Born in Bradford Data Dictionary

COVID19 Adult Survey Phase 3 (BiB and general public)

Table ID: COVID19_Survey.adult_bibplus_phase3

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Participant 174 1954 2023-02-15 NA

COVID19 adult-completed survey phase 3. Respondents from the BiB cohort and the general public. This table is constructed from questions 20:50 of the BiB Breathes survey.

variable label value_type summary
GrowingUpID Growing Up participant identifier text 1142 unique values
1142 non-missing values
7 characters
BiBPersonID BiB participant identifier text 1142 unique values
1142 non-missing values
8 characters
ParticipantType Participant type decimal 1 : General public
2 : Growing Up
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

QuestionnaireType Questionnaire type decimal 1 : Paper
2 : Online
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

sex decimal 1 : Male
2 : Female
3 : Prefer to use my own term
4 : Prefer not to say
Complete: 1135 (58.09%)

age decimal 1 : 18-24
2 : 25-34
3 : 35-44
4 : 45-54
5 : 55-64
6 : 65+
7 : Prefer not to say
Complete: 1135 (58.09%)

ethnicity Ethnicity - 16 categories decimal 1 : English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British
10 : Bangladeshi
11 : Chinese
12 : Any other Asian background
13 : African
14 : Caribbean
15 : Other Black, African or Caribbean background
16 : Any other ethnic group
2 : Irish
3 : Any other White background
4 : White and Black Caribbean
5 : White and Black African
6 : White and Asian
7 : Any other Mixed background
8 : Indian
9 : Pakistani
Complete: 1104 (56.50%)

date Todays date date from 2021-04-13
to 2022-01-11

Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_aq_bfd 3) What do you think about the air quality in Bradford generally? decimal 1 : Very Poor
2 : Poor
3 : Fair
4 : Good
5 : Excellent
Complete: 1938 (99.18%)

bre1_aq_uk 4) How do you think this compares to other parts of the UK? decimal -2 : Dont Know
1 : Better
2 : About the same
3 : Worse
Complete: 1941 (99.33%)

bre1_aq_bfd_con 5) How concerned are you about air quality in Bradford? decimal 1 : Not at all Concerned
2 : Slightly Concerned
3 : Somewhat Concerned
4 : Moderately Concerned
5 : Extremely Concerned
6 : Dont know
Complete: 1941 (99.33%)

bre1_aq_oth 6) Do you think other people in Bradford are concerned about air quality? decimal 1 : Not at all Concerned
2 : Slightly Concerned
3 : Somewhat Concerned
4 : Moderately Concerned
5 : Extremely Concerned
6 : Dont know
Complete: 1940 (99.28%)

bre1_aq_imp 7) How important do you think it is to improve air quality? decimal 1 : Not at all Important
2 : Slightly Important
3 : Somewhat Important
4 : Moderately Important
5 : Extremely Important
6 : Dont know
Complete: 1941 (99.33%)

bre1_aq_res___1 8) Responsibility for improving air quality: Government decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_aq_res___2 8) Responsibility for improving air quality: Council decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_aq_res___3 8) Responsibility for improving air quality: General public decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_aq_res___4 8) Responsibility for improving air quality: Factory owners decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_aq_res___5 8) Responsibility for improving air quality: Other business owners decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_aq_res___6 8) Responsibility for improving air quality: Other decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_aq_pan 9) How do you think air pollution has changed since start of pandemic? decimal -2 : Dont Know
1 : Increased
2 : Stayed the Same
3 : Decreased
Complete: 1934 (98.98%)

bre1_caz_bfd 10) Had you heard about the CAZ before this survey? decimal -2 : Dont Know
1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 1899 (97.19%)

bre1_caz_gi 11) Do you think CAZ is a good idea? decimal -2 : Dont Know
1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 1877 (96.06%)

bre1_caz_pro 12) To what extent do you agreethat the proposed CAZ covers the right areas? decimal 1 : Strongly Disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Neither Agree nor Disagree
4 : Agree
5 : Strongly Agree
Complete: 1860 (95.19%)

bre1_caz_red 14) Do you think the CAZ is going to reduce the air pollution in Bradford? decimal -2 : Dont Know
1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 1881 (96.26%)

bre1_caz_vhch_1 15) Do you think it’s a good idea to charge Buses and Coaches decimal -2 : Dont Know
1 : Yes, good idea to charge them
2 : No, not a good idea to charge them
Complete: 1859 (95.14%)

