Born in Bradford Data Dictionary

Strength and Difficulties questionnaire from the Growing Up survey

Table ID: BiB_SDQs.GrowingUp_sdq

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Participant 61 5281 2023-01-12 NA

Contains SDQ data for those aged 4+ years and was completed by the parent of the child

variable label value_type summary
date date from 2010-01-13
to 2022-03-04

Complete: 5281 (100.00%)

AgeYears decimal mean (sd)
9.31 (1.08)

min < median < max
-1.00 < 9.00 < 14.00

Complete: 5281 (100.00%)

AgeMonths decimal mean (sd)
117.25 (12.38)

min < median < max
-7.00 < 118.00 < 173.00

Complete: 5281 (100.00%)

sdq_consid Your child is considerate of other people’s feelings decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 5268 (99.75%)

sdq_fidgety Your child is constantly fidgeting or squirming decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 5269 (99.77%)

sdq_friend Your child has at least one good friend decimal 0 : Certainly true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Not true
Complete: 5268 (99.75%)

sdq_fights Your child often fights with other children or bullies them decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 5270 (99.79%)

sdq_unhappy Your child is often unhappy, down-hearted or tearful decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 5267 (99.73%)

sdq_popular Your child is generally liked by other children decimal 0 : Certainly true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Not true
Complete: 5267 (99.73%)

sdq_distrac Your child is easily distracted, concentration wanders decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 5266 (99.72%)

sdq_clingy Your child is nervous or clingy in new situations, easily loses confidence decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 5268 (99.75%)

sdq_kind Your child is kind to younger children decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 5270 (99.79%)

sdq_lies Your child often lies or cheats decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 5268 (99.75%)

sdq_bullied Your child is picked on or bullied by other children decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 5267 (99.73%)

sdq_restles Your child is restless, overactive, cannot stay still for long decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 5268 (99.75%)

sdq_helpout Your child often volunteers to help others (parents, teachers, other children) decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 5267 (99.73%)

sdq_reflect Your child thinks things out before acting decimal 0 : Certainly true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Not true
Complete: 5266 (99.72%)

sdq_steals Your child steals from home, school or elsewhere decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 5268 (99.75%)

sdq_oldbest Your child gets on better with adults than with other children decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 5267 (99.73%)

sdq_afraid Your child has many fears, is easily scared decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 5268 (99.75%)

sdq_attends Your child sees tasks through to the end, has a good attention span decimal 0 : Certainly true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Not true
Complete: 5247 (99.36%)

sdq_somatic Your child often complains of headaches, stomach-aches or sickness decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 5264 (99.68%)

sdq_shares Your child shares readily with other children (treats, toys, pencils etc.) decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 5267 (99.73%)

sdq_tantrum Your child often has temper tantrums or hot tempers decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 5269 (99.77%)

sdq_loner Your child is rather solitary, tends to play alone decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 5268 (99.75%)

sdq_obeys Your child is generally obedient, usually does what adults request decimal 0 : Certainly true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Not true
Complete: 5267 (99.73%)

sdq_worries Your child has many worries, often seems worried decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 5266 (99.72%)

sdq_caring Your child is helpful if someone is hurt, upset or feeling ill decimal 0 : Not true
1 : Somewhat true
2 : Certainly true
Complete: 5268 (99.75%)

diffemotions Child has difficulties with emotions/concentration/behaviour/social contact decimal 1 : No
2 : Yes, minor difficulties
3 : Yes, definite difficulties
4 : Yes, severe difficulties
Complete: 5270 (99.79%)

difflength If child has difficulties, how long have they had them for decimal 1 : Less than a month
2 : 1-5 months
3 : 6-12 months
4 : Over a year
Complete: 1129 (21.38%)

sdq_distress Difficulties upset or distress child decimal 0 : Not at all/A little
1 : A medium amount
2 : A great deal
Complete: 1129 (21.38%)

sdq_homelife Interfere with homelife decimal 0 : Not at all/A little
1 : A medium amount
2 : A great deal
Complete: 1127 (21.34%)

sdq_friendship Interfere with friendship decimal 0 : Not at all/A little
1 : A medium amount
2 : A great deal
Complete: 1127 (21.34%)

sdq_classroom Interfere with classroom learning decimal 0 : Not at all/A little
1 : A medium amount
2 : A great deal
Complete: 1126 (21.32%)

sdq_leisure Interfere with leisure activities decimal 0 : Not at all/A little
1 : A medium amount
2 : A great deal
Complete: 1125 (21.30%)

diffburden Do the difficulties put a burden on you or the family as a whole decimal 1 : Not at all
2 : Only a little
3 : Quite a lot
4 : A great deal
Complete: 1128 (21.36%)

