not included you in their activities? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 1687 (90.31%)

awb8_2_excl_rsn_1___1 Were you excluded from activities because of your ethnicity? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Ethnicity
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_excl_rsn_1___2 Were you excluded from activities because of your sex/gender? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Sex/ gender identity
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_excl_rsn_1___3 Were you excluded from activities because of your disability? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Disability
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_excl_rsn_1___4 Were you excluded from activities because of your religion? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Religion
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_excl_rsn_1___5 Were you excluded from activities because of your class? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Class
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_excl_rsn_1___6 Were you excluded from activities because of your neurodiversity? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Neurodiversity (e.g. conditions such as Autism, Asperger’s, Dyslexia)
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_excl_rsn_1___7 Were you excluded from activities because of your sexuality? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Sexuality
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_excl_rsn_1___8 Were you excluded from activities because of something else? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Other*
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_excl_rsn_2 Why did others your age not include you in activities? Describe text 51 unique values
57 non-missing values
1 to 250 characters
awb8_2_age_3 Have people expected less of you than others your age? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 1665 (89.13%)

awb8_2_age_rsn_1___1 Did people expect less of you because of your ethnicity? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Ethnicity
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_age_rsn_1___2 Did people expect less of you because of your sex/gender? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Sex/ gender identity
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_age_rsn_1___3 Did people expect less of you because of your disability? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Disability
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_age_rsn_1___4 Did people expect less of you because of your religion? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Religion
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_age_rsn_1___5 Did people expect less of you because of your class? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Class
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_age_rsn_1___6 Did people expect less of you because of your neurodiversity? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Neurodiversity (e.g. conditions such as Autism, Asperger’s, Dyslexia)
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_age_rsn_1___7 Did people expect less of you because of your sexuality? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Sexuality
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_age_rsn_1___8 Did people expect less of you because of something else? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Other*
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_age_rsn_2 Why do people expect less of you than others? Describe text 43 unique values
46 non-missing values
2 to 90 characters
awb8_2_lang_4 Have people assumed your English was poor? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 1694 (90.69%)

awb8_2_lang_rsn_1___1 Did people assume your English was poor because of your ethnicity? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Ethnicity
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_lang_rsn_1___2 Did people assume your English was poor because of your sex/gender? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Sex/ gender identity
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_lang_rsn_1___3 Did people assume your English was poor because of your disability? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Disability
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_lang_rsn_1___4 Did people assume your English was poor because of your religion? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Religion
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_lang_rsn_1___5 Did people assume your English was poor because of your class? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Class
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_lang_rsn_1___6 Did people assume your English was poor because of your neurodiversity? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Neurodiversity (e.g. conditions such as Autism, Asperger’s, Dyslexia)
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_lang_rsn_1___7 Did people assume your English was poor because of your sexuality? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Sexuality
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_lang_rsn_1___8 Did people assume your English was poor because of something else? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Other*
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_lang_rsn_2 Why do people assume your English is poor? Describe text 10 unique values
10 non-missing values
5 to 64 characters
awb8_2_police_5 Have you ever been hassled by police? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 1698 (90.90%)

awb8_2_police_rsn_1___1 Were you hassled by police because of your ethnicity? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Ethnicity
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_police_rsn_1___2 Were you hassled by police because of your sex/gender? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Sex/ gender identity
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_police_rsn_1___3 Were you hassled by police because of your disability? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Disability
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_police_rsn_1___4 Were you hassled by police because of your religion? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Religion
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_police_rsn_1___5 Were you hassled by police because of your class? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Class
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_police_rsn_1___6 Were you hassled by police because of your neurodiversity? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Neurodiversity (e.g. conditions such as Autism, Asperger’s, Dyslexia)
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_police_rsn_1___7 Were you hassled by police because of your sexuality? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Sexuality
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_police_rsn_1___8 Were you hassled by police because of something else? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Other*
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_police_rsn_2 Why were you hassled by police? Describe text 11 unique values
11 non-missing values
2 to 69 characters
awb8_2_shop_6 Have you ever been hassled by staff in a shop? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 1691 (90.52%)

