Born in Bradford Data Dictionary

BiB Growing Up DXA scan (father)

Table ID: BiB_GrowingUp.dxa_scan_f

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Entity type Variables Entities Updated Related tables
Participant 128 58 2022-09-30 NA

DXA scan on cohort fathers completed during the BiB Growing Up study.

variable label value_type summary
Date Date image was acquired date from 2017-02-23
to 2018-06-30

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

AgeMonths Age in months at DXA scan decimal mean (sd)
518.93 (74.96)

min < median < max
396.00 < 507.00 < 712.00

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

AgeYears Age in years at DXA scan decimal mean (sd)
42.83 (6.18)

min < median < max
33.00 < 42.00 < 59.00

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

ScanYear Calendar year of DXA scan decimal mean (sd)
2017.55 (0.50)

min < median < max
2017.00 < 2018.00 < 2018.00

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

ScanMonth Calendar month of DXA scan decimal mean (sd)
5.84 (3.67)

min < median < max
1.00 < 4.00 < 12.00

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

status Current state of this exam decimal 0 : Not reviewed
Complete: 58 (100.00%)

height Height (cm) decimal mean (sd)
176.74 (8.07)

min < median < max
163.50 < 177.35 < 201.50

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

weight Weight (kg) decimal mean (sd)
85.05 (13.98)

min < median < max
58.50 < 83.70 < 119.30

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

scantype Scan type decimal 10 : Whole body scan
Complete: 58 (100.00%)

scanner_id Serial number of scanner decimal mean (sd)
200542.00 (0.00)

min < median < max
200542.00 < 200542.00 < 200542.00

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

site Site of scan decimal 0 : AP spine
13 : Paediatric total body
3 : Total body
Complete: 58 (100.00%)

side Side scanned decimal 0 : NA
Complete: 58 (100.00%)

acquisition_version Version of the aquisition techniques when image was aquired text 1 unique values
58 non-missing values
9 characters
analysis_version Version of analysis techniques text 1 unique values
58 non-missing values
9 characters
avg_percent_fat Average percent fat for the whole image decimal mean (sd)
0.28 (0.06)

min < median < max
0.17 < 0.28 < 0.41

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

avg_tissue_thickness Average tissue thickness for the whole image decimal mean (sd)
10.94 (1.18)

min < median < max
8.58 < 10.94 < 14.08

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

scan_length Length of acquisition field (mm) decimal mean (sd)
1968.55 (1.34)

min < median < max
1968.30 < 1968.30 < 1976.00

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

scan_width Width of acquisition field (mm) decimal mean (sd)
657.62 (0.00)

min < median < max
657.62 < 657.62 < 657.62

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

object_plane Y object plan offset (mm) decimal mean (sd)
0.00 (0.00)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 0.00

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

measured_item_length Length of item measured decimal mean (sd)
0.00 (0.00)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 0.00

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

smart_scanned Scan acquired using smart scanning decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 58 (100.00%)

comp_handle Foreign key to tie this to a Densitometry record text 58 unique values
58 non-missing values
17 to 18 characters
population Reference Population used decimal 131 : UK
Complete: 58 (100.00%)

norm_version Version of the reference data used decimal mean (sd)
112.00 (0.00)

min < median < max
112.00 < 112.00 < 112.00

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

method Method of analysis (composition) decimal 2 : Standard
Complete: 58 (100.00%)

head_bmd Bone mineral density (g/cm2) of head decimal mean (sd)
2.33 (0.26)

min < median < max
1.88 < 2.28 < 2.97

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

arms_bmd Bone mineral density (g/cm2) of arms decimal mean (sd)
1.00 (0.13)

min < median < max
0.72 < 1.01 < 1.34

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

legs_bmd Bone mineral density (g/cm2) of legs decimal mean (sd)
1.38 (0.14)

min < median < max
1.17 < 1.38 < 1.80

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

trnk_bmd Bone mineral density (g/cm2) of trunk decimal mean (sd)
1.08 (0.12)

min < median < max
0.85 < 1.08 < 1.40

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

ribs_bmd Bone mineral density (g/cm2) of ribs decimal mean (sd)
0.96 (0.11)

