Born in Bradford Data Dictionary

ALL IN 24m Questionnaire

Table ID: BiB_ALL_IN.allin24_qs

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Participant 208 2067 2022-09-28 allin24_ct

ALL IN 24 month questionnaire - questionnaire -main wide format sections

variable label value_type summary
has_allin24_qs Has all in 24m questionnaire decimal mean (sd)
1.00 (0.00)

min < median < max
1.00 < 1.00 < 1.00

Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

agecm_all2qs Child age (months): ALL IN 24m Questionnaire decimal mean (sd)
25.59 (1.44)

min < median < max
13.00 < 25.00 < 34.00

Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

agecy_all2qs Child age (years): ALL IN 24m Questionnaire decimal mean (sd)
1.98 (0.14)

min < median < max
1.00 < 2.00 < 2.00

Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24a1 General health of parent decimal 1 : Excellent
2 : Very good
3 : Good
4 : Fair
5 : Poor
Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24a2 General health of child decimal 1 : Excellent
2 : Very good
3 : Good
4 : Fair
5 : Poor
Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24b1 Has your child seen a doctor or nurse since 1st birthday decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
3 : Don’t know
4 : Refused
Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24b2 How many visits child had decimal 1 : Once
2 : Twice
3 : 3-4
4 : 5-10
5 : >=11
6 : Don’t know
7 : Refused
Complete: 1610 (77.89%)

all24b3abpr Visit for Breathing problems decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 110 (5.32%)

all24b3acgh Visit for Cough decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 454 (21.96%)

all24b3acif Visit for Chest infection decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 363 (17.56%)

all24b3acon Visit for constipation decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 88 (4.26%)

all24b3acry Visit for crying decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 9 (0.44%)

all24b3adir Visit for diarrhoea decimal mean (sd)
0.06 (0.24)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 1.00

Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24b3aepr Visit for Ear problems decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 178 (8.61%)

all24b3afit Visit for Convulsions/fits decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 18 (0.87%)

all24b3agtw Visit for gaining too much weight decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 1 (0.05%)

all24b3ahtp Visit for High temperature decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 643 (31.11%)

all24b3ana reason not applicable decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 4 (0.19%)

all24b3angw Visit for Not gaining enough weight decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 32 (1.55%)

all24b3aods Description of other condition text 255 unique values
404 non-missing values
3 to 30 characters
all24b3aoth Visit for Other condition decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 404 (19.55%)

all24b3asnu Visit for Snuffles/cold decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 685 (33.14%)

all24b3aspr Visit for Skin problems decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 286 (13.84%)

all24b3atsh Visit for Thrush decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 17 (0.82%)

all24b3atum Visit for tummy upset decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 32 (1.55%)

all24b3auti Visit for Urinary tract infection decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 17 (0.82%)

all24b3avom Visit for vomiting decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 93 (4.50%)

all24b3bbpr Visit for Breathing problems decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 0 (0.00%)

all24b3bcgh Visit for Cough decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 0 (0.00%)

all24b3bcif Visit for Chest infection decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 0 (0.00%)

all24b3bcon Visit for constipation decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 0 (0.00%)

all24b3bcry Visit for crying decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 0 (0.00%)

all24b3bdir Visit for diarrhoea decimal mean (sd)
0.00 (0.00)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 0.00

Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24b3bepr Visit for Ear problems decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 0 (0.00%)

all24b3bfit Visit for Convulsions/fits decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 0 (0.00%)

all24b3bgtw Visit for gaining too much weight decimal mean (sd)
0.00 (0.00)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 0.00

Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24b3bhtp Visit for High temperature decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 1 (0.05%)

all24b3bna reason not applicable decimal mean (sd)
1.00 (0.00)

min < median < max
1.00 < 1.00 < 1.00

Complete: 1602 (77.50%)

all24b3bngw Visit for Not gaining enough weight decimal mean (sd)
0.00 (0.02)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 1.00

Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24b3bods Description of other condition text 3 unique values
3 non-missing values
10 to 30 characters
all24b3both Visit for Other condition decimal mean (sd)
0.00 (0.04)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 1.00

Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24b3bsnu Visit for Snuffles/cold decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 0 (0.00%)

all24b3bspr Visit for Skin problems decimal mean (sd)
0.00 (0.03)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 1.00

Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24b3btsh Visit for Thrush decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 0 (0.00%)

all24b3btum Visit for tummy upset decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 1 (0.05%)

all24b3buti Visit for Urinary tract infection decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 0 (0.00%)

all24b3bvom Visit for vomiting decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 1 (0.05%)

all24b4 Has child been given any medical diagnosis decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 2062 (99.76%)

all24b5 Child admitted to hospital past 24 months decimal mean (sd)
1.90 (0.31)

min < median < max
1.00 < 2.00 < 3.00

Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24b5a How many times admitted decimal mean (sd)
1.64 (2.05)

min < median < max
1.00 < 1.00 < 20.00

Complete: 219 (10.60%)

all24b6 Has child been to outpatient clinic in the past 24 months decimal mean (sd)
1.76 (0.43)

min < median < max
1.00 < 2.00 < 4.00

Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24b6a How many times been decimal mean (sd)
2.67 (2.62)

min < median < max
0.00 < 2.00 < 20.00

Complete: 491 (23.75%)

all24b7 Has child been injured in the past 24 months decimal mean (sd)
1.81 (0.39)

min < median < max
1.00 < 2.00 < 3.00

Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24b7a How many times decimal mean (sd)
1.17 (0.61)

min < median < max
1.00 < 1.00 < 10.00

Complete: 393 (19.01%)

all24bbyac Childs abdominal circumference decimal mean (sd)
44.39 (2.29)

min < median < max
41.20 < 43.95 < 50.60

Complete: 18 (0.87%)

all24bbyln Childs length decimal mean (sd)
88.11 (3.70)

min < median < max
81.60 < 87.95 < 94.40

Complete: 22 (1.06%)

all24bbywt Childs weight in kgs decimal mean (sd)
11.81 (1.36)

min < median < max
9.50 < 11.80 < 15.30

Complete: 22 (1.06%)

all24bir Birds decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 535 (25.88%)

all24byacu Childs abdominal circumference unable to taken decimal mean (sd)
1.00 (0.00)

min < median < max
1.00 < 1.00 < 1.00

Complete: 1855 (89.74%)

all24bylnu Childs length unable to taken decimal mean (sd)
1.00 (0.00)

min < median < max
1.00 < 1.00 < 1.00

Complete: 1851 (89.55%)

all24bywtu Childs weight unable to taken decimal mean (sd)
1.00 (0.00)

min < median < max
1.00 < 1.00 < 1.00

Complete: 1851 (89.55%)

all24c1 Child currently breastfed decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
3 : Don’t know
4 : Refused
Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24c2 If not currently breastfed decimal 1 : Never had breastmilk
2 : Don’t know
3 : Stopped having breastmilk
Complete: 1933 (93.52%)

all24c2dy Breastfeeding duration in days decimal mean (sd)
3.04 (2.58)

min < median < max
0.00 < 2.00 < 17.00

Complete: 123 (5.95%)

all24c2dyna Breastfeeding duration in days NA decimal mean (sd)
0.99 (0.11)

min < median < max
0.00 < 1.00 < 1.00

Complete: 1343 (64.97%)

all24c2mn Breastfeeding duration in months decimal mean (sd)
12.12 (5.74)

min < median < max
0.00 < 11.00 < 27.00

Complete: 664 (32.12%)

all24c2mnna Breastfeeding duration in months NA decimal mean (sd)
0.99 (0.09)

min < median < max
0.00 < 1.00 < 1.00

Complete: 791 (38.27%)

all24c2wk Breastfeeding duration in weeks decimal mean (sd)
8.22 (5.88)

min < median < max
1.00 < 8.00 < 24.00

Complete: 670 (32.41%)

all24c2wkna Breastfeeding duration in weeks NA decimal mean (sd)
0.97 (0.16)