awb8_2_shop_rsn_1___1 Were you hassled by staff in a shop because of your ethnicity? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Ethnicity
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_shop_rsn_1___2 Were you hassled by staff in a shop because of your sex/gender? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Sex/ gender identity
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_shop_rsn_1___3 Were you hassled by staff in a shop because of your disability? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Disability
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_shop_rsn_1___4 Were you hassled by staff in a shop because of your religion? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Religion
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_shop_rsn_1___5 Were you hassled by staff in a shop because of your class? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Class
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_shop_rsn_1___6 Were you hassled by staff in a shop because of your neurodiversity? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Neurodiversity (e.g. conditions such as Autism, Asperger’s, Dyslexia)
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_shop_rsn_1___7 Were you hassled by staff in a shop because of your sexuality? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Sexuality
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_shop_rsn_1___8 Were you hassled by staff in a shop because of something else? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Other*
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_shop_rsn_2 Why were you hassled by staff in a shop? Describe text 6 unique values
6 non-missing values
2 to 78 characters
awb8_2_names_7 Have you ever been called insulting names? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 1690 (90.47%)

awb8_2_names_rsn_1___1 Were you called insulting names because of your ethnicity? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Ethnicity
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_names_rsn_1___2 Were you called insulting names because of your sex/gender? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Sex/ gender identity
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_names_rsn_1___3 Were you called insulting names because of your disability? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Disability
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_names_rsn_1___4 Were you called insulting names because of your religion? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Religion
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_names_rsn_1___5 Were you called insulting names because of your class? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Class
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_names_rsn_1___6 Were you called insulting names because of your neurodiversity? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Neurodiversity (e.g. conditions such as Autism, Asperger’s, Dyslexia)
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_names_rsn_1___7 Were you called insulting names because of your sexuality? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Sexuality
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_names_rsn_1___8 Were you called insulting names because of something else? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Other*
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_names_rsn_2 Why were you called insulting names? Describe text 59 unique values
69 non-missing values
2 to 329 characters
awb8_2_service_8 Have you ever received poor service in a shop/restaurant? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 1677 (89.78%)

awb8_2_service_rsn_1___1 Did you received poor service because of your ethnicity? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Ethnicity
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_service_rsn_1___2 Did you received poor service because of your sex/gender? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Sex/ gender identity
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_service_rsn_1___3 Did you received poor service because of your disability? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Disability
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_service_rsn_1___4 Did you received poor service because of your religion? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Religion
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_service_rsn_1___5 Did you received poor service because of your class? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Class
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_service_rsn_1___6 Did you received poor service because of your neurodiversity? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Neurodiversity (e.g. conditions such as Autism, Asperger’s, Dyslexia)
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_service_rsn_1___7 Did you received poor service because of your sexuality? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Sexuality
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_service_rsn_1___8 Did you received poor service because of something else? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Other*
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_service_rsn_2 Why did you receive poor service in a shop? Describe text 22 unique values
22 non-missing values
2 to 46 characters
awb8_2_int_9 Have people ever acted as though you were not intelligent? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 1682 (90.04%)

awb8_2_int_rsn_1___1 Did people act as though you werent intelligent because of your ethnicity? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Ethnicity
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_int_rsn_1___2 Did people act as though you werent intelligent because of your sex/gender? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Sex/ gender identity
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_int_rsn_1___3 Did people act as though you werent intelligent because of your disability? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Disability
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_int_rsn_1___4 Did people act as though you werent intelligent because of your religion? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Religion
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_int_rsn_1___5 Did people act as though you werent intelligent because of your class? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Class
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_int_rsn_1___6 Did people act as though you werent intelligent because of your neurodiversity? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Neurodiversity (e.g. conditions such as Autism, Asperger’s, Dyslexia)
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_int_rsn_1___7 Did people act as though you werent intelligent because of your sexuality? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Sexuality
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_int_rsn_1___8 Did people act as though you werent intelligent because of something else? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Other*
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_int_rsn_2 Why did people act as though you were not intelligent? Describe text 41 unique values
45 non-missing values
1 to 109 characters
awb8_2_afraid_10 Have people ever acted like theyre afraid of you? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 1686 (90.26%)

awb8_2_afraid_rsn_1___1 Did people act afraid of you because of your ethnicity? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Ethnicity
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_afraid_rsn_1___2 Did people act afraid of you because of your sex/gender? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Sex/ gender identity
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_afraid_rsn_1___3 Did people act afraid of you because of your disability? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Disability
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_afraid_rsn_1___4 Did people act afraid of you because of your religion? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Religion
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_afraid_rsn_1___5 Did people act afraid of you because of your class? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Class
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_afraid_rsn_1___6 Did people act afraid of you because of your neurodiversity? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Neurodiversity (e.g. conditions such as Autism, Asperger’s, Dyslexia)
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_afraid_rsn_1___7 Did people act afraid of you because of your sexuality? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Sexuality
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_afraid_rsn_1___8 Did people act afraid of you because of something else? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Other*
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_afraid_rsn_2 Why did people act as if they were afraid of you? Describe text 44 unique values
45 non-missing values
2 to 173 characters
awb8_2_threat_11 Have you ever been threatened? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 1686 (90.26%)

