Born in Bradford Data Dictionary

AoW survey module 2 2023 release

Table ID: BiB_AgeOfWonder.survey_mod02_dr23

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Entity type Variables Entities Updated Related tables
Participant 182 3932 2023-11-10 NA

Annual data release 2023 student survey module 2

variable label value_type summary
BiBPersonID BiB cohort person ID text 1609 unique values
1609 non-missing values
8 characters
is_bib Participant is in original BiB cohort decimal mean (sd)
0.41 (0.49)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 1.00

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

aow_recruitment_id Age of Wonder recruitment ID text 3932 unique values
3932 non-missing values
10 characters
recruitment_era Recruitment era (academic year) text 1 unique values
3932 non-missing values
7 characters
age_recruitment_y Age at recruitment in years decimal mean (sd)
13.42 (0.93)

min < median < max
12.00 < 13.00 < 16.00

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

age_recruitment_m Age at recruitment in months decimal mean (sd)
166.46 (10.57)

min < median < max
145.00 < 166.00 < 192.00

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

gender Gender reported by school decimal 1 : Female
2 : Male
Complete: 3931 (99.97%)

ethnicity_1 Ethnicity reported by school - higher level category decimal 1 : Asian or Asian British
2 : Black, Black British, Caribbean or African
3 : Mixed or multiple ethnic groups
4 : White
5 : Other ethnic group
97 : Data provided but ethnicity not stated
98 : Data provided but unmapped
99 : Data not provided
Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

ethnicity_2 Ethnicity reported by school - lower level category decimal 11 : Indian
12 : Pakistani
13 : Bangladeshi
14 : Chinese
15 : Any other Asian background
21 : Caribbean
22 : African
23 : Any other Black, Black British, or Caribbean background
31 : White and Black Caribbean
32 : White and Black African
33 : White and Asian
34 : Any other Mixed or multiple ethnic background
41 : English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British
42 : Irish
43 : Gypsy or Irish Traveller
44 : Roma
45 : Any other White background
51 : Arab
52 : Any other ethnic group
97 : Data provided but ethnicity not stated
98 : Data provided but unmapped
99 : Data not provided
Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

birth_year Year of birth decimal mean (sd)
2008.69 (0.92)

min < median < max
2006.00 < 2009.00 < 2010.00

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

birth_month Month of birth decimal mean (sd)
6.53 (3.46)

min < median < max
1.00 < 7.00 < 12.00

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

school_id Pseudo school ID text 15 unique values
3932 non-missing values
40 characters
year_group School year group text 3 unique values
3932 non-missing values
1 to 2 characters
form_tutor_id Pseudo recruitment form tutor ID text 277 unique values
3932 non-missing values
40 characters
age_survey_y Age (years) at survey date decimal mean (sd)
13.63 (0.92)

min < median < max
12.00 < 14.00 < 16.00

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

age_survey_m Age (months) at survey date decimal mean (sd)
169.08 (10.30)

min < median < max
148.00 < 169.00 < 195.00

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

survey_date Date survey taken date from 2023-01-03
to 2023-07-19

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

survey_version Survey version decimal mean (sd)
5.50 (0.50)

min < median < max
5.00 < 5.00 < 6.00

Complete: 3929 (99.92%)

survey_mode Survey taken online or offline? decimal 1 : Online
2 : Offline
Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

awb2_1_illhealth_1 How often do you feel sad or empty? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 3857 (98.09%)

awb2_1_illhealth_2 How often do you worry when you think you have done poorly at something? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 3864 (98.27%)

awb2_1_illhealth_3 How often do you feel afraid to be home alone? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 3865 (98.30%)

awb2_1_illhealth_4 How often do you feel nothing is much fun anymore? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 3857 (98.09%)

awb2_1_illhealth_5 How often do you worry that something awful will happen to someone in family? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 3836 (97.56%)

awb2_1_illhealth_6 How often do you feel afraid of being in crowded places? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 3848 (97.86%)

awb2_1_illhealth_7 How often do you worry what others think of you? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 3856 (98.07%)

awb2_1_illhealth_8 How often do you have trouble sleeping? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 3864 (98.27%)

awb2_1_illhealth_9 How often do you feel scared to sleep alone? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 3866 (98.32%)

