Born in Bradford Data Dictionary

Mother baseline phase 1

Table ID: BiB_Baseline.base_m1_survey

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Participant 21 1571 2022-09-28 NA

Maternal baseline questionnaire. This source contains data collected only in Phase 1 (of 3 Phases). These items relate to Social Capital.

variable label value_type summary
BiBPregNumber Cohort recruited pregnancy number decimal mean (sd)
1.00 (0.00)

min < median < max
1.00 < 1.00 < 1.00

Complete: 1571 (100.00%)

has_base_m1_survey Has mother baseline survey (phases 1) decimal mean (sd)
1.00 (0.00)

min < median < max
1.00 < 1.00 < 1.00

Complete: 1571 (100.00%)

fam1famacc There are people I know who accept me as I am decimal 1 : Not true
2 : Partly true
3 : Certainly true
Complete: 1567 (99.75%)

fam1famhap There are people I know who do things to make me happy decimal 1 : Not true
2 : Partly true
3 : Certainly true
Complete: 1570 (99.94%)

fam1famimp There are people I know who make me feel important decimal 1 : Not true
2 : Partly true
3 : Certainly true
Complete: 1567 (99.75%)

fam1famlov There are people I know who make me feel loved decimal 1 : Not true
2 : Partly true
3 : Certainly true
Complete: 1512 (96.24%)

fam1famrel There are people I know who can be relied on no matter what decimal 1 : Not true
2 : Partly true
3 : Certainly true
Complete: 1565 (99.62%)

fam1famsup There are people who give me support and encouragement decimal 1 : Not true
2 : Partly true
3 : Certainly true
Complete: 1550 (98.66%)

fam1famtak There are people I know who see that I am taken care of decimal 1 : Not true
2 : Partly true
3 : Certainly true
Complete: 1566 (99.68%)

fam1helpfl Would you say most of the time people try to be helpful decimal 1 : Try to be helpful
2 : Look out for themselves
3 : Don’t Know
Complete: 1549 (98.60%)

fam1leisur This area has good leisure facilities decimal 1 : Strongly agree
2 : Agree
3 : Disagree
4 : Strongly disagree
Complete: 1549 (98.60%)

fam1livenj This is a place I enjoy living in decimal 1 : Strongly agree
2 : Agree
3 : Disagree
4 : Strongly disagree
Complete: 1563 (99.49%)

fam1loctrn This area has good local transport decimal 1 : Strongly agree
2 : Agree
3 : Disagree
4 : Strongly disagree
Complete: 1552 (98.79%)

fam1neighbo This is an area where neighbours look after each other decimal 1 : Strongly agree
2 : Agree
3 : Disagree
4 : Strongly disagree
Complete: 1560 (99.30%)

fam1pefair Would most people take advantage of you if they got the chance decimal 1 : Take advantage
2 : Try to be fair
3 : Don’t know
Complete: 1543 (98.22%)

fam1postrn How easy to get to a post office decimal 1 : Very Easy
2 : Fairly Easy
3 : Fairly difficult
4 : Very difficult
Complete: 1562 (99.43%)

fam1prbvan How much of a problem is vandalism in your local area decimal 1 : Very big problem
2 : Fairly big problem
3 : Not a very big problem
4 : Not a problem at all
Complete: 1352 (86.06%)

fam1suptrn How easy to get to a supermarket decimal 1 : Very Easy
2 : Fairly Easy
3 : Fairly difficult
4 : Very difficult
Complete: 1564 (99.55%)

fam1tenstr How much of a problem are teenagers hanging around decimal 1 : Very big problem
2 : Fairly big problem
3 : Not a very big problem
4 : Not a problem at all
Complete: 1564 (99.55%)

fam1truste Can people be trusted? decimal 1 : Can be trusted
2 : Can’t be too careful
3 : Don’t know
Complete: 1549 (98.60%)

has_mbqph1 Has: Maternal Baseline Questionnaire (Phase 1) decimal 1 : has
Complete: 1571 (100.00%)