awb8_2_threat_rsn_1___1 Were you threatened because of your ethnicity? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Ethnicity
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_threat_rsn_1___2 Were you threatened because of your sex/gender? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Sex/ gender identity
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_threat_rsn_1___3 Were you threatened because of your disability? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Disability
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_threat_rsn_1___4 Were you threatened because of your religion? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Religion
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_threat_rsn_1___5 Were you threatened because of your class? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Class
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_threat_rsn_1___6 Were you threatened because of your neurodiversity? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Neurodiversity (e.g. conditions such as Autism, Asperger’s, Dyslexia)
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_threat_rsn_1___7 Were you threatened because of your sexuality? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Sexuality
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_threat_rsn_1___8 Were you threatened because of something else? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Other*
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb8_2_threat_rsn_2 Why were you threatened? Describe text 33 unique values
33 non-missing values
4 to 140 characters
awb6_1_social_media___1 Which social media platforms do you use? Tick all that apply (choice=Facebook) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Facebook
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_1_social_media___2 Which social media platforms do you use? Tick all that apply (choice=Instagram) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Instagram
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_1_social_media___3 Which social media platforms do you use? Tick all that apply (choice=Twitter) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Twitter
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_1_social_media___4 Which social media platforms do you use? Tick all that apply (choice=TikTok) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: TikTok
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_1_social_media___5 Which social media platforms do you use? Tick all that apply (choice=Snapchat) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Snapchat
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_1_social_media___6 Which social media platforms do you use? Tick all that apply (choice=Twitch) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Twitch
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_1_social_media___7 Which social media platforms do you use? Tick all that apply (choice=Omegle) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Omegle
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_1_social_media___8 Which social media platforms do you use? Tick all that apply (choice=Yubo) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Yubo
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_1_social_media___9 Which social media platforms do you use? Tick all that apply (choice=Kik) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Kik
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_1_social_media___10 Which social media platforms do you use? Tick all that apply (choice=Discord) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Discord
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_1_social_media___11 Which social media platforms do you use? Tick all that apply (choice=Other) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Other
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_1_social_media_othr Which social media platforms do you use? Describe text 112 unique values
213 non-missing values
1 to 286 characters
awb6_1_time_weekday How many hours spent using social media during term time? decimal 1 : None
10 : 2h 15m
11 : 2h 30m
12 : 2h 45m
13 : 3h 00m
14 : 3h 15m
15 : 3h 30m
16 : 3h 45m
17 : 4h 00m
18 : 4h 15m
19 : 4h 30m
2 : 0h 15m
20 : 4h 45m
21 : 5h 00m
22 : 5h 15m
23 : 5h 30m
24 : 5h 45m
25 : 6h 00m
26 : 6h 15m
27 : 6h 30m
28 : 6h 45m
29 : 7h 00m
3 : 0h 30m
30 : 7h 15m
31 : 7h 30m
32 : 7h 45m
33 : 8h 00m
34 : 8h 15m
35 : 8h 30m
36 : 8h 45m
37 : 9h 00m
38 : 9h 15m
39 : 9h 30m
4 : 0h 45m
40 : 9h 45m
41 : 10h 00m
42 : 10h 15m
43 : 10h 30m
44 : 10h 45m
45 : 11h 00m
46 : 11h 15m
47 : 11h 30m
48 : 11h 45m
49 : 12h 00m
5 : 1h 00m
50 : More than 12 hours
6 : 1h 15m
7 : 1h 30m
8 : 1h 45m
9 : 2h 00m
Complete: 1598 (85.55%)

awb6_1_time_weekend How many hrs do you spend using social media at weekend in term time? decimal 1 : None
10 : 2h 15m
11 : 2h 30m
12 : 2h 45m
13 : 3h 00m
14 : 3h 15m
15 : 3h 30m
16 : 3h 45m
17 : 4h 00m
18 : 4h 15m
19 : 4h 30m
2 : 0h 15m
20 : 4h 45m
21 : 5h 00m
22 : 5h 15m
23 : 5h 30m
24 : 5h 45m
25 : 6h 00m
26 : 6h 15m
27 : 6h 30m
28 : 6h 45m
29 : 7h 00m
3 : 0h 30m
30 : 7h 15m
31 : 7h 30m
32 : 7h 45m
33 : 8h 00m
34 : 8h 15m
35 : 8h 30m
36 : 8h 45m
37 : 9h 00m
38 : 9h 15m
39 : 9h 30m
4 : 0h 45m
40 : 9h 45m
41 : 10h 00m
42 : 10h 15m
43 : 10h 30m
44 : 10h 45m
45 : 11h 00m
46 : 11h 15m
47 : 11h 30m
48 : 11h 45m
49 : 12h 00m
5 : 1h 00m
50 : More than 12 hours
6 : 1h 15m
7 : 1h 30m
8 : 1h 45m
9 : 2h 00m
Complete: 1559 (83.46%)