min < median < max
0.77 < 0.96 < 1.27

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

pelv_bmd Bone mineral density (g/cm2) of pelvis decimal mean (sd)
1.11 (0.16)

min < median < max
0.80 < 1.08 < 1.50

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

spin_bmd Bone mineral density (g/cm2) of spine decimal mean (sd)
1.20 (0.14)

min < median < max
0.92 < 1.21 < 1.51

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

totl_bmd Bone mineral density (g/cm2) - total decimal mean (sd)
1.29 (0.11)

min < median < max
1.07 < 1.28 < 1.68

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

larm_bmd Bone mineral density (g/cm2) of left arm decimal mean (sd)
0.98 (0.14)

min < median < max
0.71 < 0.98 < 1.38

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

lleg_bmd Bone mineral density (g/cm2) of left leg decimal mean (sd)
1.38 (0.15)

min < median < max
1.14 < 1.36 < 1.80

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

ltrnk_bmd Bone mineral density (g/cm2) of left trunk decimal mean (sd)
1.06 (0.12)

min < median < max
0.82 < 1.06 < 1.39

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

ltot_bmd Bone mineral density (g/cm2) of left total decimal mean (sd)
1.27 (0.12)

min < median < max
1.06 < 1.26 < 1.67

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

rarm_bmd Bone mineral density (g/cm2) of right arm decimal mean (sd)
1.01 (0.14)

min < median < max
0.73 < 1.04 < 1.31

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

rleg_bmd Bone mineral density (g/cm2) of right leg decimal mean (sd)
1.38 (0.14)

min < median < max
1.15 < 1.38 < 1.80

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

rtrnk_bmd Bone mineral density (g/cm2) of right trunk decimal mean (sd)
1.10 (0.13)

min < median < max
0.87 < 1.09 < 1.44

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

rtot_bmd Bone mineral density (g/cm2) of right total decimal mean (sd)
1.32 (0.12)

min < median < max
1.09 < 1.31 < 1.69

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

head_bmc Bone mineral content (g) of head decimal mean (sd)
552.75 (82.76)

min < median < max
437.39 < 539.22 < 802.73

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

arms_bmc Bone mineral content (g) of arms decimal mean (sd)
443.35 (67.01)

min < median < max
298.60 < 439.04 < 642.98

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

legs_bmc Bone mineral content (g) of legs decimal mean (sd)
1177.23 (181.37)

min < median < max
861.16 < 1171.84 < 1917.69

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

trnk_bmc Bone mineral content (g) of trunk decimal mean (sd)
909.02 (168.51)

min < median < max
601.71 < 897.32 < 1501.54

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

ribs_bmc Bone mineral content (g) of ribs decimal mean (sd)
296.73 (68.43)

min < median < max
169.57 < 286.68 < 562.84

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

pelv_bmc Bone mineral content (g) of pelvis decimal mean (sd)
380.60 (74.78)

min < median < max
267.00 < 368.03 < 607.29

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

spin_bmc Bone mineral content (g) of spine decimal mean (sd)
231.69 (44.35)

min < median < max
164.22 < 226.98 < 370.85

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

totl_bmc Bone mineral content (g) - total decimal mean (sd)
3082.35 (444.81)

min < median < max
2308.09 < 3051.26 < 4864.94

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

and_bmc Bone mineral content (g) of android decimal mean (sd)
54.02 (10.54)

min < median < max
33.26 < 53.78 < 80.76

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

gyn_bmc Bone mineral content (g) of gynoid decimal mean (sd)
314.84 (55.22)

min < median < max
229.34 < 306.38 < 505.68

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

anvis_bmc Bone mineral content (g) of android visceral decimal mean (sd)
1448.58 (994.17)

min < median < max
162.71 < 1189.47 < 6265.49

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

larm_bmc Bone mineral content (g) of left arm decimal mean (sd)
218.27 (35.06)

min < median < max
148.51 < 216.83 < 320.86

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

lleg_bmc Bone mineral content (g) of left leg decimal mean (sd)
584.38 (91.41)

min < median < max
420.02 < 581.87 < 962.71

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

ltrnk_bmc Bone mineral content (g) of left trunk decimal mean (sd)
451.03 (81.73)

