BiB Cohort Information
BiB person-level information
Ethnicity information about BiB cohort participants
BiB participant related pairs
Person information Child
Person information Father
Person information Mother
ID Linkage
Pregnancy information
BiB genotyping data linkage
BiB exome sequencing data linkage
BiB DNA methylation data linkage
BiB DNA methylation control sample IDs
BiB Baseline
Mother baseline survey
Mother food frequency and knowledge survey questions phase 2
Mother consumption of fats survey questions phase 1
Mother cooking methods survey questions phase 1 and phase 2
BiB Baseline mother exercise phase 1
BiB Baseline mother food frequency phase 1
BiB Baseline mother exercise phase 2 and phase 3
Mother baseline phase 1
Father baseline survey
Mother baseline phase 2 and 3
BiB Biobank
BiB biobank current samples
BiB Pregnancy
Eclipse pregnancy record
Eclipse neonatal record
Maternity records mother info
Maternity records pre-BiB pregnancy
Maternity records pre-BiB infant
Maternity records BiB pregnancy
Maternity records admissions
Maternity records pregnancy blood pressure
Maternity records labour blood pressure
Maternity records post-partum blood pressure
Maternity records medications
Maternity records oedema
Maternity records proteinuria
Maternity records BiB infant
Pregnancy ultrasound scan
Fetal renal ultrasound
BiB Metabolomics
MS metabolomics paired mother samples scaled
MS metabolomics paired mother samples raw
MS metabolomics paired mother samples header
MS metabolomics paired mother samples compound metadata
MS metabolomics paired child samples scaled
MS metabolomics paired child samples raw
MS metabolomics paired child samples header
MS metabolomics paired child samples compound metadata
MS metabolomics 2000 mothers scaled
MS metabolomics 2000 mothers raw
MS metabolomics 2000 mothers header
MS metabolomics 2000 mothers compound metadata
NMR metabolomics mother data
NMR metabolomics mother annotations
NMR metabolomics baby data
NMR metabolomics baby annotations
NMR metabolomics infant 12m data
NMR metabolomics infant 12m annotations
NMR metabolomics infant 24m data
NMR metabolomics infant 24m annotations
NMR metabolomics Growing Up child results
NMR metabolomics Growing Up child QC
NMR metabolomics Growing Up mother results
NMR metabolomics Growing Up mother QC
NMR metabolomics Growing Up father results
NMR metabolomics Growing Up father QC
NMR metabolomics Growing Up biomarker annotations
NMR metabolomics Growing Up compound QC tags
BiB Congenital Anomalies
Yorkshire and Humber Congenital Anomalies Register
Congenital Anomalies GP record linkage to 5yo
BiB Child Growth
Child anthropometry
Child growth NCMP data
Child growth research data
Child growth primary care data
Child bioimpedance
BiB Maternal Measurements
BiB Maternal Measurement Research Data
BiB Biosamples
Biochemistry hospital bloods taken during pregnancy
Haematology hospital bloods taken during pregnancy
HbA1c hospital bloods taken during pregnancy
Pregnancy blood biomarkers
Pregnancy bloods vitamin D
Maternal baseline GTT
BiB Growing Up main blood tests
Baby cord blood biomarkers
BiB COVID19 child covid antibody blood tests
BiB maternal iodine
BiB Growing Up renal study blood tests
BiB Growing Up renal study Cystatin C
BiB Geographic Information
BiB person level geographic information
BiB property level geographic information
BiB LSOA level geographic information
BiB property level air quality information
BiB property level built environment and indoor building quality
BiB property level longitudinal NDVI data
BiB property level food environment data
BiB property level green space data
BiB property level public transport and traffic data
BiB property level street centrality, walkability and land use data
BiB Glycomics
Total plasma glycome analyses using HILIC-UHPLC-FLR method
BiB Proteomics
Next generation sequencing controls
Next generation sequencing project 1
