Born in Bradford Data Dictionary

COVID19 Child Survey Phase 1

Table ID: COVID19_Survey.child_phase1_covid

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Participant 121 970 2022-10-01 NA

COVID19 child survey. Respondents from the BiB cohort. Phase 1.

variable label value_type summary
Cohort Cohort text 1 unique values
970 non-missing values
3 characters
Gender Child’s gender decimal 0 : Male
1 : Female
Complete: 970 (100.00%)

date_est Estimated date of survey completion date from 2020-06-01
to 2020-06-01

Complete: 970 (100.00%)

age_months_est Estimated age in months at survey completion decimal mean (sd)
133.87 (12.71)

min < median < max
109.00 < 134.00 < 156.00

Complete: 943 (97.22%)

age_years_est Estimated age in years at survey completion decimal mean (sd)
10.67 (1.06)

min < median < max
9.00 < 11.00 < 13.00

Complete: 943 (97.22%)

ethnicity_mother Ethnic group (mother) decimal 1 : White British
2 : Pakistani
3 : Other
Complete: 951 (98.04%)

ward Ward as at March 2020 text 41 unique values
970 non-missing values
4 to 33 characters
imdrank IMD 2019 National Rank (1 = most deprved) decimal mean (sd)
7998.80 (7510.03)

min < median < max
75.00 < 5489.00 < 32445.00

Complete: 970 (100.00%)

imddecile IMD 2019 National Decile (1 = most deprved) decimal mean (sd)
2.98 (2.27)

min < median < max
1.00 < 2.00 < 10.00

Complete: 970 (100.00%)

edcont_ethnic_origin Child Ethnic Origin Code - From Child Education Record decimal 1 : Bangladeshi
10 : Other Ethnic Groups
2 : Indian
3 : Pakistani
4 : Chinese/ Other Asian
5 : African
6 : Black Carribbean/ Black Other
7 : Mixed
8 : White British
9 : White Other
Complete: 910 (93.81%)

edcont_eal Whether English is an adittional language decimal 1 : No
2 : Unknown
3 : Yes
Complete: 911 (93.92%)

edcont_fsm Whether child in receipt of freee school meals decimal 1 : No
2 : Yes
Complete: 919 (94.74%)

edcont_sen Special educational needs catagory decimal 1 : EHCP
2 : Not SEN
3 : SEN Support
4 : School Action
5 : School Action Plus
6 : Statement
Complete: 905 (93.30%)

chys_7timesleep Q1A) In the last 7 days what time have you normally fallen asleep? text 273 unique values
942 non-missing values
1 to 82 characters
chys_7wknp Q1B) In the last 7 days what time have you normaly woken up? text 336 unique values
941 non-missing values
1 to 35 characters
chfl_7physactwkdy Q2A) Last 7 days, how much physical activity did you do on a normal weekday? decimal 1 : No activity (0 minutes)
2 : Small amount of activity (1 to 30 minutes)
3 : Small to Moderate amount activity (31 to 60 minutes)
4 : Moderate to Large amount of activity (1 to 2 hours)
5 : Large amount of activity (more than 2 hours)
Complete: 954 (98.35%)

chfl_7physactwknd Q2B) In the last 7 days, how much physical activity did you do a normal weekend decimal 1 : No activity (0 minutes)
2 : Small amount of activity (1 to 30 minutes)
3 : Small to Moderate amount activity (31 to 60 minutes)
4 : Moderate to Large amount of activity (1 to 2 hours)
5 : Large amount of activity (more than 2 hours)
Complete: 953 (98.25%)

chwy_frmhmlv Q3A) Last 7 days, how many times did you leave your home-away from your house? decimal 1 : I stayed at home -> Go to Question 4A
2 : Once a day
3 : More than once a day
Complete: 948 (97.73%)

chwy_frmhmud_2___1 Q3B) What did you usually do when you left home in the last 7 days? decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 970 (100.00%)

chwy_frmhmud_2___2 Q3Ba) What did you usually do? (Run/ Jog) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 970 (100.00%)