min < median < max
297.67 < 443.29 < 710.30

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

ltot_bmc Bone mineral content (g) of left total decimal mean (sd)
1489.34 (230.19)

min < median < max
1152.67 < 1459.30 < 2390.75

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

rarm_bmc Bone mineral content (g) of right arm decimal mean (sd)
225.08 (33.91)

min < median < max
149.30 < 222.59 < 322.12

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

rleg_bmc Bone mineral content (g) of right leg decimal mean (sd)
592.85 (92.18)

min < median < max
439.27 < 585.04 < 954.99

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

rtrnk_bmc Bone mineral content (g) of right trunk decimal mean (sd)
457.99 (89.21)

min < median < max
304.04 < 446.72 < 791.24

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

rtot_bmc Bone mineral content (g) of right total decimal mean (sd)
1593.01 (235.62)

min < median < max
1134.64 < 1566.14 < 2474.19

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

armdiff_bmc Bone mass (g) of left vs right arm difference decimal mean (sd)
6.82 (16.38)

min < median < max
-78.69 < 9.36 < 53.23

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

legdiff_bmc Bone mineral content (g) of left vs right leg difference decimal mean (sd)
8.46 (28.48)

min < median < max
-27.77 < 7.20 < 193.41

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

trnkdiff_bmc Bone mineral content (g) of left vs right trunk difference decimal mean (sd)
6.97 (29.67)

min < median < max
-64.00 < 6.43 < 80.94

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

boddiff_bmc Bone mineral content (g) of left vs right body difference decimal mean (sd)
103.68 (138.37)

min < median < max
-169.91 < 83.30 < 435.15

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

head_area Bone area (cm2) of head decimal mean (sd)
236.59 (18.12)

min < median < max
199.53 < 234.67 < 278.05

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

arms_area Bone area (cm2) of arms decimal mean (sd)
450.31 (74.45)

min < median < max
325.76 < 422.54 < 647.33

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

legs_area Bone area (cm2) of legs decimal mean (sd)
851.31 (71.69)

min < median < max
699.88 < 843.24 < 1067.32

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

trnk_area Bone area(cm2) (cm2) of trunk decimal mean (sd)
839.11 (80.62)

min < median < max
686.28 < 826.48 < 1084.74

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

ribs_area Bone area (cm2) of ribs decimal mean (sd)
306.48 (45.89)

min < median < max
208.36 < 298.55 < 457.32

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

pelv_area Bone area (cm2) of pelvis decimal mean (sd)
340.53 (29.81)

min < median < max
269.26 < 337.47 < 444.75

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

spin_area Bone area (cm2) of spine decimal mean (sd)
192.10 (19.98)

min < median < max
157.98 < 189.46 < 260.90

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

totl_area Bone area (cm2) - total decimal mean (sd)
2377.32 (191.43)

min < median < max
1956.90 < 2360.75 < 2897.56

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

larm_area Bone area (cm2) of left arm decimal mean (sd)
224.23 (38.03)

min < median < max
165.93 < 213.35 < 325.83

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

lleg_area Bone area (cm2) of left leg decimal mean (sd)
423.58 (35.60)

min < median < max
347.40 < 417.87 < 535.13

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

ltrnk_area Bone area (cm2) of left trunk decimal mean (sd)
423.31 (39.48)

min < median < max
331.28 < 420.47 < 530.78

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

ltot_area Bone area (cm2) of left total decimal mean (sd)
1170.79 (100.14)

min < median < max
978.70 < 1166.32 < 1430.35

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

rarm_area Bone area (cm2) of right arm decimal mean (sd)
226.07 (37.90)

min < median < max
159.83 < 215.12 < 321.51

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

rleg_area Bone area (cm2) of right leg decimal mean (sd)
427.73 (36.75)

min < median < max
352.47 < 426.10 < 541.38

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

rtrnk_area Bone area (cm2) of right trunk decimal mean (sd)
415.80 (44.78)

min < median < max
337.76 < 406.20 < 568.78

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

rtot_area Bone area (cm2) of right total decimal mean (sd)
1206.53 (100.21)

min < median < max
977.45 < 1195.69 < 1467.20

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

arms_leanmass Lean mass (g) of arms decimal mean (sd)
7360.37 (1125.37)