bre1_caz_vhch_2 15) Do you think it’s a good idea to charge Taxis decimal -2 : Dont Know
1 : Yes, good idea to charge them
2 : No, not a good idea to charge them
Complete: 1844 (94.37%)

bre1_caz_vhch_3 15) Do you think it’s a good idea to charge Vans decimal -2 : Dont Know
1 : Yes, good idea to charge them
2 : No, not a good idea to charge them
Complete: 1833 (93.81%)

bre1_caz_vhch_4 15) Do you think it’s a good idea to charge HGVs decimal -2 : Dont Know
1 : Yes, good idea to charge them
2 : No, not a good idea to charge them
Complete: 1862 (95.29%)

bre1_caz_vhch_5 15) Do you think it’s a good idea to charge Private Cars decimal -2 : Dont Know
1 : Yes, good idea to charge them
2 : No, not a good idea to charge them
Complete: 1830 (93.65%)

bre1_caz_tx 16) More likely to use a taxi if it was electric vs a diesel or petrol one? decimal -2 : Dont Know
1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 1887 (96.57%)

bre1_caz_tx_grnt 17) Grants to small businesses helpful for uptake of electric vehicles? decimal -2 : Dont Know
1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 1888 (96.62%)

bre1_caz_hlth_1 18) CAZ will improve the health of my family/community decimal 1 : Strongly Disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Neither Agree nor Disagree
4 : Agree
5 : Strongly Agree
Complete: 1885 (96.47%)

bre1_caz_hlth_2 18) Council has consulted well with the public about the plans for CAZ decimal 1 : Strongly Disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Neither Agree nor Disagree
4 : Agree
5 : Strongly Agree
Complete: 1865 (95.45%)

jbsc_main_bre1 20) Who is the main earner in the household? decimal 1 : Me
2 : My partner
3 : Other household member
4 : Me and my partner earn the same amount
Complete: 1608 (82.29%)

jbsc_main_crntly_rev1_bre1 21) What is the current job status of the main earner in your household? decimal 1 : Employed
2 : Employed but not working (on furlough)
3 : Employed on the wage subsidy scheme (e.g., working less hours with wage topped up by the Government)
4 : Self employed and working
5 : Self employed and not working
6 : Unemployed
7 : Other (please specify)
8 : Dont know
Complete: 1620 (82.91%)

jbsc_main_hmwfh_bre1 22) Is main earner mainly working from home, or going out to work? decimal 1 : Working from home
2 : Going out to work
Complete: 1406 (71.95%)

jbsc_covid_bre1___1 23) Lost job since pandemic started: me decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

jbsc_covid_bre1___2 23) Lost job since pandemic started: my partner decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

jbsc_covid_bre1___3 23) Lost job since pandemic started: other household member decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

jbsc_covid_bre1___4 23) Lost job since pandemic started: not applicable decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

jbsc_main_wry_1_bre1 24) I worry about the job security of the main earner decimal 1 : Strongly disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Neither agree nor disagree
4 : Agree
5 : Strongly agree
Complete: 1499 (76.71%)

jbsc_main_wry_2_bre1 25) In next 12 months is income of main earner likely to be uncertain? decimal -2 : Dont know
1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 1504 (76.97%)

jbsc_main_wry_3_bre1 26) In 12 months time, do you expect the main earner to still have their job? decimal -2 : Dont know
1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 1498 (76.66%)

bre1_main_ear 27) Which of these best describes the sort of work the main earner usually does? decimal 1 : Senior managers or administrators (usually responsible for planning, organising and co-ordinating work, and for finance) such as: finance manager
2 : Modern professional occupations such as: teacher- nurse - physiotherapist - social worker - welfare officer - artist- musician - police officer (sergeant or above) - software designer
3 : Middle or junior managers such as: office manager - retail manager - bank manager - restaurant manager - warehouse manager - publican
4 : Clerical and intermediate occupations such as: secretary - personal assistant - clerical worker - office clerk - call centre - agent - nursing auxiliary - nursery nurse
5 : Traditional professional occupations such as: accountant - solicitor - medical practitioner - scientist - civil/mechanical engineer - technical and craft occupations such as: motor mechanic - fitter - inspector - plumber - printer - tool maker - electrician - gardener - train driver
6 : Semi-routine manual and service occupations such as: postal worker - machine operative - security guard - caretaker - farm worker - catering assistant - receptionist - sales - assistant
7 : Routine manual and service occupations such as: HGV driver - van driver - cleaner - porter - packer - sewing machinist - messenger - labourer - waiter/waitress - bar staff
8 : Other (Please specify below)
Complete: 1517 (77.64%)