chwy_frmhmud_2___3 Q3Bb) What did you usually do? (Scoot/ Ride bike) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 970 (100.00%)

chwy_frmhmud_2___4 Q3Bc) What did you usually do? (Other (specify) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 970 (100.00%)

othr If Other : text 108 unique values
132 non-missing values
2 to 84 characters
chwy_frmhmudwr_2 Q3C) Where did you usually go? (Please tick one) decimal 1 : Street
2 : Park
3 : Shops
4 : Other (Please specify)
Complete: 771 (79.48%)

othr_2 If Other : text 153 unique values
200 non-missing values
3 to 73 characters
chwy_frmhmudwn Q3D) How long did you go for? (Please tick one) decimal 1 : Less than 30 minutes
2 : 31 to 60 minutes
3 : More than 60 minutes
Complete: 769 (79.28%)

chtss_7timesitly Q4A) In the last 7 days, how much time have you spent sitting or lying down? decimal 1 : I spent almost none of my free time sitting or lying down
2 : I spent little time sitting during my free time or lying down
3 : I spent about half of my free time sitting or lying down
4 : I spent a lot of time sitting during my free time or lying down
5 : I spent almost all of my free time sitting or lying down
Complete: 944 (97.32%)

chtss_7timesitlyacttv Q4Ba) Last 7 days, how much time have you spent Watching TV but NOT video games decimal 1 : No time
2 : 1 hour or less
3 : 1-2 hours
4 : 3-4 hours
5 : 4+ hours
Complete: 937 (96.60%)

chtss_7timesitlyactvg Q4Bb) In the last 7 days, how much time have you spent playing video games? decimal 1 : No time
2 : 1 hour or less
3 : 1-2 hours
4 : 3-4 hours
5 : 4+ hours
Complete: 945 (97.42%)

chtss_7timesitlyactcom Q4Bc) Last 7 days, how much time spent on computers/tablets for social activity decimal 1 : No time
2 : 1 hour or less
3 : 1-2 hours
4 : 3-4 hours
5 : 4+ hours
Complete: 932 (96.08%)

chtss_7timesitlyactmb Q4Bd) Using your mobile phone to talk, text, or s…playing games. decimal 1 : No time
2 : 1 hour or less
3 : 1-2 hours
4 : 3-4 hours
5 : 4+ hours
Complete: 933 (96.19%)

chtss_7timesitlyactschw Q4Be) In the last 7 days, how much time have you spent doing your school work? decimal 1 : No time
2 : 1 hour or less
3 : 1-2 hours
4 : 3-4 hours
5 : 4+ hours
Complete: 947 (97.63%)

chsch_stlgo Q5A) Do you still go to school? (Please tick one) decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 949 (97.84%)

chschl_ftctucom Q5Ba) Do you have a computer/laptop/tablet where you can do school work? decimal 1 : All of the time
2 : Some of the time
3 : I dont have this
Complete: 949 (97.84%)

chschl_ftctuthng Q5Bb) Do you have all the things you need to do your school work? decimal 1 : All of the time
2 : Some of the time
3 : I dont have this
Complete: 948 (97.73%)

chschl_ftctuntrnt Q5Bc) Can you go on the internet? decimal 1 : All of the time
2 : Some of the time
3 : I dont have this
Complete: 942 (97.11%)

chschl_ftctutchr Q5Bd) Do you get to talk with your teacher or someone from the school? decimal 1 : All of the time
2 : Some of the time
3 : I dont have this
Complete: 942 (97.11%)

chschl_ftctuhmwrk Q5Be) Is the school giving you things to do when you are at home? decimal 1 : All of the time
2 : Some of the time
3 : I dont have this
Complete: 945 (97.42%)

chschl_ftctuinfo Q5Bf) Do you know where to get information on how to do school work at home? decimal 1 : All of the time
2 : Some of the time
3 : I dont have this
Complete: 946 (97.53%)