min < median < max
0.00 < 1.00 < 1.00

Complete: 800 (38.70%)

all24c3 Doctor diagnosed food allergy decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24cpl Who completed questionnaire decimal 1 : Child’s mother
2 : Child’s father
3 : Other
Complete: 2063 (99.81%)

all24cploth Other specified text 3 unique values
4 non-missing values
11 to 13 characters
all24d1 Marital status decimal 1 : Married (1st marriage)
2 : Re-married
3 : Single (never married)
4 : Separated (still legally married
5 : Divorced
6 : Widowed
Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24d2 Cohabitation status decimal 1 : Living with baby’s father
2 : Living with another partner
3 : Not living with partner but in relationship
4 : Not living with a partner and not in relationship
Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24d3 Any changes in the number of people reguarly living in house decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24d4 Total number in household decimal mean (sd)
5.14 (2.20)

min < median < max
2.00 < 5.00 < 18.00

Complete: 390 (18.87%)

all24e1 Any changes to paid work decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24e10 How many people work for fths employer decimal 1 : 1-24
2 : 25 or more
Complete: 139 (6.72%)

all24e11 Do they supervise other employees decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 131 (6.34%)

all24e12 Employment category-Partner decimal 1 : Modern professional occupations
10 : Don’t know
2 : Clerical and intermediate occupations
3 : Senior managers or administrators
4 : Technical and craft occupations
5 : Semi-rountine manual and service occupations
6 : Rountine manual and service occupations
7 : Middle or junior managers
8 : Traditional professional occupations
9 : Does not work
Complete: 150 (7.26%)

all24e2 other currently doing decimal 1 : In a job working for employer
2 : On maternity leave from employer
3 : Self employed
4 : Full time student
5 : Looking after the home and family
6 : Something else
Complete: 304 (14.71%)

all24e2oth Description of other text 2 unique values
2 non-missing values
11 to 12 characters
all24e3 Returned to work since child was born decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 171 (8.27%)

all24e4 Mother employment type decimal 1 : Employee
2 : Self employed with employees
3 : Self employed without employees
4 : Student in training
5 : Other
Complete: 157 (7.60%)

all24e4oth Description of other text 1 unique values
2 non-missing values
11 characters
all24e5 How many people work for employer decimal 1 : 1-24
2 : 25 or more
Complete: 136 (6.58%)

all24e6 Do you supervise other employees decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 153 (7.40%)

all24e7 Employment category decimal 1 : Modern professional occupations
10 : Don’t know
2 : Clerical and intermediate occupations
3 : Senior managers or administrators
4 : Technical and craft occupations
5 : Semi-rountine manual and service occupations
6 : Rountine manual and service occupations
7 : Middle or junior managers
8 : Traditional professional occupations
9 : Does not work
Complete: 152 (7.35%)

all24e8 Husband/partner employed decimal 1 : Yes
2 : Never been in employment
3 : No change since 12m visit
Complete: 249 (12.05%)

all24e9 Fathers employment type decimal 1 : Employee
2 : Self employed with employees
3 : Self employed without employees
4 : Student in training
5 : Other
Complete: 156 (7.55%)

all24f1 Ever regular childcare decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24f2 Have these changed since 1st birthday decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 667 (32.27%)

all24f3 Has there been any previous childcare arrangements decimal mean (sd)
NaN (NA)

min < median < max
Inf < NA < -Inf

Complete: 0 (0.00%)

all24g1 Any changes in childcare since 12 months decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24h1 Child activities from 12mo decimal 1 : Rarely
2 : At least once a month
3 : Usually once a week
4 : More than once a week
Complete: 2061 (99.71%)

all24i1 Any pets in home decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24i10 Visible mould on walls or ceilings decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 2066 (99.95%)

all24i11chd Flooring in childs room decimal 1 : Fitted carpet
2 : Loose carpets
3 : Hard flooring
4 : Don’t know
Complete: 2066 (99.95%)

all24i11kit Flooring in kitchen decimal 1 : Fitted carpet
2 : Loose carpets
3 : Hard flooring
4 : Don’t know
Complete: 2066 (99.95%)