bre1_hshd_dr_1 28) Does anyone in your household drive private hire or taxi vehicles decimal 1 : Yes - Employed
2 : Yes - Self-Employed
3 : Not Applicable
Complete: 1520 (77.79%)

bre1_hshd_dr_2 28) Does anyone in your household drive light goods vehicles decimal 1 : Yes - Employed
2 : Yes - Self-Employed
3 : Not Applicable
Complete: 1503 (76.92%)

bre1_hshd_dr_3 28) Does anyone in your household drive heavy goods vehicles decimal 1 : Yes - Employed
2 : Yes - Self-Employed
3 : Not Applicable
Complete: 1486 (76.05%)

bre1_tr_w_1___1 29) Before lockdown main earner travelled to work by petrol/diesel car/van decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_w_1___2 29) Before lockdown main earner travelled to work by electric/hybrid car decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_w_1___3 29) Before lockdown main earner travelled to work by bus decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_w_1___4 29) Before lockdown main earner travelled to work by walking decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_w_1___5 29) Before lockdown main earner travelled to work by bicycle decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_w_1___6 29) Before lockdown main earner travelled to work by taxi decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_w_1___7 29) Before lockdown main earner travelled to work by train decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_w_1___8 29) Before lockdown main earner travelled to work by other method decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_w_1___9 29) Before lockdown main earner worked from home decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_w_1___10 29) Before lockdown main early travelled to work NA decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_w_2___1 29) Main earner travels to work now by petrol/diesel car/van decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_w_2___2 29) Main earner travels to work now by electric/hybrid car decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_w_2___3 29) Main earner travels to work now by bus decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_w_2___4 29) Main earner travels to work now by walking decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_w_2___5 29) Main earner travels to work now by bicycle decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_w_2___6 29) Main earner travels to work now by taxi decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_w_2___7 29) Main earner travels to work now by train decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_w_2___8 29) Main earner travels to work now by other method decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_w_2___9 29) Main earner works from home now decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_w_2___10 29) Main earner travels to work now NA decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_sch_1___1 30) Before lockdown your children travelled to school by petrol/diesel car/van decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_sch_1___2 30) Before lockdown your children travelled to school by electric/hybrid car decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_sch_1___3 30) Before lockdown your children travelled to school by bus decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_sch_1___4 30) Before lockdown your children travelled to school by walking decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_sch_1___5 30) Before lockdown your children travelled to school by bicycle decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_sch_1___6 30) Before lockdown your children travelled to school by taxi decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_sch_1___7 30) Before lockdown your children travelled to school by train decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_sch_1___8 30) Before lockdown your children travelled to school by other method decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_sch_1___9 30) Before lockdown your children schooled from home decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_sch_1___10 30) Before lockdown main early travelled to school NA decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_sch_2___1 30) Your children travels to school now by petrol/diesel car/van decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_sch_2___2 30) Your children travels to school now by electric/hybrid car decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_sch_2___3 30) Your children travels to school now by bus decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_sch_2___4 30) Your children travels to school now by walking decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_sch_2___5 30) Your children travels to school now by bicycle decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_sch_2___6 30) Your children travels to school now by taxi decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_sch_2___7 30) Your children travels to school now by train decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_sch_2___8 30) Your children travels to school now by other method decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_sch_2___9 30) Your children schools from home now decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_sch_2___10 30) Your children travels to school now NA decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_gen_1___1 31) Before lockdown you travelled around by petrol/diesel car/van decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_gen_1___2 31) Before lockdown you travelled around by electric/hybrid car decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_gen_1___3 31) Before lockdown you travelled around by bus decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_gen_1___4 31) Before lockdown you travelled around by walking decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_gen_1___5 31) Before lockdown you travelled around by bicycle decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_gen_1___6 31) Before lockdown you travelled around by taxi decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_gen_1___7 31) Before lockdown you travelled around by train decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_gen_1___8 31) Before lockdown you travelled around by other method decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_gen_1___9 31) Before lockdown you travelled around NA decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_gen_2___1 31) You travel around now by petrol/diesel car/van decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_gen_2___2 31) You travel around now by electric/hybrid car decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_gen_2___3 31) You travel around now by bus decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_gen_2___4 31) You travel around now by walking decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_gen_2___5 31) You travel around now by bicycle decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_gen_2___6 31) You travel around now by taxi decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_gen_2___7 31) You travel around now by train decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_gen_2___8 31) You travel around now by other method decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_gen_2___9 31) You travel around now NA decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