chschl_ftctustatnry Q5Bg) Do you have pens and paper to do your school work? decimal 1 : All of the time
2 : Some of the time
3 : I dont have this
Complete: 945 (97.42%)

chschl_ftctubksrd Q5Bh) Do you have books to read? decimal 1 : All of the time
2 : Some of the time
3 : I dont have this
Complete: 947 (97.63%)

chschl_ftctuactvts Q5Bi) Are you doing activities that help you learn? decimal 1 : All of the time
2 : Some of the time
3 : I dont have this
Complete: 949 (97.84%)

chsch_wrkspc Q5C) Do you have space in your house where you can do your school work? decimal 0 : No -> Go to Question 5F
1 : Yes
Complete: 955 (98.45%)

chhs_wrmcoft Q5D) Is your study space it warm and comfortable? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 923 (95.15%)

chhs_quite Q5E) Is it quiet? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 914 (94.23%)

chhs_hrdnxt Q5F) When I find something really hard I can work out what to do next? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Some of the time
3 : All of the time
Complete: 933 (96.19%)

chsch_hlphm___1 Q5Ga) When you need help with your study at home: I ask my teacher decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 970 (100.00%)

chsch_hlphm___2 Q5Gb) When you need help with your study at home: I ask my parents/adult decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 970 (100.00%)

chsch_hlphm___3 Q5Gc) When you need help with your study at home: I ask my tutor decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 970 (100.00%)

chsch_hlphm___4 Q5Gd) When you need help with your study at home: I look on the internet decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 970 (100.00%)

chsch_hlphm___5 Q5Ge) When you need help with your study at home: I look in books decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 970 (100.00%)

chsch_hlphm___6 Q5Gf) When you need help with your study at home: I phone someone decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 970 (100.00%)

chsch_wrkhrs Q5H) How many hours do you spend on doing school work at home each day? decimal 1 : None
2 : 1-2 hours
3 : 3-4 hours
4 : 5-6 hours
5 : 7+ hours
Complete: 951 (98.04%)

chftnhppn_sd Q6A1) I feel sad or empty decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 953 (98.25%)

chftnhppn_prl Q6A2) I worry when I think I have done poorly at something decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 948 (97.73%)

chftnhppn_afr Q6A3 I would feel afraid of being on my own at home decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 947 (97.63%)

chftnhppn_fun Q6A4) Nothing is much fun anymore decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 946 (97.53%)

chftnhppn_fam Q6A5) I worry that something awful will happen to someone in my family decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 946 (97.53%)

chftnhppn_crwd Q6A6) I am afraid of being in crowded places (lik…sy playgrounds) decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 952 (98.14%)

chftnhppn_othr Q6A7) I worry what other people think of me decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 948 (97.73%)

chftnhppn_tbslp Q6A8) I have trouble sleeping decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 948 (97.73%)

chftnhppn_scdslp Q6A9) I feel scared if I have to sleep on my own decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 952 (98.14%)

chftnhppn_aptt Q6A10) I have problems with appetite decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 949 (97.84%)

chftnhppn_dzzy Q6A11) I suddenly become dizzy or faint when there…reason for this decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 953 (98.25%)

chftnhppn_ovr Q6A12l) I have to do some things over and over agai…certain order) decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 950 (97.94%)

chftnhppn_nrgy Q6A12) I have no energy for things decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 947 (97.63%)

chftnhppn_trmbl Q6A14) I suddenly start to tremble or shake when t…reason for this decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 948 (97.73%)

chftnhppn_thnk Q6A15) cannot think clearly decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 950 (97.94%)

chftnhppn_wrthls Q6A16) I feel worthless decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 949 (97.84%)

chftnhppn1_spclthgts Q6A17) How often does this happen: special thoughts to stop bad things happ.. decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 935 (96.39%)

chftnhppn1_dth Q6A18) How often does this happen: I think about death decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 939 (96.80%)

chftnhppn1_mv QA19c) How often does this happen: I feel like I dont want to move decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 933 (96.19%)