awb2_1_illhealth_10 How often do you have problems with appetite? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 3850 (97.91%)

awb2_1_illhealth_11 How often do you suddenly become dizzy/faint for no reason? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 3853 (97.99%)

awb2_1_illhealth_12 How often do you have to do some things over and over again? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 3839 (97.63%)

awb2_1_illhealth_13 How often do you have no energy for things? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 3854 (98.02%)

awb2_1_illhealth_14 How often do you suddenly tremble/shake for no reason? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 3846 (97.81%)

awb2_1_illhealth_15 How often is it when you can’t think clearly? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 3853 (97.99%)

awb2_1_illhealth_16 How often do you feel worthless? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 3828 (97.36%)

awb2_1_illhealth_17 How often do you think special thoughts to stop bad happening? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 3833 (97.48%)

awb2_1_illhealth_18 How often do you think about death? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 3827 (97.33%)

awb2_1_illhealth_19 How often do you feel like you don’t want to move? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 3806 (96.80%)

awb2_1_illhealth_20 How often do you worry about being scared for no reason? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 3834 (97.51%)

awb2_1_illhealth_21 How often do you feel you are tired alot? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 3857 (98.09%)

awb2_1_illhealth_22 How often do you feel afraid you will make a fool of yourself? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 3840 (97.66%)

awb2_1_illhealth_23 How often do you do something the right way to stop bad things happening? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 3798 (96.59%)

awb2_1_illhealth_24 How often do you feel restless? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 3823 (97.23%)

awb2_1_illhealth_25 How often do you worry something bad will happen to you? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 3848 (97.86%)

awb2_2_optmstc_1_a4 Have you felt optimistic about the future over past 2 weeks? decimal -1 : Added in version 4
1 : None of the time
2 : Rarely
3 : Some of the time
4 : Often
5 : All of the time
Complete: 3751 (95.40%)

awb2_2_useful_2_a4 Have you felt useful over past 2 weeks? decimal -1 : Added in version 4
1 : None of the time
2 : Rarely
3 : Some of the time
4 : Often
5 : All of the time
Complete: 3797 (96.57%)

awb2_2_relxed_3_a4 Have you felt relaxed over the past 2 weeks? decimal -1 : Added in version 4
1 : None of the time
2 : Rarely
3 : Some of the time
4 : Often
5 : All of the time
Complete: 3814 (97.00%)

awb2_2_problems_4_a4 Have you dealt with problems well over the past 2 weeks? decimal -1 : Added in version 4
1 : None of the time
2 : Rarely
3 : Some of the time
4 : Often
5 : All of the time
Complete: 3767 (95.80%)

awb2_2_think_clr_5_a4 Have you been thinking clearly over the past 2 weeks? decimal -1 : Added in version 4
1 : None of the time
2 : Rarely
3 : Some of the time
4 : Often
5 : All of the time
Complete: 3787 (96.31%)

awb2_2_close_othrs_6_a4 Have you felt close to others over the past 2 weeks? decimal -1 : Added in version 4
1 : None of the time
2 : Rarely
3 : Some of the time
4 : Often
5 : All of the time
Complete: 3761 (95.65%)

awb2_2_own_mnd_7_a4 Have you made your own mind up about things over past 2 weeks? decimal -1 : Added in version 4
1 : None of the time
2 : Rarely
3 : Some of the time
4 : Often
5 : All of the time
Complete: 3787 (96.31%)

awb2_3_self_effccy Do you feel when you find something hard you can work out what to do? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Some of the time
3 : All of the time
Complete: 3762 (95.68%)

awb2_4_loneliness_1 How often do you feel that you lack friendship? decimal 1 : Hardly ever
2 : Some of the time
3 : Often
Complete: 3795 (96.52%)

awb2_4_loneliness_2 How often do you feel left out? decimal 1 : Hardly ever
2 : Some of the time
3 : Often
Complete: 3790 (96.39%)

awb2_4_loneliness_3 How often do you feel isolated from others? decimal 1 : Hardly ever
2 : Some of the time
3 : Often
Complete: 3795 (96.52%)