bre1_tr_cov 32) If changed how you travel due to Covid-19 will this continue after lockdowns decimal 1 : Not at all likely
2 : Not very likely
3 : Neither likely nor unlikely
4 : Very likely
5 : Extremely likely
Complete: 1456 (74.51%)

bre1_tr_hcos_1 33) In last week, how much spent on Petrol/Diesel/other fuel? decimal 0 : £0
1 : £1-10
2 : £11-20
3 : £21-30
4 : £31-40
5 : More than £40
Complete: 1746 (89.36%)

bre1_tr_hcos_2 33) In the last week, how much spent on Taxis? decimal 0 : £0
1 : £1-10
2 : £11-20
3 : £21-30
4 : £31-40
5 : More than £40
Complete: 1154 (59.06%)

bre1_tr_hcos_3 33) In the last week, how much spent on Buses? decimal 0 : £0
1 : £1-10
2 : £11-20
3 : £21-30
4 : £31-40
5 : More than £40
Complete: 1212 (62.03%)

bre1_tr_hcos_4 33) In the last week, how much spent on Trains? decimal 0 : £0
1 : £1-10
2 : £11-20
3 : £21-30
4 : £31-40
5 : More than £40
Complete: 1147 (58.70%)

bre1_tr_car 34) How often use car for journeys of <=0.5 miles? decimal 1 : Never
2 : Rarely
3 : Sometimes
4 : Often
5 : All the time
6 : Not Applicable
Complete: 1791 (91.66%)

hhe_ddntlast_bre1 35) The food bought didnt last and didnt have money to get more decimal -1 : Do not wish to answer
-2 : Dont know
1 : Never true
2 : Sometimes true
3 : Often true
Complete: 1598 (81.78%)

hhe_balancd_bre1 35) (I/we) couldnt afford to eat balanced meals. decimal -1 : Do not wish to answer
-2 : Dont know
1 : Never true
2 : Sometimes true
3 : Often true
Complete: 1587 (81.22%)

hhe_skip_bre1 36) Did you/other adults skip/have smaller meals because not enough money for fo decimal -1 : Do not wish to answer
-2 : Dont know
0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 1595 (81.63%)

hhe_skipoftn_rev1_bre1 36) If yes how often did you skip/have smaller meals? decimal -1 : Do not wish to answer
-2 : Dont know
1 : Less than once a month but a few times
2 : Not every week but at least once a month
3 : Every week
Complete: 220 (11.26%)

hhe_eatless_bre1 37) Did you/other adults eat less than you wanted because there wasnt enough mon decimal -1 : Do not wish to answer
-2 : Dont know
0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 1596 (81.68%)

hhe_food_dsc_bre1 38) Were you ever hungry but didnt eat because not enough money for food? decimal -1 : Do not wish to answer
-2 : Dont know
0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 1584 (81.06%)

hhe_fd_bank_bre1___0 39) Food from food banks before pandemic (Mar 2020) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

hhe_fd_bank_bre1___1 39) Food from food banks during first lockdown (Mar-Jun 2020) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

hhe_fd_bank_bre1___2 39) Food from food banks during second lockdown (Jan-Mar 2021) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

hhe_fd_bank_bre1___3 39) Food from food banks in last month decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

hhe_fd_sch_bre1___0 39) Food provided by school before pandemic (Mar 2020) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

hhe_fd_sch_bre1___1 39) Food provided by school during first lockdown (Mar-Jun 2020) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

hhe_fd_sch_bre1___2 39) Food provided by school during second lockdown (Jan-Mar 2021) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

hhe_fd_sch_bre1___3 39) Food provided by school in last month decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

hhe_fd_comorg_bre1___0 39) Food from community organisations before pandemic (Mar 2020) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

hhe_fd_comorg_bre1___1 39) Food from community organisations during first lockdown (Mar-Jun 2020) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

hhe_fd_comorg_bre1___2 39) Food from community organisations during second lockdown (Jan-Mar 2021) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

hhe_fd_comorg_bre1___3 39) Food from community organisations in last month decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