Next generation sequencing project 2
QPCR controls
QPCR project 1
QPCR project 2
BiB 1000
BiB 1000 6m Questionnaire main table
BiB 1000 6m Parent-reported child diagnoses
BiB 1000 6m People living in household
BiB 1000 12m Questionnaire main table
BiB 1000 12m People living in household
BiB 1000 12m Dried baby cereals
BiB 1000 12m Dried meat or fish-based meals
BiB 1000 12m Dried veg, pasta, rice-based meals
BiB 1000 12m Dried desserts
BiB 1000 12m Breakfast meals
BiB 1000 12m Meat or fish-based meals
BiB 1000 12m Veg, pasta, rice-based savoury meals
BiB 1000 12m Milk or cereal-based desserts
BiB 1000 12m Fruit-based desserts
BiB 1000 12m Pure fruit puree
BiB 1000 12m Types of cereals used
BiB 1000 12m Other types of yoghurt
BiB 1000 12m Other types of blackcurrant squash
BiB 1000 12m f104
BiB 1000 12 month child nutrients intake
BiB 1000 18m Questionnaire main table
BiB 1000 18m Child care arrangements
BiB 1000 18m Parent-reported child diagnoses
BiB 1000 18m Dried baby cereals
BiB 1000 18m Dried veg, pasta, rice-based meals
BiB 1000 18m Dried desserts
BiB 1000 18m Breakfast meals
BiB 1000 18m Meat or fish-based meals
BiB 1000 18m Veg, pasta, rice-based savoury meals
BiB 1000 18m Milk or cereal-based desserts
BiB 1000 18m Fruit-based desserts
BiB 1000 18m Pure fruit puree
BiB 1000 18m Types of cereals used
BiB 1000 18m Other types of yoghurt
BiB 1000 18m Other types of blackcurrant squash
BiB 1000 18m Other foods and drinks
BiB 1000 18m Other snacks consumed by parent
BiB 1000 18m Other ready/take-away meals (parent)
BiB 1000 18 month child nutrients intake
BiB 1000 24m Questionnaire main table
BiB 1000 36m Questionnaire main table
BiB 1000 36m Other foods consumed by child
BiB 1000 36m Vitamins or multivitamins
BiB 1000 36m Cod liver oil or other oil
BiB 1000 36m Other supplements
BiB 1000 36m Physical activity clubs (child)
ALL IN 12m Questionnaire
ALL IN 12m Current Childcare
ALL IN 12m Child Travel
ALL IN 12m Doctor Diagnoses
ALL IN 12m Extra Immunisations
ALL IN 12m Household
ALL IN 12m Previous Childcare
ALL IN 24m Questionnaire
ALL IN 24m Current Childcare
ALL IN 24m Child Travel
ALL IN 24m Doctor Diagnoses
ALL IN 24m Extra Immunisations
ALL IN 24m Food Allergy
ALL IN 24m Household
ALL IN 24m Previous Childcare
ALL IN 24m Treatment Abroad
MeDALL Questionnaire
MeDALL Questionnaire reactions to food
MeDALL Questionnaire reactions to medicines
MeDALL Questionnaire reactions to vaccines
MeDALL skin prick
MeDALL skin prick QC
MeDALL Green Space Questionnaire
MeDALL Neighbourhood Green Space Tool
MeDALL residential NDVI and green space
BiB Starting School
Starting School Child Info
Starting School BPVS
Starting School Letter identification
Starting School CKAT
Starting School SDQ
BiB Dental
5yo Dental Survey
BiB dental activity
Dental extractions under GA
PLATOON dental activity
PLATOON dental study participant data
PLATOON dental study tooth observations
PLATOON dental study orthodontic assessment
PLATOON dental study survey
BiB Education Record
Local Authority Education Record Contextual Data
Additional school level data
Early Years Foundation Stage Profile Pre 2013
Early Years Foundation Stage Profile 2013 Plus
Year 1 Phonics Assessment
Key Stage 1 Assessment Pre 2016
Key Stage 1 Assessment 2016 Plus
Key Stage 2 Assessment 2018/19
BiB Primary School Years
Primary School Years child information
Primary School Years SDQ data
Primary School Years SDQ data BiB only
Primary School Years child quiz
Primary School Years child quiz BiB only
Primary School Years EF BDR task data
Primary School Years EF BDR task data BiB only
Primary School Years EF FDR task data
Primary School Years EF FDR task data BiB only
Primary School Years EF Corsi task data
Primary School Years EF Corsi task data BiB only
Primary School Years EF Inhibition task data
Primary School Years EF Inhibition task data BiB only
Primary School Years EF PS task data