awb2_4_loneliness_4 How often do you feel alone? decimal 1 : Hardly ever
2 : Some of the time
3 : Often
Complete: 3781 (96.16%)

awb2_9_trust Would you say most people can be trusted/you can’t be too careful? decimal 1 : Most people can be trusted
2 : Cant be too careful
Complete: 3639 (92.55%)

awb2_9_seek_hlp_ppl_1_r4 How likely would you seek help from partner? decimal -2 : Revised in version 4
1 : 1(extremely unlikely)
2 : 2
3 : 3(unlikely)
4 : 4
5 : 5(likely)
6 : 6
7 : 7(extremely likely)
8 : I dont have a girlfriend, boyfriend or partner
Complete: 3718 (94.56%)

awb2_9_seek_hlp_ppl_2 How likely would you seek help from a friend? decimal 1 : 1(extremely unlikely)
2 : 2
3 : 3(unlikely)
4 : 4
5 : 5(likely)
6 : 6
7 : 7(extremely likely)
Complete: 3704 (94.20%)

awb2_9_seek_hlp_ppl_3 How likely would you seek help from a parent/carer? decimal 1 : 1(extremely unlikely)
2 : 2
3 : 3(unlikely)
4 : 4
5 : 5(likely)
6 : 6
7 : 7(extremely likely)
Complete: 3690 (93.85%)

awb2_9_seek_hlp_ppl_4 How likely would you seek help from another relative/family member? decimal 1 : 1(extremely unlikely)
2 : 2
3 : 3(unlikely)
4 : 4
5 : 5(likely)
6 : 6
7 : 7(extremely likely)
Complete: 3683 (93.67%)

awb2_9_seek_hlp_ppl_5 How likely would you seek help from a mental health professional? decimal 1 : 1(extremely unlikely)
2 : 2
3 : 3(unlikely)
4 : 4
5 : 5(likely)
6 : 6
7 : 7(extremely likely)
Complete: 3601 (91.58%)

awb2_9_seek_hlp_ppl_6 How likely would you seek help from a phone helpline? decimal 1 : 1(extremely unlikely)
2 : 2
3 : 3(unlikely)
4 : 4
5 : 5(likely)
6 : 6
7 : 7(extremely likely)
Complete: 3581 (91.07%)

awb2_9_seek_hlp_ppl_7 How likely would you seek help from a doctor/GP? decimal 1 : 1(extremely unlikely)
2 : 2
3 : 3(unlikely)
4 : 4
5 : 5(likely)
6 : 6
7 : 7(extremely likely)
Complete: 3624 (92.17%)

awb2_9_seek_hlp_ppl_8 How likely would you seek help from a religious leader? decimal 1 : 1(extremely unlikely)
2 : 2
3 : 3(unlikely)
4 : 4
5 : 5(likely)
6 : 6
7 : 7(extremely likely)
Complete: 3625 (92.19%)

awb2_9_seek_hlp_ppl_10 How likely is it you would not seek help from anyone? decimal 1 : 1(extremely unlikely)
2 : 2
3 : 3(unlikely)
4 : 4
5 : 5(likely)
6 : 6
7 : 7(extremely likely)
Complete: 3643 (92.65%)

awb2_9_seek_hlp_ppl_9_a_4 How likely would you seek help from a teacher/other school staff? decimal -1 : Added in version 4
-5 : Not present in offline version
1 : 1(extremely unlikely)
2 : 2
3 : 3(unlikely)
4 : 4
5 : 5(likely)
6 : 6
7 : 7(extremely likely)
Complete: 3331 (84.72%)

awb2_9_seek_hlp_ppl_othr_a3 Would you seek help from another not listed above? decimal -1 : Added in version 3
0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 3542 (90.08%)

awb2_9_seek_hlp_ppl_11 Would you seek help from someone not listed? List in space provided text 263 unique values
310 non-missing values
1 to 284 characters
awb2_9_seek_hurt_self_a5 In the past year, have you hurt yourself on purpose in any way? decimal -1 : Added in version 5
0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 3191 (81.15%)

awb2_9_resil1_a5 I tend to bounce back quickly after hard times decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Strongly Disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Neutral
4 : Agree
5 : Strongly Agree
Complete: 3599 (91.53%)