hhe_fd_fai_bre1___0 39) Food from faith-based organisations before pandemic (Mar 2020) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

hhe_fd_fai_bre1___1 39) Food from faith-based organisations during first lockdown (Mar-Jun 2020) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

hhe_fd_fai_bre1___2 39) Food from faith-based organisations during second lockdown (Jan-Mar 2021) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

hhe_fd_fai_bre1___3 39) Food from faith-based organisations in last month decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

hhe_fd_fri_bre1___0 39) Food from friends/neighbours organisations before pandemic (Mar 2020) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

hhe_fd_fri_bre1___1 39) Food from friends/neighbours organisations during first lockdown (Mar-Jun 20 decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

hhe_fd_fri_bre1___2 39) Food from friends/neighbours organisations during second lockdown (Jan-Mar 2 decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

hhe_fd_fri_bre1___3 39) Food from friends/neighbours organisations in last month decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

hhe_fd_fam_bre1___0 39) Food from family (not living in your home) before pandemic (Mar 2020) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

hhe_fd_fam_bre1___1 39) Food from family (not living in your home) during first lockdown (Mar-Jun 20 decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

hhe_fd_fam_bre1___2 39) Food from family (not living in your home) during second lockdown (Jan-Mar 2 decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

hhe_fd_fam_bre1___3 39) Food from family (not living in your home) in last month decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

hhe_fd_fam_bre1_oth___0 39) Food from other source before pandemic (Mar 2020) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

hhe_fd_fam_bre1_oth___1 39) Food from other source during first lockdown (Mar-Jun 2020) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

hhe_fd_fam_bre1_oth___2 39) Food from other source during second lockdown (Jan-Mar 2021) decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

hhe_fd_fam_bre1_oth___3 39) Food from other source in last month decimal 0 : Unchecked
1 : Checked
Complete: 1954 (100.00%)

hhe_finannow_bre1 40) How well would you say you are managing financially right now? decimal -1 : Do not wish to answer
-2 : Dont know
1 : Living comfortably
2 : Doing alright
3 : Just about getting by
4 : Finding it quite difficult
5 : Finding it very difficult
Complete: 1586 (81.17%)

hhe_bills_bre1 41) Are you currently up to date with all bills? decimal -1 : Do not wish to answer
-2 : Dont know
0 : No
1 : Yes
Complete: 1585 (81.12%)

hhe_wrypay_bre1 42) I worry about paying the rent / mortgage decimal 1 : Strongly disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Neither agree nor disagree
4 : Agree
5 : Strongly agree
Complete: 1565 (80.09%)

hhe_wryevic_bre1 42) I worry about getting evicted / having my home repossessed decimal 1 : Strongly disagree
2 : Disagree
3 : Neither agree nor disagree
4 : Agree
5 : Strongly agree
Complete: 1540 (78.81%)

fh_ons_life_worth_bre1 43) Do you feel that the things you do in your life are worthwhile? decimal 0 : 0 = Not at all worthwhile
1 : 1
10 : 10 = Completely worthwhile
2 : 2
3 : 3
4 : 4
5 : 5
6 : 6
7 : 7
8 : 8
9 : 9
Complete: 1532 (78.40%)

fh_phq_1_bre1 44) In the last 2 wks have you had little interest or pleasure in doing things? decimal 0 : Not at all
1 : Several days
2 : More than half the days
3 : Nearly every day
Complete: 1541 (78.86%)

fh_phq_2_bre1 44) In the last 2 wks have you felt down/ depressed/hopeless? decimal 0 : Not at all
1 : Several days
2 : More than half the days
3 : Nearly every day
Complete: 1542 (78.92%)

fh_phq_3_bre1 44) In the last 2 wks have you had trouble falling/staying asleep/slept too much decimal 0 : Not at all
1 : Several days
2 : More than half the days
3 : Nearly every day
Complete: 1544 (79.02%)

fh_phq_4_bre1 44) In the last 2 wks have you felt tired or had little energy? decimal 0 : Not at all
1 : Several days
2 : More than half the days
3 : Nearly every day
Complete: 1550 (79.32%)

fh_phq_5_bre1 44) In the last 2 wks have you had a poor appetite or overeaten? decimal 0 : Not at all
1 : Several days
2 : More than half the days
3 : Nearly every day
Complete: 1539 (78.76%)