chftnhppn1_scrd Q6A20) How often does this happen: I worry I will get a scared for no reason decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 938 (96.70%)

chftnhppn1_trd Q6A21) How often does this happen: I am tired a lot decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 939 (96.80%)

chftnhppn1_afrd Q6A22) How often does this happen: I feel afraid I will make a fool of myself decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 939 (96.80%)

chftnhppn1_bdthng Q6A23) How often does this happen: do things the right way to stop bad thingsā€¦ decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 933 (96.19%)

chftnhppn1_rstlss Q6A24) How often does this happen: I feel restless decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 938 (96.70%)

chftnhppn1_hppn Q6A25) How often does this happen: I worry that something bad will happen to me decimal 1 : Never
2 : Sometimes
3 : Often
4 : Always
Complete: 939 (96.80%)

chch_lftout Q6B) How often do you feel left out of things by other children? (Pls tick one) decimal 1 : Never
2 : Some of the time
3 : All of the time
Complete: 936 (96.49%)

chch_hppy Q6C) How often do you feel happy? (Please tick one) decimal 1 : Never
2 : Some of the time
3 : All of the time
Complete: 938 (96.70%)

chch_sad Q6D) How often do you feel sad? (Please tick one) decimal 1 : Never
2 : Some of the time
3 : All of the time
Complete: 939 (96.80%)

chch_frnds Q7A) How many friends do you have? (Please tick one) decimal 1 : Not many
2 : Some
3 : Lots
Complete: 945 (97.42%)

chch_bstfrnds Q7B) Do you have any best friends? decimal 0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 944 (97.32%)

chch_mssfrnds Q7C) Since schools closed, how much do you miss playing with your friends? decimal 1 : I dont miss it
2 : I miss it a bit
3 : I miss it a lot
Complete: 943 (97.22%)

chch_mnothrs Q7D) How often are you mean to others at home/neighbourhood/online/online sch decimal 1 : Never
2 : Some of the time
3 : All of the time
Complete: 942 (97.11%)

chwk_2cybrblyng Q7E) In the past two weeks how often have yo…lease tick one) decimal 1 : I have not cyberbullied another person
2 : About once a week
3 : 2 or 3 times a week
4 : Several times a week
Complete: 943 (97.22%)

choftnhppn_bly Q7F) How often do other children bully you? (Please tick one) decimal 1 : Never
2 : Some of the time
3 : All of the time
Complete: 946 (97.53%)

chwk_2cybrblyngu Q7G) In the past two weeks how often have you been cyberbullied) decimal 1 : I have not been cyberbullied by another person
2 : About once a week
3 : 2 or 3 times a week
4 : Several times a week
Complete: 945 (97.42%)

chfm_fun Q8A) How often do you have fun with your family? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Some of the time
3 : All of the time
Complete: 949 (97.84%)

chfm_gtalong Q8B) How often does your family get along well together) decimal 1 : Never
2 : Some of the time
3 : All of the time
Complete: 950 (97.94%)

chfm_siblngs Q8C) How often do you get along with siblings/other children at home? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Some of the time
3 : All of the time
4 : I dont have brothers or sister or live with other children
Complete: 950 (97.94%)

chwd_dudo___1 Q9A1) What do you do if you are worried: I keep it to myself decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 970 (100.00%)

chwd_dudo___2 Q9A2) What do you do if you are worried: I tell a friend decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 970 (100.00%)

chwd_dudo___3 Q9A3) What do you do if you are worried: I tell my mum/dad/guardian decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 970 (100.00%)

chwd_dudo___4 Q9A4) What do you do if you are worried: I tell a teacher decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 970 (100.00%)

chwd_dudo___5 Q9A5) What do you do if you are worried: I look online decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 970 (100.00%)

chwd_dudo___6 Q9A6) What do you do if you are worried: I call a helpline (like Childline) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 970 (100.00%)

chwd_dudo___7 Q9A7) What do you do if you are worried: Other decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 970 (100.00%)

