Born in Bradford Data Dictionary

MeDALL residential NDVI and green space

Table ID: BiB_MeDALL.medall_ndvi

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Participant 25 2365 2022-09-30 NA

NDVI and local green space based on maternal residential address at time of MeDALL questionnaire.

variable label value_type summary
BiBPregNumber decimal mean (sd)
1.12 (0.33)

min < median < max
1.00 < 1.00 < 3.00

Complete: 2451 (100.00%)

has_medall_ndvi Has medall residential ndvi and green space decimal mean (sd)
1.00 (0.00)

min < median < max
1.00 < 1.00 < 1.00

Complete: 2451 (100.00%)

agemm_mdndvi Mother age (months): MeDALL residential NDVI and green space decimal mean (sd)
402.26 (66.53)

min < median < max
242.00 < 400.00 < 654.00

Complete: 2451 (100.00%)

agemy_mdndvi Mother age (years): MeDALL residential NDVI and green space decimal mean (sd)
33.07 (5.56)

min < median < max
20.00 < 33.00 < 54.00

Complete: 2451 (100.00%)

has_mdndvi Has: MeDALL residential NDVI and green space decimal 1 : has
Complete: 2451 (100.00%)

mndvicb1lndvi MeDALL address: Mean NDVI 100m decimal mean (sd)
0.38 (0.09)

min < median < max
0.18 < 0.37 < 0.72

Complete: 2451 (100.00%)

mndvicb2lndvi MeDALL address: Mean NDVI 300m decimal mean (sd)
0.39 (0.09)

min < median < max
0.21 < 0.38 < 0.72

Complete: 2451 (100.00%)

mndvicb3lndvi MeDALL address: Mean NDVI 500m decimal mean (sd)
0.40 (0.09)

min < median < max
0.21 < 0.38 < 0.72

Complete: 2451 (100.00%)

mndvidistamty MeDALL address: Distance to nearest green space: Amenity green space (m) decimal mean (sd)
225.61 (183.12)

min < median < max
0.00 < 182.81 < 1761.30

Complete: 2451 (100.00%)

mndvidistgrn MeDALL address: Distance to nearest green space (m) - all categories decimal mean (sd)
117.84 (105.64)

min < median < max
0.00 < 92.76 < 1617.14

Complete: 2451 (100.00%)

mndvidistpkgdn MeDALL address: Distance to nearest green space: Parks and Gardens (m) decimal mean (sd)
637.45 (408.29)

min < median < max
6.26 < 572.02 < 2949.11

Complete: 2451 (100.00%)

mndvidistplygd MeDALL address: Distance to nearest green space: Playgrounds (m) decimal mean (sd)
383.98 (245.19)

min < median < max
3.84 < 327.90 < 1960.63

Complete: 2451 (100.00%)

mndvidistsprt MeDALL address: Distance to nearest green space: Outdoor Sports (m) decimal mean (sd)
190.84 (133.88)

min < median < max
0.00 < 172.43 < 1617.14

Complete: 2451 (100.00%)

mndvilocamty MeDALL address: Location of nearest green space: Amenity green space text 249 unique values
2451 non-missing values
5 to 50 characters
mndvilocpkgdn MeDALL address: Location of nearest green space: Parks and Gardens text 36 unique values
2451 non-missing values
6 to 47 characters
mndvilocplygd MeDALL address: Location of nearest green space: Playgrounds text 30 unique values
529 non-missing values
13 to 50 characters
mndvilocsprt MeDALL address: Location of nearest green space: Outdoor Sports text 216 unique values
2451 non-missing values
5 to 50 characters
mndvinameamty MeDALL address: Name of nearest green space: Amenity green space text 216 unique values
2451 non-missing values
5 to 47 characters
mndvinamepkgdn MeDALL address: Name of nearest green space: Parks and Gardens text 36 unique values
2451 non-missing values
8 to 34 characters
mndvinameplygd MeDALL address: Name of nearest green space: Playgrounds text 157 unique values
2451 non-missing values
4 to 42 characters
mndvinamesprt MeDALL address: Name of nearest green space: Outdoor Sports text 186 unique values
2451 non-missing values
9 to 50 characters
mndvisizeamty MeDALL address: Size of nearest green space: Amenity green space (hectares) decimal mean (sd)
0.73 (0.93)

min < median < max
0.20 < 0.46 < 15.95

Complete: 2451 (100.00%)

mndvisizepkgdn MeDALL address: Size of nearest green space: Parks and Gardens (hectares) decimal mean (sd)
11.44 (10.62)

min < median < max
0.23 < 6.63 < 37.38

Complete: 2451 (100.00%)

mndvisizeplygd MeDALL address: Size of nearest green space: Playgrounds (hectares) decimal mean (sd)
0.16 (0.15)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.10 < 0.84

Complete: 2451 (100.00%)

mndvisizesprt MeDALL address: Size of nearest green space: Outdoor Sports (hectares) decimal mean (sd)
3.81 (5.89)

min < median < max
0.25 < 1.88 < 67.22

Complete: 2451 (100.00%)