fh_phq_6_bre1 44) In the last 2 wks have you felt bad about yourself? decimal 0 : Not at all
1 : Several days
2 : More than half the days
3 : Nearly every day
Complete: 1530 (78.30%)

fh_phq_7_bre1 44) In the last 2 wks have you had trouble concentrating on things? decimal 0 : Not at all
1 : Several days
2 : More than half the days
3 : Nearly every day
Complete: 1544 (79.02%)

fh_phq_8_bre1 44) In the last 2 wks have you been moving or speaking so slowly/fidgeting/restl decimal 0 : Not at all
1 : Several days
2 : More than half the days
3 : Nearly every day
Complete: 1540 (78.81%)

fh_phq_hwdiff_bre1 45) How difficult have any problems made it difficult to carry out daily activit decimal 0 : Not at all
1 : Somewhat difficult
2 : Very difficult
3 : Extremely difficult
Complete: 1278 (65.40%)

fh_gad_1_bre1 46) In the last 2 wks have you felt nervous, anxious or on edge? decimal 0 : Not at all
1 : Several days
2 : More than half the days
3 : Nearly every day
Complete: 1551 (79.38%)

fh_gad_2_bre1 46) In the last 2 wks have you not being able to stop or control worrying? decimal 0 : Not at all
1 : Several days
2 : More than half the days
3 : Nearly every day
Complete: 1543 (78.97%)

fh_gad_3_bre1 46) In the last 2 wks have you been worrying too much about different things? decimal 0 : Not at all
1 : Several days
2 : More than half the days
3 : Nearly every day
Complete: 1545 (79.07%)

fh_gad_4_bre1 46) In the last 2 wks have you had trouble relaxing? decimal 0 : Not at all
1 : Several days
2 : More than half the days
3 : Nearly every day
Complete: 1542 (78.92%)

fh_gad_5_bre1 46) In the last 2 wks have you been so restless that it is hard to sit still? decimal 0 : Not at all
1 : Several days
2 : More than half the days
3 : Nearly every day
Complete: 1531 (78.35%)

fh_gad_6_bre1 46) In the last 2 wks have you become easily annoyed or irritable? decimal 0 : Not at all
1 : Several days
2 : More than half the days
3 : Nearly every day
Complete: 1542 (78.92%)

fh_gad_7_bre1 46) In the last 2 wks have you felt afraid as if something awful might happen? decimal 0 : Not at all
1 : Several days
2 : More than half the days
3 : Nearly every day
Complete: 1544 (79.02%)

fh_eq5d_mob_bre1 47) Which answer best describes your current mobility? decimal 1 : I am unable to walk about
2 : I have severe problems in walking about
3 : I have moderate problems in walking about
4 : I have slight problems in walking about
5 : I have no problems in walking about
Complete: 1561 (79.89%)

fh_eq5d_selfcare_bre1 47) Which answer best describes your current self-care? decimal 1 : I am unable to wash or dress myself
2 : I have severe problems washing or dressing myself
3 : I have moderate problems washing or dressing myself
4 : I have slight problems washing or dressing myself
5 : I have no problems washing or dressing myself
Complete: 1558 (79.73%)

fh_eq5d_act_bre1 47) Which answer best describes your usual activites? decimal 1 : I am unable to do my usual activities
2 : I have severe problems doing my usual activities
3 : I have moderate problems doing my usual activities
4 : I have slight problems doing my usual activities
5 : I have no problems doing my usual activities
Complete: 1556 (79.63%)

fh_eq5d_pain_disc_bre1 47) Which answer best describes your current pain/discomfort? decimal 1 : I have extreme pain or discomfort
2 : I have severe pain or discomfort
3 : I have moderate pain or discomfort
4 : I have slight pain or discomfort
5 : I have no pain or discomfort
Complete: 1556 (79.63%)

fh_eq5d_anx_dep_bre1 47) Which answer best describes your current anxiety/depression? decimal 1 : I am extremely anxious or depressed
2 : I am severely anxious or depressed
3 : I am moderately anxious or depressed
4 : I am slightly anxious or depressed
5 : I am not anxious or depressed
Complete: 1554 (79.53%)

wc_wrynow_1_bre1 48) What is your first biggest worry right now? text 1016 unique values
1232 non-missing values
2 to 414 characters
wc_wrynow_2_bre1 48) What is your second biggest worry right now? text 890 unique values
1035 non-missing values
1 to 425 characters
wc_wrynow_3_bre1 48) What is your third biggest worry right now? text 715 unique values
826 non-missing values
1 to 747 characters