Born in Bradford Data Dictionary

Year 1 Phonics Assessment

Table ID: BiB_Education_Record.edrecs_y1_phonics

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Participant 18 11081 2022-09-29 NA

The Phonics Assessment is a teacher-led assessment of phonics ability. It is usually completed towards the end of Year 1 at school, but it can be re-attempted in Year 2 if the standard is not met.

variable label value_type summary
has_edrecs_y1_phonics Has year 1 phonics assessment decimal mean (sd)
1.00 (0.00)

min < median < max
1.00 < 1.00 < 1.00

Complete: 11081 (100.00%)

has_edphon Has: Year 1 Phonics Assessment decimal 1 : has
Complete: 11081 (100.00%)

phonics_acyrtested1 School year of phonics test - Test 1 decimal 1 : R
2 : Y1
3 : Y2
4 : Y3
5 : Y4
6 : Y5
7 : Y6
Complete: 11081 (100.00%)

phonics_acyrtested2 School year of phonics test - Test 2 decimal 1 : R
2 : Y1
3 : Y2
4 : Y3
5 : Y4
6 : Y5
7 : Y6
Complete: 2331 (21.04%)

phonics_grade1 Phonics test grade - Test 1 decimal 1 : Wa - Acheived expected standard for end of Y1
2 : Wt - Did not acheive expected standard for end of Y1
3 : A - Absent for long periods or recently arrived
4 : D - Pupil disapplied from test
Complete: 11033 (99.57%)

phonics_grade2 Phonics test grade - Test 2 decimal 1 : Wa - Acheived expected standard for end of Y1
2 : Wt - Did not acheive expected standard for end of Y1
3 : A - Absent for long periods or recently arrived
4 : D - Pupil disapplied from test
Complete: 2328 (21.01%)

phonics_mark1 Phonics test mark - Test 1 decimal mean (sd)
33.36 (8.66)

min < median < max
0.00 < 36.00 < 40.00

Complete: 10823 (97.67%)

phonics_mark2 Phonics test mark - Test 2 decimal mean (sd)
31.01 (9.15)

min < median < max
0.00 < 34.00 < 40.00

Complete: 2220 (20.03%)

phonics_standard1 Whether reached phonics standard - Test 1 decimal 1 : No
2 : Yes
Complete: 11081 (100.00%)

phonics_standard2 Whether reached phonics standard - Test 2 decimal 1 : No
2 : Yes
Complete: 2331 (21.04%)

phonics_testestablishment1 School Code where Test 1 conducted: Phonics text 168 unique values
11081 non-missing values
12 characters
phonics_testestablishment2 School Code where Test 2 conducted: Phonics text 156 unique values
2331 non-missing values
12 characters
date_est1 Estimated date of assessment - Test 1 date from 2013-05-15
to 2018-05-15

Complete: 11081 (100.00%)

age_months_est1 Estimated age in months at assessment - Test 1 decimal mean (sd)
74.19 (3.71)

min < median < max
68.00 < 74.00 < 97.00

Complete: 11081 (100.00%)

age_years_est1 Estimated age in years at assessment - Test 1 decimal mean (sd)
5.71 (0.46)

min < median < max
5.00 < 6.00 < 8.00

Complete: 11081 (100.00%)

date_est2 Estimated date of assessment - Test 2 date from 2014-05-15
to 2018-05-15

Complete: 2331 (21.04%)

age_months_est2 Estimated age in months at assessment - Test 2 decimal mean (sd)
85.07 (3.56)

min < median < max
80.00 < 85.00 < 103.00

Complete: 2331 (21.04%)

age_years_est2 Estimated age in years at assessment - Test 2 decimal mean (sd)
6.59 (0.50)

min < median < max
6.00 < 7.00 < 8.00

Complete: 2331 (21.04%)