Primary School Years EF PS task data BiB only
Primary School Years CKAT data
Primary School Years CKAT data BiB only
BiB Growing Up
BiB Growing Up participant pathway
BiB Growing Up adult survey
BiB Growing Up mother blood pressures
BiB Growing Up adult survey - BiB1000 sample
BiB Growing Up adult survey - MeDALL sample
BiB Growing Up child survey (adult completed)
BiB Growing Up child survey (child completed)
BiB Growing Up DXA scan (mother)
BiB Growing Up DXA scan (child)
BiB Growing Up DXA scan (father)
BiB Growing Up child blood pressures
BiB Growing Up renal study urine analyses
BiB Breathes
BREATHES Air quality survey Phase 1
BREATHES Air quality survey Phase 2
Strength and Difficulties questionnaire from the BiB1000 survey
Strength and Difficulties questionnaire from the COVID phase 1 survey
Strength and Difficulties questionnaire from the COVID phase 2 survey
Strength and Difficulties questionnaire from the COVID phase 3 survey
Strength and Difficulties questionnaire from the Growing Up survey
Strength and Difficulties questionnaire from the MeDALL survey
Strength and Difficulties questionnaire from the Primary School Years surve
Strength and Difficulties questionnaire from the Starting School survey
BiB Age of Wonder
AoW recruitment denominator 2024 release
AoW survey module 231 2024 release with main variables
AoW survey module 231 2024 release with derived variables
AoW survey module 232 2024 release with main variables
AoW survey module 232 2024 release with derived variables
AoW school visit height and weight 2024 release
AoW school visit bioimpedance 2024 release
AoW school visit skinfold 2024 release
AoW school visit blood pressure 2024 release
AoW recruitment denominator 2023 release
AoW survey module 1 2023 release
AoW survey module 2 2023 release
AoW survey module 3 2023 release
AoW survey module 4 2023 release
AoW school visit height and weight 2023 release
AoW school visit bioimpedance 2023 release
AoW school visit skinfold 2023 release
AoW school visit blood pressure 2023 release
BiBBS Cohort Information
Pregnancy recruitment
Recruited pregnancy information
Recruited mother information
Child information
Partner information
BiBBS Baseline
Mother baseline pregnancy survey
BiBBS Geographic Information
BiBBS person level geographic information
BiBBS property level geographic information
BiBBS LSOA level geographic information
BiBBS property level air quality information
BiBBS property level built environment and indoor building quality
BiBBS property level food environment data
BiBBS property level green space data
BiBBS property level public transport and traffic data
BiBBS property level street centrality, walkability and land use data
BiBBS property level longitudinal NDVI data
BiBBS Dental
BiBBS dental activity
BiB4All Geographic Information
BiB4All person level geographic information
BiB4All property level geographic information
BiB4All LSOA level geographic information
BiB4All property level air quality information
BiB4All property level built environment and indoor building quality
BiB4All property level food environment data
BiB4All property level green space data
BiB4All property level public transport and traffic data
BiB4All property level street centrality, walkability and land use data
BiB4All property level longitudinal NDVI data
BiB4All Dental
BiB4All dental activity
COVID19 Surveys
COVID19 Adult Survey Phase 1
COVID19 Adult Survey Phase 2 (BiB)
COVID19 Adult Survey Phase 2 (BiBBS)
COVID19 Adult Survey Phase 3 (BiB and general public)
COVID19 Adult Survey Phase 3 (BiBBS)
COVID19 Child Survey Phase 1
COVID19 Child Survey Phase 2
COVID19 Child Survey Phase 3
BiB Data Dictionary
Strength and Difficulties questionnaire from the Primary School Years surve
Contains SDQ data for those aged 4+ years and was completed by the teacher of the child
Table details
Cohort membership
Updated 2024-05-14
Variable details