Emotional_Score Sum of Emotional scale decimal mean (sd)
2.22 (2.16)

min < median < max
0.00 < 2.00 < 10.00

Complete: 5256 (99.53%)

Conduct_Score Sum of Conduct scale decimal mean (sd)
1.58 (1.64)

min < median < max
0.00 < 1.00 < 10.00

Complete: 5262 (99.64%)

Hyperactivity_Score Sum of Hyperactivity scale decimal mean (sd)
3.43 (2.62)

min < median < max
0.00 < 3.00 < 10.00

Complete: 5238 (99.19%)

Peer_Problem_Score Sum of Peer Problem scale decimal mean (sd)
1.60 (1.75)

min < median < max
0.00 < 1.00 < 10.00

Complete: 5257 (99.55%)

Prosocial_Score Sum of Prosocial scale decimal mean (sd)
8.63 (1.87)

min < median < max
0.00 < 9.00 < 10.00

Complete: 5261 (99.62%)

Total_Difficulties_Score Sum of all scales except prosocial scale decimal mean (sd)
8.82 (6.04)

min < median < max
0.00 < 8.00 < 38.00

Complete: 5209 (98.64%)

Externalising_Score Sum of conduct and hyperactivity scale decimal mean (sd)
5.01 (3.74)

min < median < max
0.00 < 4.00 < 20.00

Complete: 5231 (99.05%)

Internalising_Score Sum of emotional and peer problems scale decimal mean (sd)
3.82 (3.28)

min < median < max
0.00 < 3.00 < 19.00

Complete: 5244 (99.30%)

Impact_Score Sum of overall stress and impairment decimal mean (sd)
0.50 (1.13)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 5.00

Complete: 1125 (21.30%)

Total_ThreeCat Three category total difference score decimal 1 : Normal
2 : Borderline
3 : Abnormal
Complete: 5209 (98.64%)

Emotional_ThreeCat Three category emotional scale score decimal 1 : Normal
2 : Borderline
3 : Abnormal
Complete: 5256 (99.53%)

Conduct_ThreeCat Three category conduct scale score decimal 1 : Normal
2 : Borderline
3 : Abnormal
Complete: 5262 (99.64%)

Hyperactivity_ThreeCat Three category hyperactivity scale score decimal 1 : Normal
2 : Borderline
3 : Abnormal
Complete: 5238 (99.19%)

PeerProblem_ThreeCat Three category peer problems scale score decimal 1 : Normal
2 : Borderline
3 : Abnormal
Complete: 5257 (99.55%)

Prosocial_ThreeCat Three category prosocial scale score decimal 1 : Normal
2 : Borderline
3 : Abnormal
Complete: 5261 (99.62%)

Impact_ThreeCat Three category impact scale score decimal 1 : Normal
2 : Borderline
3 : Abnormal
Complete: 1125 (21.30%)

Total_FourCat Four category total different scale score decimal 1 : Close to average
2 : Slightly raised
3 : High
4 : Very high
Complete: 5209 (98.64%)

Emotional_FourCat Four category emotional scale score decimal 1 : Close to average
2 : Slightly raised
3 : High
4 : Very high
Complete: 5256 (99.53%)

Conduct_FourCat Four category conduct scale score decimal 1 : Close to average
2 : Slightly raised
3 : High
4 : Very high
Complete: 5262 (99.64%)

Hyperactivity_FourCat Four category hyperactivity scale score decimal 1 : Close to average
2 : Slightly raised
3 : High
4 : Very high
Complete: 5238 (99.19%)

PeerProblem_FourCat Four category peer problem scale score decimal 1 : Close to average
2 : Slightly raised
3 : High
4 : Very high
Complete: 5257 (99.55%)

Prosocial_FourCat Four category prosocial scale score decimal 1 : Close to average
2 : Slightly lowered
3 : Low
4 : Very low
Complete: 5261 (99.62%)

Impact_FourCat Four category impact scale score decimal 1 : Close to average
2 : Slightly raised
3 : High
4 : Very high
Complete: 1125 (21.30%)

QuestSource Questionnaire source text 1 unique values
5281 non-missing values
9 characters
CompletedBy Questionnaire completed by… text 1 unique values
5281 non-missing values
6 characters