awb6_1_positive_exp___1 Has connecting with friends been a positive experience of social media? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Connecting with friends
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_1_positive_exp___2 Has viewing enjoyable content been a positive experience of social media? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Viewing enjoyable content
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_1_positive_exp___3 Has learning new things been a positive experience of social media? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Learning new things
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_1_positive_exp___4 Has accessing support been a positive experience of social media? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Accessing support
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_1_positive_exp___5 Has engaging positively with issues been a positive experience of social media? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Engaging positively with current issues
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_1_positive_exp___6 Has there been any other positive experience of social media? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Other
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_1_positive_exp_othr What have been your positive experiences of using social media? Describe text 42 unique values
43 non-missing values
2 to 125 characters
awb6_1_negative_exp_r5___1 Has people being unpleasant about you been negative experience of social media? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: People saying or writing unpleasant things about you (with words, pictures or video)
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_1_negative_exp_r5___2 Has people bullying you been a negative experience of social media? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: People bullying you
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_1_negative_exp_r5___3 Has upsetting content been a negative experience of social media? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Pictures, videos or games with violence you found upsetting
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_1_negative_exp_r5___4 Has sexually explicit images been a negative experience of social media? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Sexually explicit images, videos or games
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_1_negative_exp_r5___5 Has regrettably posting something online been a negative experience of social media? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Posting or sending something online you now wish you hadn’t (text, images, videos)
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_1_negative_exp_r5___6 You havent experience any negative experience of social media decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: I haven’t experienced any of these
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_1_negative_exp_r5___7 Youve had a negative experience of social media for another reason decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Other*
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_1_neg_exp_othr_r5 What have been your negative experiences of using social media? Describe text 12 unique values
14 non-missing values
3 to 171 characters
awb6_1_pos_neg Has your experience of using social media been mostly positive or negative? decimal 1 : All positive
2 : Mostly positive
3 : An even mix of positive and negative
4 : Mostly negative
5 : All negative
Complete: 1617 (86.56%)

awb6_2_dgt_school___1 Do you have access to desktop PCs in school? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Desktop computers e.g. in computer or ICT clusters/suites
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_2_dgt_school___2 What digital devices do you have access to at school? (choice=Laptops) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Laptops
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_2_dgt_school___3 What digital devices do you have access to at school? (choice=Tablets/iPads) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Tablets/iPads
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_2_dgt_school___4 Do you have access to VR headsets in school? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Virtual reality (VR) headsets
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_2_dgt_school___5 What digital devices do you have access to at school? (choice=Smartphones) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Smartphones
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_2_dgt_school___6 What digital devices do you have access to at school? (choice=Other) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Other
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_2_dgt_school_othr What digital devices do you have access to at school? Describe text 17 unique values
19 non-missing values
4 to 46 characters
awb6_2_digital_maths How often do you use digital devices in Maths? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
6 : I dont do this subject
Complete: 1658 (88.76%)

awb6_2_digital_english How often do you use digital devices in English? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
6 : I dont do this subject
Complete: 1646 (88.12%)

awb6_2_digital_science How often do you use digital devices in Science? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
6 : I dont do this subject
Complete: 1648 (88.22%)

awb6_2_digital_history How often do you use digital devices in History? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
6 : I dont do this subject
Complete: 1647 (88.17%)

awb6_2_digital_geography How often do you use digital devices in Geography? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
6 : I dont do this subject
Complete: 1648 (88.22%)

awb6_2_digital_dt How often do you use digital devices in Design and Technology? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
6 : I dont do this subject
Complete: 1651 (88.38%)

awb6_2_digital_art How often do you use digital devices in Art and Design? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
6 : I dont do this subject
Complete: 1640 (87.79%)

awb6_2_digital_music How often do you use digital devices in Music? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
6 : I dont do this subject
Complete: 1638 (87.69%)

awb6_2_digital_pe How often do you use digital devices in Physical Education (PE)? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
6 : I dont do this subject
Complete: 1638 (87.69%)

awb6_2_digital_ict How often do you use digital devices in Computing (ICT)? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
6 : I dont do this subject
Complete: 1638 (87.69%)

awb6_2_digital_pshe How often do you use digital devices in PSHE? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
6 : I dont do this subject
Complete: 1623 (86.88%)

