BiB property level green space data

Contains measures relating to access to green space (parks, playgrounds, allotments, etc.) surrounding the home address. Count of, and distance to, nearest green space are measured through distance decay and street network, at a range of radii (300m to 5,000m) and green space size (≥ 0.5ha to ≥ 100ha).
Variables used in publications: gg_2021_all_count_05ha_f_2_300 has been created for use in Subiza-Perez et al. (2024) to measure residential greeness. See section 2.3 in referenced paper.
Usage instructions: To link to BiB participants, use the property_id variable to link to bib_geog_person.
Further information: Created by Kimon Krenz, on behalf of BiB. Please reference Krenz et al. (2023) when using this data, where more detailed methodological information can be found regarding the construction of these variables.

Table details

Cohort membership
Updated 2024-07-17

Variable details