chwr_lstfd Q9B1) We cant get the food we want because there is not enough money decimal 1 : Many times
2 : 1 or 2 times
3 : Never
Complete: 949 (97.84%)

chwr_lsteat Q9B2) I worry about not having enough to eat decimal 1 : Many times
2 : 1 or 2 times
3 : Never
Complete: 949 (97.84%)

chwr_lstprtsfood Q9B3) I worry about how hard it is for my parents…ugh food for us decimal 1 : Many times
2 : 1 or 2 times
3 : Never
Complete: 948 (97.73%)

chwr_lsthngry Q9B4) I feel hungry because there is not enough food to eat decimal 1 : Many times
2 : 1 or 2 times
3 : Never
Complete: 949 (97.84%)

chwr_lsteatlt Q9B5)I try not to eat a lot so that our food will last decimal 1 : Many times
2 : 1 or 2 times
3 : Never
Complete: 946 (97.53%)

chwr_lstmny Q9B6) How often do you worry about how much money your family has decimal 1 : Many times
2 : 1 or 2 times
3 : Never
Complete: 947 (97.63%)

ch_wrynow_1 Q9Ci) At the moment Worry 1: text 610 unique values
808 non-missing values
1 to 122 characters
ch_wrynow_2 Q9Cii) At the moment Worry 2: text 500 unique values
588 non-missing values
1 to 122 characters
ch_wrynow_3 Q9Ciii) At the moment Worry 3: text 406 unique values
455 non-missing values
1 to 85 characters
ch_easier_1 Q9Di) At the moment Happy 1: text 670 unique values
889 non-missing values
2 to 88 characters
ch_easier_2 Q9Dii) At the moment Happy 2: text 676 unique values
846 non-missing values
2 to 59 characters
ch_easier_3 Q9Diii) At the moment Happy 3: text 642 unique values
762 non-missing values
2 to 69 characters
child_complete Complete? decimal 0 : Incomplete
1 : Unverified
2 : Complete
Complete: 970 (100.00%)

Complete_RCADS NA decimal mean (sd)
0.90 (0.31)

min < median < max
0.00 < 1.00 < 1.00

Complete: 970 (100.00%)

Total_RCADS Total RCADS Score - Raw decimal mean (sd)
11.94 (9.37)

min < median < max
0.00 < 10.00 < 64.00

Complete: 869 (89.59%)

Dep_RCADS Depression RCADS Score - Raw decimal mean (sd)
4.88 (4.28)

min < median < max
0.00 < 4.00 < 29.00

Complete: 869 (89.59%)

Anx_RCADS Anxiety RCADS Score - Raw decimal mean (sd)
7.06 (5.92)

min < median < max
0.00 < 6.00 < 35.00

Complete: 869 (89.59%)

Total_RCADS_T Total RCADS Score - Standardised T Score decimal mean (sd)
40.20 (8.64)

min < median < max
27.39 < 38.47 < 81.10

Complete: 869 (89.59%)

Dep_RCADS_T Depression RCADS Score - Standardised T Score decimal mean (sd)
42.09 (9.35)

min < median < max
29.92 < 40.06 < 88.87

Complete: 869 (89.59%)

Anx_RCADS_T Anxiety RCADS Score - Standardised T Scores decimal mean (sd)
40.36 (8.02)

min < median < max
28.58 < 38.45 < 72.27

Complete: 869 (89.59%)

Total_RCADS_Tcat Total RCADS Score - Standardised T Score Categories decimal 0 : Normal
1 : Borderline
2 : Clinical
Complete: 869 (89.59%)

Dep_RCADS_Tcat Depression RCADS Score - Standardised T Score Categories decimal 0 : Normal
1 : Borderline
2 : Clinical
Complete: 869 (89.59%)

Anx_RCADS_Tcat Anxiety RCADS Score - Standardised T Scores Categories decimal 0 : Normal
1 : Borderline
2 : Clinical
Complete: 869 (89.59%)