awb6_3_online_matrl_maths How often do you use online material to help with math homework? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
Complete: 1602 (85.76%)

awb6_3_online_matrl_eng How often do you use online material to help with English homework? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
Complete: 1598 (85.55%)

awb6_3_online_matrl_his How often do you use online material to help with history homework? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
Complete: 1570 (84.05%)

awb6_3_online_matrl_geo How often do you use online material to help with geography homework? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
Complete: 1559 (83.46%)

awb6_3_online_matrl_dt How often do you use online material to help with design & technology homework? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
Complete: 1543 (82.60%)

awb6_3_online_matrl_art How often do you use online material to help with art homework? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
Complete: 1539 (82.39%)

awb6_3_online_matrl_musc How often do you use online material to help with music homework? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
Complete: 1534 (82.12%)

awb6_3_online_matrl_pe How often do you use online material to help with PE homework? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
Complete: 1542 (82.55%)

awb6_3_online_matrl_ict How often do you use online material to help with ICT homework? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
Complete: 1539 (82.39%)

awb6_3_online_matrl_pshe How often do you use online material to help with PSHE homework? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
Complete: 1538 (82.33%)

awb6_3_out_lesson How often are you able to access digital devices at school outside timetabled le decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
Complete: 1552 (83.08%)

aowb6_4_dig_dev_maths_1 Do you feel that using digital devices helps you get better results in Maths? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
Complete: 830 (44.43%)

aowb6_4_dig_dev_eng_2 Do you feel that using digital devices helps you get better results in English? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
Complete: 716 (38.33%)

aowb6_4_dig_dev_sci_3 Do you feel that using digital devices helps you get better results in Science? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
Complete: 598 (32.01%)

aowb6_4_dig_dev_his_4 Do you feel that using digital devices helps you get better results in History? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
Complete: 323 (17.29%)

aowb6_4_dig_dev_geo_5 Do you feel that using digital devices helps you get better results in Geography decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
Complete: 429 (22.97%)

aowb6_4_dig_dev_dt_6 Does using digital devices help with better results in design & technology? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
Complete: 852 (45.61%)

aowb6_4_dig_dev_art_7 Does using digital devices help with better results in art? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
Complete: 633 (33.89%)

aowb6_4_dig_dev_music_8 Do you feel that using digital devices helps you get better results in Music? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
Complete: 567 (30.35%)

aowb6_4_dig_dev_pe_9 Do you feel that using digital devices helps you get better results in Physical decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
Complete: 332 (17.77%)

aowb6_4_dig_dev_ict_10 Do you feel that using digital devices helps you get better results in Computing decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
Complete: 1153 (61.72%)

aowb6_4_dig_dev_pshe_11 Does using digital devices help with better results in PSHE? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : A lot
5 : Always
Complete: 575 (30.78%)

awb6_4_device_help___1 Do you ask teachers for digital device help at school? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Teachers
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_4_device_help___2 Do you ask ICT staff for digital device help at school? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: ICT staff
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_4_device_help___3 Do you ask classmates for digital device help at school? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Classmates
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_4_device_help___4 Do you ask friends for digital device help at school? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Friends
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_4_device_help___5 Do you ask nobody for digital device help at school? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Nobody
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_4_device_help___6 Do you ask others for digital device help at school? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Other
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_4_device_help_othr When using digital devices at school, who do you ask for help? Describe text 16 unique values
17 non-missing values
2 to 54 characters
awb6_5_dev_n_home How many digital devices are available to you at home? decimal 1 : None
2 : 1
3 : 2
4 : 3
5 : 4
6 : More than 4
Complete: 1579 (84.53%)

awb6_5_dev_help_hm___1 Do you ask parents for help using digital devices at home? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Parents
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_5_dev_help_hm___2 Do you ask siblings for help using digital devices at home? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Siblings
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_5_dev_help_hm___3 Do you ask relatives for help using digital devices at home? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Relatives
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_5_dev_help_hm___4 Do you ask friends for help using digital devices at home? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Friends
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_5_dev_help_hm___5 Do you ask neighbours for help using digital devices at home? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Neighbours
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_5_dev_help_hm___6 Do you ask nobody for help using digital devices at home? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Nobody
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_5_dev_help_hm___7 Do you ask anybody else for help using digital devices at home? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Other
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_5_dev_help_hm_othr Who do you ask for help when using digital devices at home? Describe text 33 unique values
46 non-missing values
2 to 65 characters
awb6_6_int_hme Do you have access to the internet at home? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 1573 (84.21%)

awb6_6_int_hme_gd How good is your internet at home? decimal 1 : Very bad
2 : Bad
3 : Okay
4 : Good
5 : Very good
Complete: 1525 (81.64%)

