BiB4All person level geographic information
Contains address information for each BiB4All participant at regular 6 month intervals from the first event of study participation (e.g. birth or registration). Contains person level information, such as age, property lived in, number of house moves and data quality indicators.
Usage instructions: This is a long dataset, with many rows per participant, and can be used to identify which property and LSOA the participant lived in at a certain age or time point. This can be linked to property level data (including environmental exposures) using “property_id” and LSOA level data using “LSOA11CD” to obtain property/LSOA level data for specific time periods in a particpants life.
Data construction: The source data for this table is address strings from monthly searches of the NHS Tracing service (e.g. health care records), which contain limited geographic information and are temporally irregular. To improve the quality of the geographic data, the address strings are passed through the OS Places API, which attempts to match each address string to a geo-located address, providing additional geographic information.
Important information on temporal data: This dataset contains data from two separate timelines, which are important to clarify. Temporal variables fixed to the participants age such as age_m are calculated at 6 monthly periods based on date of birth. Separately, address data from NHS tracing services, such as date_address_data_received is received as and when, and may not align with the 6 monthly time periods used to structure the dataset. Where this occurs, address data for some 6 monthly time points has been interpolated from the nearest available data from NHS tracing. The variable is_data_interpolated flags if data has been interpolated, whilst months_to_closest_data_received can be used to assess the temporal difference between the participants age, and the recency of the address data.