all24i11liv Flooring in living room decimal 1 : Fitted carpet
2 : Loose carpets
3 : Hard flooring
4 : Don’t know
Complete: 2063 (99.81%)

all24i11ply Flooring in play room decimal 1 : Fitted carpet
2 : Loose carpets
3 : Hard flooring
4 : Don’t know
Complete: 2060 (99.66%)

all24i11sit Flooring in sitting room decimal 1 : Fitted carpet
2 : Loose carpets
3 : Hard flooring
4 : Don’t know
Complete: 2066 (99.95%)

all24i12 Window types in childs room decimal 1 : Single glazing
2 : Sealed unit
3 : No windows
Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24i13dk Don’t know child pillow decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 17 (0.82%)

all24i13fm Child uses foam pillows decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 1773 (85.78%)

all24i13ft Child uses feather pillow decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 1773 (85.78%)

all24i13no Child does not use a pillow decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 2062 (99.76%)

all24i13ot Child uses other pillow decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 16 (0.77%)

all24i14bl Child uses blankets decimal mean (sd)
1.63 (0.48)

min < median < max
1.00 < 2.00 < 2.00

Complete: 1988 (96.18%)

all24i14dk Don’t know childs bedding decimal mean (sd)
1.73 (0.46)

min < median < max
1.00 < 2.00 < 2.00

Complete: 15 (0.73%)

all24i14ft Child uses feather bedding decimal mean (sd)
1.99 (0.09)

min < median < max
1.00 < 2.00 < 2.00

Complete: 1988 (96.18%)

all24i14ot Child uses other bedding material decimal mean (sd)
1.13 (0.34)

min < median < max
1.00 < 1.00 < 2.00

Complete: 86 (4.16%)

all24i14sy Child uses synthetic bedding decimal mean (sd)
1.22 (0.41)

min < median < max
1.00 < 1.00 < 2.00

Complete: 1988 (96.18%)

all24i15a Changes made due to asthma/allergy decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24i15b Description of the change made text 44 unique values
47 non-missing values
16 to 88 characters
all24i2a Child shared a bedroom from 12 months decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24i2b Who child shared with decimal 1 : Parents only
2 : Parents and siblings
3 : Siblings only
4 : Other
Complete: 1469 (71.07%)

all24i2both other shared with specified text 7 unique values
17 non-missing values
5 to 29 characters
all24i3a From 12 months did child share bed decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 2066 (99.95%)

all24i3b Who child shared with decimal 1 : Parents only
2 : Parents and siblings
3 : Siblings only
4 : Other
Complete: 618 (29.90%)

all24i3both Who child shared with other specified text 7 unique values
14 non-missing values
5 to 13 characters
all24i4coa Cooked using coal decimal mean (sd)
2.00 (0.04)

min < median < max
1.00 < 2.00 < 2.00

Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24i4elc Cooked using electricity decimal mean (sd)
1.70 (0.46)

min < median < max
1.00 < 2.00 < 2.00

Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24i4gas Cooked using gas decimal mean (sd)
1.12 (0.32)

min < median < max
1.00 < 1.00 < 2.00

Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24i4oth Cooked using other decimal mean (sd)
2.00 (0.02)

min < median < max
1.00 < 2.00 < 2.00

Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24i5coa Heating using coal decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 2066 (99.95%)

all24i5elc Heating using electric decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 2066 (99.95%)

all24i5gas Heating using gas decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 2066 (99.95%)

all24i5oil Heating using oil decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 2066 (99.95%)

all24i5oth Heating using other decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 2066 (99.95%)

all24i5woo Heating using wood decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 2066 (99.95%)

all24i6 Home centrally heated decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24i6a If not centrally heated describe text 29 unique values
72 non-missing values
4 to 30 characters
all24i7 Wood or coal fire with chimney decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24i8 Gas fire decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24i9 Damp spots walls or ceilings decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24icat Cats decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 535 (25.88%)

all24idog Dogs decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 535 (25.88%)