awb2_9_resil2_a5 I have a hard time making it through stressful events decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Strongly Disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Neutral
4 : Agree
5 : Strongly Agree
Complete: 3629 (92.29%)

awb2_9_resil3_a5 It does not take me long to recover from a stressful event decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Strongly Disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Neutral
4 : Agree
5 : Strongly Agree
Complete: 3599 (91.53%)

awb2_9_resil4_a5 It is hard for me to snap back when something bad happens decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Strongly Disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Neutral
4 : Agree
5 : Strongly Agree
Complete: 3594 (91.40%)

awb2_9_resil5_a5 I usually come through difficult times with little trouble decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Strongly Disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Neutral
4 : Agree
5 : Strongly Agree
Complete: 3556 (90.44%)

awb2_9_resil6_a5 I tend to take a long time to get over set-backs in my life decimal -1 : Added in version 5
1 : Strongly Disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Neutral
4 : Agree
5 : Strongly Agree
Complete: 3512 (89.32%)

awb2_11_psychosis_3_r4 Have you ever heard voices that others cannot hear? decimal -2 : Revised in version 4
-4 : Only shown to year 10
1 : Yes, definitely
2 : Yes, maybe
3 : No, never
Complete: 3764 (95.73%)

awb2_11_upsetting_3_a4 How upsetting if you heard voices others couldn’t hear? decimal -1 : Added in version 4
1 : Not at all upsetting
2 : A bit upsetting
3 : Quite upsetting
4 : Very upsetting
Complete: 348 (8.85%)

awb2_11_pst_yr_3_a4 How often have you heard voices that other people couldnt hear in the last year? decimal -1 : Added in version 4
1 : Once or twice
2 : Less than once a month
3 : More than once a month
4 : Nearly every day
5 : Not at all
Complete: 348 (8.85%)

awb2_11_psychosis_5_r4 Have you ever seen something others cannot see? decimal -2 : Revised in version 4
-4 : Only shown to year 10
1 : Yes, definitely
2 : Yes, maybe
3 : No, never
Complete: 3753 (95.45%)

awb2_11_upsetting_5_a4 How upsetting if you have seen something other couldn’t see? decimal -1 : Added in version 4
1 : Not at all upsetting
2 : A bit upsetting
3 : Quite upsetting
4 : Very upsetting
Complete: 250 (6.36%)

awb2_11_pst_yr_5_a4 How often have you seen something others couldn’t see in past year? decimal -1 : Added in version 4
1 : Once or twice
2 : Less than once a month
3 : More than once a month
4 : Nearly everyday
5 : Not at all
Complete: 248 (6.31%)

awb2_11_psychosis_2_r4 Have you ever thought you was being followed/spied on? decimal -2 : Revised in version 4
-4 : Only shown to year 10
1 : Yes, definitely
2 : Yes, maybe
3 : No, never
Complete: 3762 (95.68%)

awb2_11_upsetting_2_a4 How upsetting if you thought you were being followed/spied on? decimal -1 : Added in version 4
1 : Not at all upsetting
2 : A bit upsetting
3 : Quite upsetting
4 : Very upsetting
Complete: 460 (11.70%)

awb2_11_pst_yr_2_a4 How often have you thought you were being followed or spied on in the past year? decimal -1 : Added in version 4
1 : Once or twice
2 : Less than once a month
3 : More than once a month
4 : Nearly everyday
5 : Not at all
Complete: 455 (11.57%)

awb2_11_plot_hrm_a4 Have you ever believed that people were following you or spying on you as part o decimal -1 : Added in version 4
1 : Yes, definitely
2 : Yes, maybe
3 : No, never
Complete: 449 (11.42%)

awb2_11_psychosis_10_r4 Have other people ever read your thoughts? decimal -2 : Revised in version 4
-4 : Only shown to year 10
1 : Yes, definitely
2 : Yes, maybe
3 : No, never
Complete: 3753 (95.45%)

awb2_11_upsetting_10_a4 At its worst, how upsetting did you find this? decimal -1 : Added in version 4
1 : Not at all upsetting
2 : A bit upsetting
3 : Quite upsetting
4 : Very upsetting
Complete: 237 (6.03%)