min < median < max
5047.92 < 7197.07 < 9944.47

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

legs_leanmass Lean mass (g) of legs decimal mean (sd)
19744.00 (2442.85)

min < median < max
13874.45 < 19798.28 < 27012.20

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

trnk_leanmass Lean mass (g) of trunk decimal mean (sd)
26011.21 (3368.14)

min < median < max
20056.53 < 25409.13 < 35144.06

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

tot_leanmass Lean mass (g) of total decimal mean (sd)
56663.82 (6553.03)

min < median < max
43282.69 < 56057.15 < 76367.16

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

and_leanmass Lean mass (g) of android decimal mean (sd)
3909.58 (602.08)

min < median < max
2717.71 < 3840.11 < 5811.64

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

gyn_leanmass Lean mass (g) of gynoid decimal mean (sd)
8803.25 (1059.25)

min < median < max
6783.17 < 8786.44 < 11915.71

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

anvis_leanmass Lean mass (g) of android visceral decimal mean (sd)
2913.42 (418.70)

min < median < max
2088.92 < 2904.19 < 4092.56

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

larm_leanmass Lean mass (g) of left arm decimal mean (sd)
3620.38 (623.62)

min < median < max
2482.87 < 3562.59 < 5430.23

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

lleg_leanmass Lean mass (g) of left leg decimal mean (sd)
9744.56 (1233.21)

min < median < max
6719.54 < 9876.34 < 13425.74

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

ltrnk_leanmass Lean mass (g) of left trunk decimal mean (sd)
13232.74 (1643.73)

min < median < max
10087.53 < 13059.74 < 17611.20

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

ltot_leanmass Lean mass (g) of left total decimal mean (sd)
28116.92 (3178.67)

min < median < max
22063.06 < 28011.35 < 38213.60

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

rarm_leanmass Lean mass (g) of right arm decimal mean (sd)
3739.99 (539.30)

min < median < max
2565.05 < 3658.29 < 4965.51

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

rleg_leanmass Lean mass (g) of right leg decimal mean (sd)
9999.45 (1340.87)

min < median < max
7154.92 < 9931.05 < 14005.13

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

rtrnk_leanmass Lean mass (g) of right trunk decimal mean (sd)
12778.47 (1794.77)

min < median < max
9658.48 < 12406.96 < 17532.86

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

rtot_leanmass Lean mass (g) of right total decimal mean (sd)
28546.91 (3473.94)

min < median < max
21148.38 < 28210.11 < 38153.56

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

armdiff_leanmass Lean mass (g) of left vs right arm difference decimal mean (sd)
119.61 (305.00)

min < median < max
-1431.15 < 120.85 < 979.90

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

legdiff_leanmass Lean mass (g) of left vs right leg difference decimal mean (sd)
254.89 (818.48)

min < median < max
-818.13 < 192.02 < 5732.46

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

trnkdiff_leanmass Lean mass (g) of left vs right trunk difference decimal mean (sd)
-454.27 (708.32)

min < median < max
-2110.31 < -489.30 < 1737.36

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

boddiff_leanmass Lean mass (g) of left vs right body difference decimal mean (sd)
429.99 (1184.17)

min < median < max
-1389.77 < 248.87 < 6340.18

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

arms_fatmass Fat mass (g) of arms decimal mean (sd)
2326.47 (833.41)

min < median < max
818.45 < 2153.03 < 4357.78

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

legs_fatmass Fat mass (g) of legs decimal mean (sd)
7016.54 (2660.54)

min < median < max
3259.96 < 6752.96 < 15441.25

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

trnk_fatmass Fat mass (g) of trunk decimal mean (sd)
14552.68 (5869.34)

min < median < max
5714.94 < 13106.99 < 32634.30

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

tot_fatmass Fat mass (g) of total decimal mean (sd)
24856.66 (8950.74)

min < median < max
10710.02 < 22996.52 < 45238.39

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

and_fatmass Fat mass (g) of android decimal mean (sd)
2516.81 (1173.04)

min < median < max
740.05 < 2230.38 < 6565.06

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

gyn_fatmass Fat mass (g) of gynoid decimal mean (sd)
3744.62 (1320.71)