awb6_6_int_hme_hrs How much time do you spend on the internet at home on a school day? decimal 1 : None
2 : 1 hour
3 : 2 hours
4 : 3 hours
5 : 4 hours
6 : 5 hours
7 : More than 6 hours
Complete: 1492 (79.87%)

awb6_6_int_hme_hrs_wknd How much time do you spend on the internet at home on a weekend day? decimal 1 : None
2 : 1 hour
3 : 2 hours
4 : 3 hours
5 : 4 hours
6 : 5 hours
7 : More than 6 hours
Complete: 1485 (79.50%)

awb6_7_dig_sklls___1 Have you done any training for coding activities/clubs? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Coding activities/clubs
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_7_dig_sklls___2 Have you done any training for web development? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Web development
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_7_dig_sklls___3 Have you done any training for virtual reality? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Virtual reality
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_7_dig_sklls___4 Have you done any training for graphic design? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Graphic design (such as Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop)
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_7_dig_sklls___5 Have you done any training for video editing? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Video editing
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_7_dig_sklls___6 Have you done any training for online content creation? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Online content creation
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_7_dig_sklls___7 Have you done any training for other digital skills? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Other digital skills
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_7_dig_sklls_othr Have you ever done any classes in digital skils? Describe text 42 unique values
53 non-missing values
1 to 73 characters
awb6_7_training_1 How often do you do classes, workshops or training in coding activities/clubs? decimal 1 : More than once a week
2 : Once a week
3 : Once a month
4 : Once every few months
5 : Once a year
6 : Less than once a year
Complete: 251 (13.44%)

awb6_7_training_2 How often do you do classes, workshops or training in web development? decimal 1 : More than once a week
2 : Once a week
3 : Once a month
4 : Once every few months
5 : Once a year
6 : Less than once a year
Complete: 137 (7.33%)

awb6_7_training_3 How often do you do classes, workshops or training in virtual reality? decimal 1 : More than once a week
2 : Once a week
3 : Once a month
4 : Once every few months
5 : Once a year
6 : Less than once a year
Complete: 80 (4.28%)

awb6_7_training_4 How often do you do classes, workshops or training in graphic design (such as Ad decimal 1 : More than once a week
2 : Once a week
3 : Once a month
4 : Once every few months
5 : Once a year
6 : Less than once a year
Complete: 242 (12.96%)

awb6_7_training_5 How often do you do classes, workshops or training in video editing? decimal 1 : More than once a week
2 : Once a week
3 : Once a month
4 : Once every few months
5 : Once a year
6 : Less than once a year
Complete: 232 (12.42%)

awb6_7_training_6 How often do you do classes, workshops or training in online content creation? decimal 1 : More than once a week
2 : Once a week
3 : Once a month
4 : Once every few months
5 : Once a year
6 : Less than once a year
Complete: 125 (6.69%)

awb6_7_opp_dig_sklls___1 Would you ask school staff about opportunities to learn digital skills? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Ask a Teacher or Support Staff at School
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_7_opp_dig_sklls___2 Would you search online for opportunities to learn digital skills? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Search online
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_7_opp_dig_sklls___3 Would you visit a local place for opportunities to learn digital skills? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Visit a local place e.g. museum or library
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_7_opp_dig_sklls___4 Would you ask your friends about opportunities to learn digital skill? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Ask my friends
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_7_opp_dig_sklls___5 Would you ask a relative about opportunities to learn digital skills? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Ask a relative (parents, siblings, aunts, uncles etc)
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_7_opp_dig_sklls___6 Would you know who to ask about opportunities to learn digital skills? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: I would know who to ask or where to go
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_7_opp_dig_sklls___7 Would you find out about opportunities to learn digital skills another way? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Other
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_7_opp_dig_sklls_r8___1 Would you ask school staff about opportunities to learn digital skills? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Ask a Teacher or Support Staff at School
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_7_opp_dig_sklls_r8___2 Would you search online for opportunities to learn digital skills? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Search online
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_7_opp_dig_sklls_r8___3 Would you visit a local place for opportunities to learn digital skills? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Visit a local place e.g. museum or library
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_7_opp_dig_sklls_r8___4 Would you ask your friends about opportunities to learn digital skill? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Ask my friends
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_7_opp_dig_sklls_r8___5 Would you ask a relative about opportunities to learn digital skills? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Ask a relative (parents, siblings, aunts, uncles etc)
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_7_opp_dig_sklls_r8___6_on Would you know who to ask about opportunities to learn digital skills? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : I wouldn’t know who to ask or where to go
Complete: 1145 (61.30%)