all24ifur Other furry pets decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 535 (25.88%)

all24j1 Itchy rash ever decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24j2 Itchy rash affected areas decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 355 (17.17%)

all24j3 Ever eczema decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
3 : Don’t know
4 : Refused
Complete: 2066 (99.95%)

all24j4 Ever sneezing when no cold decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
3 : Don’t know
4 : Refused
Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24j5 Nose problem & itchy eyes decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
3 : Don’t know
4 : Refused
Complete: 243 (11.76%)

all24j6apr Nose problem Apr decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 91 (4.40%)

all24j6aug Nose problem Aug decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 83 (4.02%)

all24j6dec Nose problem Dec decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 83 (4.02%)

all24j6dk DK month nose problem decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 51 (2.47%)

all24j6feb Nose problem Feb decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 80 (3.87%)

all24j6jan Nose problem Jan decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 91 (4.40%)

all24j6jul Nose problem July decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 108 (5.22%)

all24j6jun Nose problem June decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 117 (5.66%)

all24j6mar Nose problem Mar decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 84 (4.06%)

all24j6may Nose problem May decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 113 (5.47%)

all24j6nov Nose problem Nov decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 85 (4.11%)

all24j6oct Nose problem Oct decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 76 (3.68%)

all24j6sep Nose problem Sep decimal 1 : Yes
Complete: 70 (3.39%)

all24j7 Ever hayfever decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
3 : Don’t know
4 : Refused
Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24k1 Ever travelled outside UK since 1st bday decimal 1 : No
2 : Within Europe
3 : Outside Europe
Complete: 2067 (100.00%)

all24k3 Travel Eur before 1st birthday decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 337 (16.30%)

all24k4 Received medical treatment abroad decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 8 (0.39%)

all24l1 Mother ever regularly smoked decimal 1 : Yes, more than 1 year
2 : Yes less than 1 year
3 : No
Complete: 2066 (99.95%)

all24l2 Mother smokes nowadays decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 403 (19.50%)

all24l2age Age stopped smoking decimal mean (sd)
27.27 (5.89)

min < median < max
0.00 < 27.00 < 41.00

Complete: 151 (7.31%)

all24l2agedr Age stopped smoking don’t remember decimal mean (sd)
1.00 (NA)

min < median < max
1.00 < 1.00 < 1.00

Complete: 1 (0.05%)

all24l3 Amt currently smoking decimal 1 : None
2 : 1-5 a day
3 : 6-10 a day
4 : 11-20 a day
5 : Over 20 a day
6 : Does not apply
Complete: 388 (18.77%)

all24l4 Exp to smoke at work/home decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
3 : Less than 1 hour per day
Complete: 2065 (99.90%)

all24l4hrs If yes, hours exp decimal mean (sd)
3.79 (2.74)

min < median < max
0.00 < 3.00 < 15.00

Complete: 89 (4.31%)

all24l5 Child exp to smoke decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
3 : Less than 1 hour per day
Complete: 2066 (99.95%)

all24l5hrs If yes, hours exp decimal mean (sd)
4.08 (2.53)

min < median < max
1.00 < 3.00 < 12.00

Complete: 36 (1.74%)

all24loc Where questionnaire completed decimal 1 : Home
2 : Clinic
3 : Other
Complete: 2065 (99.90%)

all24locoth Other location specified text 4 unique values
14 non-missing values
9 to 23 characters
all24m1imoth Other imm given decimal mean (sd)
2.06 (0.31)

min < median < max
1.00 < 2.00 < 3.00

Complete: 2061 (99.71%)

all24m1men Men C Imm given decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
3 : Don’t know
Complete: 2061 (99.71%)

all24m1mendk DK Date men c imm give decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 0 (0.00%)

all24m1mendt Date men c imm given date from 2009-03-04
to 2012-11-23

Complete: 1417 (68.55%)

all24m1menrbk man c imm checked red book decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 2010 (97.24%)

all24m1mm MMR1 imm given decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
3 : Don’t know
Complete: 2055 (99.42%)

all24m1mm2 MMR2 imm given decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
3 : Don’t know
Complete: 2062 (99.76%)

all24m1mm2dkdt DK Date mmr2 imm given text 2 unique values
20 non-missing values
4 to 5 characters
all24m1mm2dt Date mmr2 imm given date from 2009-02-26
to 2012-04-05