awb2_11_pst_yr_10_a4 How often have you believed that other people can read your thoughts in the past decimal -1 : Added in version 4
1 : Once or twice
2 : Less than once a month
3 : More than once a month
4 : Nearly everyday
5 : Not at all
Complete: 232 (5.90%)

awb2_11_pwrs_read_a4 Do you think people use special powers to read your thoughts? decimal -1 : Added in version 4
-4 : Only shown to year 10
1 : Yes, definitely
2 : Yes, maybe
3 : No, never
Complete: 3751 (95.40%)

awb2_11_psychosis_1_r4 Have you thought you were being sent messages through TV arranged just for you? decimal -2 : Revised in version 4
-4 : Only shown to year 10
1 : Yes, definitely
2 : Yes, maybe
3 : No, never
Complete: 3753 (95.45%)

awb2_11_upsetting_1_a4 How upsetting if you believed you were being sent special messages? decimal -1 : Added in version 4
1 : Not at all upsetting
2 : A bit upsetting
3 : Quite upsetting
4 : Very upsetting
Complete: 151 (3.84%)

awb2_11_pst_yr_1_a4 How often have you been sent special messages in the past year? decimal -1 : Added in version 4
1 : Once or twice
2 : Less than once a month
3 : More than once a month
4 : Nearly everyday
5 : Not at all
Complete: 147 (3.74%)

awb2_11_psychosis_4_r4 Have you ever felt under control of a special power? decimal -2 : Revised in version 4
-4 : Only shown to year 10
1 : Yes, definitely
2 : Yes, maybe
3 : No, never
Complete: 3739 (95.09%)

awb2_11_upsetting_4_a4 How upsetting if you felt under control of a special power? decimal -1 : Added in version 4
1 : Not at all upsetting
2 : A bit upsetting
3 : Quite upsetting
4 : Very upsetting
Complete: 114 (2.90%)

awb2_11_pst_yr_4_a4 How often have you thought you were under the control of a special power in the decimal -1 : Added in version 4
1 : Once or twice
2 : Less than once a month
3 : More than once a month
4 : Nearly everyday
5 : Not at all
Complete: 113 (2.87%)

awb2_11_cntrl_who_a4 Who did you think was controlling you (at any time in the past)? decimal -1 : Added in version 4
1 : God/ another religious figure
2 : A computer/ other machine
3 : Someone/ something else
Complete: 111 (2.82%)

awb2_11_cntrl_no_will_a4 Did it control what you were doing or thinking, such that you had no will of you decimal -1 : Added in version 4
1 : Yes, definitely
2 : Yes, maybe
3 : No, never
Complete: 111 (2.82%)

awb2_11_psychosis_9_r4 Have you ever felt like you have special powers? decimal -2 : Revised in version 4
-4 : Only shown to year 10
1 : Yes, definitely
2 : Yes, maybe
3 : No, never
Complete: 3727 (94.79%)

awb2_11_pst_yr_9_a4 How often thought you were very special/have special powers? decimal -1 : Added in version 4
1 : Once or twice
2 : Less than once a month
3 : More than once a month
4 : Nearly everyday
5 : Not at all
Complete: 141 (3.59%)

awb2_5_social_spprt_1 Do you feel your family tries to help you? decimal 1 : Not true
2 : Somewhat true
3 : Very true
Complete: 3594 (91.40%)

awb2_5_social_spprt_2 Do you get emotional support you need from family? decimal 1 : Not true
2 : Somewhat true
3 : Very true
Complete: 3560 (90.54%)

awb2_5_social_spprt_3 Do you feel your friends try to help you? decimal 1 : Not true
2 : Somewhat true
3 : Very true
Complete: 3590 (91.30%)

awb2_5_social_spprt_4 Can you count on your friends when things go wrong? decimal 1 : Not true
2 : Somewhat true
3 : Very true
Complete: 3579 (91.02%)

awb2_5_social_spprt_5 Can you talk about your problems with your family? decimal 1 : Not true
2 : Somewhat true
3 : Very true
Complete: 3578 (91.00%)

awb2_5_social_spprt_6 Do you have friends you can share your joys/sorrows? decimal 1 : Not true
2 : Somewhat true
3 : Very true
Complete: 3580 (91.05%)