awb6_7_opp_dig_sklls_r8___7 Would you find out about opportunities to learn digital skills another way? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Other
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_7_opp_dig_sklls_othr Where would you find out about opportunities to learn digital skills? Describe text 15 unique values
15 non-missing values
3 to 47 characters
awb6_8_attd_tech_1 I will probably choose a job in technology decimal 1 : Strongly disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Neither agree or disagree
4 : Agree
5 : Strongly agree
Complete: 1491 (79.82%)

awb6_8_attd_tech_2 If there was a school club about technology I would certainly join it decimal 1 : Strongly disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Neither agree or disagree
4 : Agree
5 : Strongly agree
Complete: 1476 (79.01%)

awb6_8_attd_tech_3 I think machines are boring decimal 1 : Strongly disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Neither agree or disagree
4 : Agree
5 : Strongly agree
Complete: 1462 (78.27%)

awb6_8_attd_tech_4 Most jobs in technology are boring decimal 1 : Strongly disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Neither agree or disagree
4 : Agree
5 : Strongly agree
Complete: 1473 (78.85%)

awb6_8_attd_tech_5 Technology is very important in life decimal 1 : Strongly disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Neither agree or disagree
4 : Agree
5 : Strongly agree
Complete: 1479 (79.18%)

awb6_8_attd_tech_6 Technology makes everything work better decimal 1 : Strongly disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Neither agree or disagree
4 : Agree
5 : Strongly agree
Complete: 1476 (79.01%)

awb6_8_attd_tech_7 You have to be smart to study technology decimal 1 : Strongly disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Neither agree or disagree
4 : Agree
5 : Strongly agree
Complete: 1470 (78.69%)

awb6_8_attd_tech_8 You can study technology only when you are good at both mathematics and science decimal 1 : Strongly disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Neither agree or disagree
4 : Agree
5 : Strongly agree
Complete: 1455 (77.89%)

awb6_8_attd_tech_9 Boys are able to do practical things better than girls decimal 1 : Strongly disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Neither agree or disagree
4 : Agree
5 : Strongly agree
Complete: 1467 (78.53%)

awb6_8_attd_tech_10 How much do you agree? Girls are more capable of doing technical jobs than boys decimal 1 : Strongly disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Neither agree or disagree
4 : Agree
5 : Strongly agree
Complete: 1469 (78.64%)

awb6_8_attd_tech_11 Working in technology would be interesting decimal 1 : Strongly disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Neither agree or disagree
4 : Agree
5 : Strongly agree
Complete: 1457 (78.00%)

awb6_8_attd_tech_12 There should be more education about technology decimal 1 : Strongly disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Neither agree or disagree
4 : Agree
5 : Strongly agree
Complete: 1447 (77.46%)

awb6_8_attd_tech_13 I worry about the impact of technology use on my health decimal 1 : Strongly disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Neither agree or disagree
4 : Agree
5 : Strongly agree
Complete: 1449 (77.57%)

awb6_8_attd_tech_14 I worry about how technology companies might use my data decimal 1 : Strongly disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Neither agree or disagree
4 : Agree
5 : Strongly agree
Complete: 1444 (77.30%)

awb6_8_attd_tech_15 I feel safe online decimal 1 : Strongly disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Neither agree or disagree
4 : Agree
5 : Strongly agree
Complete: 1461 (78.21%)

awb6_8_cnfdnt_1 I feel confident using digital devices for my own work/study decimal 1 : Strongly disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Neither agree or disagree
4 : Agree
5 : Strongly agree
Complete: 1465 (78.43%)

awb6_8_cnfdnt_2 I feel confident using digital devices for my own leisure e.g. social media decimal 1 : Strongly disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Neither agree or disagree
4 : Agree
5 : Strongly agree
Complete: 1470 (78.69%)

awb6_8_smedia_habits If you could asked teenagers in Bradford their digital habits, what would it be? text 453 unique values
509 non-missing values
1 to 364 characters
awb7_1_bullying_1_off Is bullying a problem at your school? decimal 1 : It doesnt happen
2 : It happens and our school is really good at resolving it
3 : It happens and our school is good at resolving it
4 : It happens and our school is not good at resolving it
5 : It happens and teachers do nothing about it
Complete: 698 (37.37%)

awb7_1_activities How frequently do you take part in school activities outside of lessons? decimal 1 : Very frequently
2 : Frequently
3 : Sometimes
4 : Not very often
5 : Never
Complete: 707 (37.85%)

awb8_2_migration Do you have experience of migration? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 678 (36.30%)