min < median < max
1764.22 < 3557.35 < 6788.04

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

anvis_fatmass Fat mass (g) of android visceral decimal mean (sd)
1366.58 (937.90)

min < median < max
153.50 < 1122.15 < 5910.84

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

larm_fatmass Fat mass (g) of left arm decimal mean (sd)
1138.96 (428.30)

min < median < max
372.16 < 1044.93 < 2556.41

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

lleg_fatmass Fat mass (g) of left leg decimal mean (sd)
3471.19 (1327.94)

min < median < max
1635.33 < 3279.02 < 7551.34

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

ltrnk_fatmass Fat mass (g) of left trunk decimal mean (sd)
7399.10 (2965.95)

min < median < max
2805.33 < 6572.93 < 16774.37

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

ltot_fatmass Fat mass (g) of left total decimal mean (sd)
12424.01 (4505.25)

min < median < max
5496.48 < 11318.58 < 23955.21

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

rarm_fatmass Fat mass (g) of right arm decimal mean (sd)
1187.51 (419.51)

min < median < max
446.29 < 1118.38 < 2383.09

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

rleg_fatmass Fat mass (g) of right leg decimal mean (sd)
3545.35 (1345.26)

min < median < max
1580.83 < 3437.05 < 7889.91

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

rtrnk_fatmass Fat mass (g) of right trunk decimal mean (sd)
7153.58 (2925.67)

min < median < max
2654.86 < 6229.96 < 15859.92

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

rtot_fatmass Fat mass (g) of right total decimal mean (sd)
12432.65 (4465.21)

min < median < max
5213.54 < 11694.91 < 22768.39

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

lbmht_am_adjust Age-matched adjusted to young normal (LBM for height) decimal mean (sd)
1073.07 (40.74)

min < median < max
1025.00 < 1107.00 < 1107.00

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

lbmht_percent_ya Percent young adult (LBM for height) decimal mean (sd)
162.87 (36.85)

min < median < max
103.24 < 159.84 < 236.63

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

lbmht_percent_am Percent age-matched (LBM for height) decimal mean (sd)
139.49 (34.76)

min < median < max
77.62 < 130.36 < 210.79

Complete: 34 (58.62%)

lbmht_zsco_ya Young adult t-score (LBM for height) decimal mean (sd)
2.37 (1.39)

min < median < max
0.12 < 2.26 < 5.16

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

lbmht_zsco_am Age-matched z-score (LBM for height) decimal mean (sd)
1.75 (1.49)

min < median < max
-1.13 < 1.52 < 4.51

Complete: 34 (58.62%)

tot_bmdage_am_adjust Total age-matched adjusted to normal BMD for age decimal mean (sd)
1107.00 (0.00)

min < median < max
1107.00 < 1107.00 < 1107.00

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

tot_bmdage_percent_ya Total percent BMD young adult t-score decimal mean (sd)
106.19 (7.50)

min < median < max
91.60 < 105.67 < 131.11

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

tot_bmdage_percent_am Total percent BMD age-matched decimal mean (sd)
105.84 (7.45)

min < median < max
91.60 < 105.50 < 131.11

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

tot_bmdage_zsco_ya Total BMD young adult t-score decimal mean (sd)
0.94 (1.14)

min < median < max
-1.28 < 0.87 < 4.74

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

tot_bmdage_zsco_am Total BMD age-matched z-score decimal mean (sd)
0.89 (1.14)

min < median < max
-1.28 < 0.84 < 4.74

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

armdiff_fatmass Fat mass (g) of left vs right arm difference decimal mean (sd)
48.55 (155.80)

min < median < max
-755.05 < 46.91 < 597.08

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

legdiff_fatmass Fat mass (g) of left vs right leg difference decimal mean (sd)
74.17 (260.39)

min < median < max
-1487.36 < 66.57 < 633.49

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

trnkdiff_fatmass Fat mass (g) of left vs right trunk difference decimal mean (sd)
-245.52 (513.51)

min < median < max
-1554.50 < -182.59 < 1778.10

Complete: 58 (100.00%)

boddiff_fatmass Fat mass (g) of left vs right body difference decimal mean (sd)
8.65 (595.90)

min < median < max
-2672.03 < 33.24 < 1300.04

Complete: 58 (100.00%)