awb2_5_social_spprt_7 Do you feel your family is willing to help you make decisions? decimal 1 : Not true
2 : Somewhat true
3 : Very true
Complete: 3557 (90.46%)

awb2_5_social_spprt_8 Can you talk about your problems with your friends? decimal 1 : Not true
2 : Somewhat true
3 : Very true
Complete: 3570 (90.79%)

awb2_13_fbq_a3 What mental health question would you ask every teenager in Bradford? text 882 unique values
998 non-missing values
1 to 147 characters
awb7_1_prk_grnspce Do you have a park or green space near your home where you can play/meet with yo decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 3526 (89.67%)

awb7_1_stsfctn_grnspce How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the parks and green spaces in your lo decimal 1 : Very satisfied
2 : Fairly satisfied
3 : Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4 : Fairly dissatisfied
5 : Very dissatisfied
Complete: 3489 (88.73%)

awb7_1_wntr_mnths How often do you visit parks and green spaces? During the winter months (Septemb decimal 1 : 5 times a week or more
2 : 2-4 times a week
3 : Once a week
4 : 1 to 3 times a month
5 : Less than once a month
Complete: 3487 (88.68%)

awb7_1_smmr_mnths How often do you visit parks and green spaces? During the spring and summer mont decimal 1 : 5 times a week or more
2 : 2-4 times a week
3 : Once a week
4 : 1 to 3 times a month
5 : Less than once a month
Complete: 3460 (88.00%)

awb7_2_pollution What do you think about the air quality in Bradford? decimal 1 : Very poor
2 : Poor
3 : Fair
4 : Good
5 : Excellent
6 : Dont know
Complete: 3493 (88.84%)

awb7_3_clmte_chnge_feelng How pos/neg do you feel about the future of the environment? decimal 1 : Very positive
2 : Fairly positive
3 : Neither positive nor negative
4 : Fairly negative
5 : Very negative
Complete: 3422 (87.03%)

awb7_3_wrry_clmte_chnge How worried or unworried are you about the impact of climate change? decimal 1 : Very worried
2 : Somewhat worried
3 : Neither worried nor unworried
4 : Somewhat unworried
5 : Not at all worried
Complete: 3417 (86.90%)

awb7_3_clmt_chng_worried For which of the following reasons, if any, are you not worried about the impact decimal 1 : I do not think climate change will impact me for a long time to come
2 : I think there are other more urgent priorities to be worried about
3 : I think the impacts of climate change are exaggerated
4 : I do not know much about climate change
5 : Other (please specify)
Complete: 695 (17.68%)

awb7_3_worry_specify Are you not worried about impact of climate change? Please specify text 63 unique values
66 non-missing values
4 to 265 characters
awb7_3_anxiety_envrnmnt Over the past month how anxious, if at all, have you felt about the future of th decimal 1 : Very anxious
2 : Somewhat anxious
3 : Neither anxious nor unanxious
4 : Somewhat unanxious
5 : Not at all anxious
Complete: 3418 (86.93%)

awb7_3_chngs_lifestyle To what extent have you made changes to your lifestyle to help tackle climate ch decimal 1 : I have made a lot of changes
2 : I have made some changes
3 : I have made no changes
Complete: 3363 (85.53%)

awb7_3_what_changes___1 Have you made changes to diet to tackle climate change? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Changes to your diet (for example, eating more plant based or going vegetarian)
Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

awb7_3_what_changes___2 Have you made changes to recycling to tackle climate change? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Recycling
Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

awb7_3_what_changes___3 Have you made changes to travel to tackle climate change? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Changes to your travel (for example, walking, cycling or getting public transport to school instead of going by car)
Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

awb7_3_what_changes___4 Have you made changes to spending to tackle climate change? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Changes to your spending habits (for example, buying from more eco-friendly brands)
Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

awb7_3_what_changes___5 Have you been more involved with climate activism? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Getting more involved with climate activism
Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

awb7_3_what_changes___6 Have you made other changes to tackle climate change? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Other (please specify)
Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

awb7_3_chngs_plse_specify What changes have you made to tackle climate change? Specify text 110 unique values
111 non-missing values
3 to 260 characters
awb7_3_no_changes_reason___1 You think large polluters should change before individuals decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: I think large polluters should change before individuals
Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