have_any_of_the_following Have any of the following happened to you in the last month? decimal 1 : Been teased/made fun of in a way that upset you
10 : Been ganged up on
11 : Other (please describe)
2 : Called nasty names in a way that upset you
3 : Received nasty/threatening text message
4 : Received nasty/threatening message online
5 : Seen nasty things written about you online
6 : Pushed/hit for no reason
7 : Had belongings taken/broken
8 : Been threatened for no reason
9 : Been threatened for money
Complete: 409 (21.90%)

have_any_of_the_following_2 Do you think you are being picked on or bullied for any of the following? decimal -3 : Removed in version 8
1 : Im not being picked on or bullied
10 : Something about your family
11 : Other (please describe)
2 : I dont know why
3 : Your size or weight
4 : The way you look
5 : The clothes you wear
6 : If you do well or need help in lessons
7 : A disability
8 : Your race or colour
9 : Your religion or belief
Complete: 1067 (57.12%)

awb6_5_dgt_home_r8___1 Do you have access to desktop PCs at home? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Desktop computers
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_5_dgt_home_r8___2 Do you have access to laptops at home? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Laptops
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_5_dgt_home_r8___3 Do you have access to tablets/ipads at home? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Tablets/iPads
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_5_dgt_home_r8___4 Do you have access to VR headsets at home? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Virtual reality (VR) headsets
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_5_dgt_home_r8___5 Do you have access to smartphones at home? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Smartphones
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_5_dgt_home_r8___6 Do you have access to other digital devices at home? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Other
Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

awb6_7_opp_dig_sklls_r8___6_off [offline version] You would know who/where … opportunities for digital skills decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : I would know who to ask or where to go
Complete: 723 (38.70%)

awb7_1_safe1_r8 I feel safe when I am at school decimal 1 : All the time
2 : Most of the time
3 : Some of the time
4 : Almost never
5 : Never
Complete: 1782 (95.40%)

awb6_1_negative_exp_r5 What have been your negative experiences of using social media? decimal -2 : Revised in version 5
Complete: 0 (0.00%)

awb6_5_dgt_home_r8 What kind of digital devices do you have access to at home? decimal -2 : Revised in version 8
Complete: 1262 (67.56%)

awb6_7_opp_dig_sklls Where would you go to find out about opportunities to learn digital skills? decimal -3 : Removed in version 8
Complete: 605 (32.39%)

addi_inst_exp Adolescent Discrimination Distress Index Institutional (higher = more discrim) decimal mean (sd)
0.50 (0.98)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 6.00

Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

addi_peer_exp Adolescent Discrimination Distress Index Peer (higher = more discrim) decimal mean (sd)
0.55 (0.96)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 5.00

Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

addi_total Adolescent Discrimination Distress Index total (higher = more discrimination) decimal mean (sd)
1.05 (1.73)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 11.00

Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

addi_nas Adolescent Discrimination Distress Index NAs decimal mean (sd)
1.07 (3.02)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 11.00

Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

addi_missing Adolescent Discrimination Distress Index missing decimal mean (sd)
0.07 (0.26)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 1.00

Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

patt_career Pupils attitudes toward technology (higher = more likely to choose tech job) decimal mean (sd)
2.93 (0.91)

min < median < max
1.00 < 3.00 < 5.00

Complete: 1508 (80.73%)

patt_interest Pupils attitudes toward technology (higher = finds tech more interesting) decimal mean (sd)
2.76 (0.87)

min < median < max
1.00 < 3.00 < 5.00

Complete: 1498 (80.19%)

patt_tedious Pupils attitudes toward technology (higher = finds tech more tedious) decimal mean (sd)
2.80 (0.97)

min < median < max
1.00 < 3.00 < 5.00

Complete: 1488 (79.66%)

patt_conseq Pupils attitudes toward technology (higher = more positive consequences) decimal mean (sd)
3.80 (0.87)

min < median < max
1.00 < 4.00 < 5.00

Complete: 1492 (79.87%)

patt_diff Pupils attitudes toward technology (higher = tech more difficult) decimal mean (sd)
3.10 (0.87)

min < median < max
1.00 < 3.00 < 5.00

Complete: 1487 (79.60%)

patt_gender Pupils attitudes toward technology (higher = tech is for both boys and girls) decimal mean (sd)
2.94 (0.73)

min < median < max
1.00 < 3.00 < 5.00

Complete: 1480 (79.23%)

patt_nas Pupils attitudes toward technology mean score: NAs decimal mean (sd)
2.57 (4.72)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 12.00

Complete: 1868 (100.00%)

patt_missing Pupils attitudes toward technology mean score: Missing decimal mean (sd)
0.18 (0.39)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 1.00

Complete: 1868 (100.00%)