awb7_3_no_changes_reason___2 You do not think eco-friendly alternatives are as good decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: I do not think eco-friendly alternatives are as good
Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

awb7_3_no_changes_reason___3 It is too expensive to make changes decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: It is too expensive to make changes
Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

awb7_3_no_changes_reason___4 You dont have the time to make changes decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: I do not have the time to make changes
Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

awb7_3_no_changes_reason___5 You dont know how to make changes decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: I do not know how to make changes
Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

awb7_3_no_changes_reason___6 You dont feel it is your responsibility to make changes decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: I do not feel it is my personal responsibility
Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

awb7_3_no_changes_reason___7 You dont think your changes will effect climate change decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: I do not think the changes I make will have any effect on climate change
Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

awb7_3_no_changes_reason___8 You dont need to change because climate change effects are exaggerated decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: I do not need to make changes because the effects of climate change are exaggerated
Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

awb7_3_no_changes_reason___9 You are not interested in making changes decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: I am not interested in making changes
Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

awb7_3_no_changes_reason___10 You have othe reasons you havent made changes decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked: Other (please specify)
Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

awb7_3_no_chnges_specify What reason have you not made changes to tackle climate change? Specify text 97 unique values
104 non-missing values
3 to 328 characters
feedback_mental_hlth Feedback for mental health questions text 612 unique values
722 non-missing values
1 to 148 characters
rcad_ga Revised childrens anxiety and depression scale. General anxiety decimal mean (sd)
10.16 (8.28)

min < median < max
0.00 < 8.00 < 45.00

Complete: 3852 (97.97%)

rcad_md Revised childrens anxiety and depression scale. Major depression decimal mean (sd)
8.52 (6.22)

min < median < max
0.00 < 7.00 < 30.00

Complete: 3854 (98.02%)

rcad_total Revised childrens anxiety and depression scale. Total decimal mean (sd)
18.67 (13.80)

min < median < max
0.00 < 16.00 < 75.00

Complete: 3845 (97.79%)

rcad_nas Revised childrens anxiety and depression scale. NAs decimal mean (sd)
0.56 (2.76)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 25.00

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

rcad_ga_miss Revised childrens anxiety and depression scale. General anxiety NAs decimal mean (sd)
0.34 (1.68)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 15.00

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

rcad_md_miss Revised childrens anxiety and depression scale. Major depression NAs decimal mean (sd)
0.22 (1.11)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 10.00

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

rcad_missing Revised childrens anxiety and depression scale. Total NAs decimal mean (sd)
0.01 (0.08)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 1.00

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

depression_int Depression int decimal mean (sd)
7.85 (0.28)

min < median < max
7.50 < 8.08 < 8.14

Complete: 3931 (99.97%)

depression_factor Depression factor decimal mean (sd)
4.14 (0.27)

min < median < max
3.75 < 4.34 < 4.37

Complete: 3931 (99.97%)

anxiety_int Anxiety int decimal mean (sd)
11.37 (1.15)

min < median < max
9.70 < 11.31 < 12.74

Complete: 3931 (99.97%)

anxiety_factor Anxiety factor decimal mean (sd)
5.69 (0.41)

min < median < max
5.33 < 5.45 < 6.22

Complete: 3931 (99.97%)

total_int Total int decimal mean (sd)
19.22 (1.40)

min < median < max
17.20 < 19.45 < 20.82

Complete: 3931 (99.97%)

total_factor Total factor decimal mean (sd)
8.70 (0.65)

min < median < max
7.92 < 8.63 < 9.46

Complete: 3931 (99.97%)

rcad_md_t RCADS Depression (higher = more depressed) decimal mean (sd)
51.40 (14.77)

min < median < max
29.84 < 48.80 < 109.84

Complete: 3853 (97.99%)

rcad_ga_t RCADS Anxiety (higher = more anxiety) decimal mean (sd)
47.79 (14.18)

min < median < max
28.78 < 44.00 < 114.77

Complete: 3851 (97.94%)

rcad_total_t Revised childrens anxiety and depression scale (RCADS) Total sum decimal mean (sd)
49.16 (15.44)

min < median < max
27.22 < 46.16 < 121.92

Complete: 3844 (97.76%)

rcad_md_cat Revised childrens anxiety and depression scale. Major depression category text 3 unique values
3853 non-missing values
6 to 10 characters
rcad_ga_cat Revised childrens anxiety and depression scale. General anxiety category text 3 unique values
3851 non-missing values
6 to 10 characters
rcad_total_cat Revised childrens anxiety and depression scale. Total category text 3 unique values
3844 non-missing values
6 to 10 characters
wellbeing Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (higher = greater wellbeing) decimal mean (sd)
24.01 (6.74)

min < median < max
0.00 < 24.00 < 38.00

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

wellbeing_nas Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale NAs decimal mean (sd)
0.31 (1.23)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 8.00

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

wellbeing_missing Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale missing decimal mean (sd)
0.00 (0.04)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 1.00

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

swemwbs_total Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (higher = greater wellbeing) decimal mean (sd)
22.19 (4.54)

min < median < max
7.00 < 21.54 < 35.00

Complete: 3726 (94.76%)

swemwbs_cat Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale category text 3 unique values
3726 non-missing values
3 to 6 characters
loneliness UCLA Loneliness Scale (higher = more lonely) decimal mean (sd)
1.97 (2.25)

min < median < max
0.00 < 1.00 < 8.00

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

loneliness_nas UCLA Loneliness Scale NAs decimal mean (sd)
0.14 (0.67)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 4.00

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

loneliness_missing UCLA Loneliness Scale missing decimal mean (sd)
0.02 (0.16)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 1.00

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

emo_inf General Help Seeking Qstnnaire Informal Sources (higher = more help seeking) decimal mean (sd)
14.43 (5.94)

min < median < max
0.00 < 15.00 < 28.00

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

emo_form General Help Seeking Qstnnaire Formal Sources (higher = more help seeking) decimal mean (sd)
10.77 (6.37)

min < median < max
0.00 < 10.00 < 28.00

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

emo_sch General Help Seeking Qstnnaire School (higher = more help seeking from school) decimal -1 : Added in version 4
-5 : Not present in offline version
1 : 1(extremely unlikely)
2 : 2
3 : 3(unlikely)
4 : 4
5 : 5(likely)
6 : 6
7 : 7(extremely likely)
Complete: 3331 (84.72%)

emo_total General Help Seeking Questionnaire (higher = more help seeking) decimal mean (sd)
26.05 (11.50)

min < median < max
-5.00 < 27.00 < 63.00

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

emo_nas General Help Seeking Questionnaire NAs decimal mean (sd)
0.79 (2.12)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 10.00

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

emo_missing General Help Seeking Questionnaire missing decimal mean (sd)
0.03 (0.16)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 1.00

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

brs_total Brief Resilience Scale (higher = more resilient) decimal mean (sd)
17.10 (6.43)

min < median < max
0.00 < 18.00 < 30.00

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

brs_nas Brief Resilience Scale NAs decimal mean (sd)
0.50 (1.53)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 6.00

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

brs_missing Brief Resilience Scale missing decimal mean (sd)
0.06 (0.24)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 1.00

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

brs_mean Brief Resilience Scale mean decimal mean (sd)
2.85 (1.07)

min < median < max
0.00 < 3.00 < 5.00

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

brs_cat Brief Resilience Scale category text 3 unique values
3932 non-missing values
3 to 6 characters
soc_sup_fam MSPSS family (higher = less social support from family) decimal mean (sd)
2.17 (2.23)

min < median < max
0.00 < 2.00 < 8.00

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

soc_sup_frnd MSPSS friend (higher = less social support from friends) decimal mean (sd)
1.93 (2.23)

min < median < max
0.00 < 1.00 < 8.00

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

soc_sup_total MSPSS total (higher = less overall social support) decimal mean (sd)
4.10 (3.79)

min < median < max
0.00 < 4.00 < 16.00

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

soc_sup_nas MSPSS NAs decimal mean (sd)
0.72 (2.14)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 8.00

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)

soc_sup_missing MSPSS missing decimal mean (sd)
0.07 (0.26)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 1.00

Complete: 3932 (100.00%)