Complete: 6 (0.29%)

all24m1mm2rbk MMR2 imm checked red book decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 26 (1.26%)

all24m1mmdk DK Date mmr1 imm give decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 0 (0.00%)

all24m1mmdt Date mmr1 imm given date from 2009-02-05
to 2013-03-02

Complete: 1415 (68.46%)

all24m1mrbk mmr1 imm checked red book decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 2012 (97.34%)

all24m1pcv PCV imm given decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
3 : Don’t know
Complete: 2056 (99.47%)

all24m1pcvdkdt DK Date pcv imm give text 2 unique values
582 non-missing values
4 to 5 characters
all24m1pcvdt Date pcv imm given date from 2009-01-27
to 2013-02-23

Complete: 1406 (68.02%)

all24m1pcvrbk PCV imm checked red book decimal mean (sd)
1.29 (0.45)

min < median < max
1.00 < 1.00 < 2.00

Complete: 2001 (96.81%)

all24m2a Has your child had chickenpox decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
3 : Don’t know
Complete: 2066 (99.95%)

all24m2amonths Age had chickenpox in months decimal mean (sd)
0.13 (0.55)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 4.00

Complete: 527 (25.50%)

all24m2awks Age had chickenpox in weeks decimal mean (sd)
0.13 (0.55)

min < median < max
0.00 < 0.00 < 4.00

Complete: 527 (25.50%)

all24m2c Was chickenpox diagnosed by a doctor decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
3 : Don’t know
Complete: 532 (25.74%)

all24mthwt Mothers weight in kgs decimal mean (sd)
63.88 (8.35)

min < median < max
50.70 < 64.30 < 81.50

Complete: 20 (0.97%)

all24mtwtu Mothers weight unable to be taken decimal mean (sd)
1.00 (0.00)

min < median < max
1.00 < 1.00 < 1.00

Complete: 1849 (89.45%)

all24n1 Upset decimal 1 : Never
2 : Almost never
3 : Sometimes
4 : Fairly often
5 : Very often
Complete: 2059 (99.61%)

all24n10 Difficulties decimal 1 : Never
2 : Almost never
3 : Sometimes
4 : Fairly often
5 : Very often
Complete: 2055 (99.42%)

all24n2 Control decimal 1 : Never
2 : Almost never
3 : Sometimes
4 : Fairly often
5 : Very often
Complete: 2057 (99.52%)

all24n3 Nervous decimal 1 : Never
2 : Almost never
3 : Sometimes
4 : Fairly often
5 : Very often
Complete: 2057 (99.52%)

all24n4 Handle decimal 1 : Never
2 : Almost never
3 : Sometimes
4 : Fairly often
5 : Very often
Complete: 2056 (99.47%)

all24n5 Your way decimal 1 : Never
2 : Almost never
3 : Sometimes
4 : Fairly often
5 : Very often
Complete: 2057 (99.52%)

all24n6 Not cope decimal 1 : Never
2 : Almost never
3 : Sometimes
4 : Fairly often
5 : Very often
Complete: 2057 (99.52%)

all24n7 Irritations decimal 1 : Never
2 : Almost never
3 : Sometimes
4 : Fairly often
5 : Very often
Complete: 2054 (99.37%)

all24n8 On top decimal 1 : Never
2 : Almost never
3 : Sometimes
4 : Fairly often
5 : Very often
Complete: 2055 (99.42%)

all24n9 Angered decimal 1 : Never
2 : Almost never
3 : Sometimes
4 : Fairly often
5 : Very often
Complete: 2054 (99.37%)

all24oth Other decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 535 (25.88%)

all24sy Child uses synthetic pillows decimal 1 : Yes
2 : No
Complete: 1772 (85.73%)

has_all2qs Has ALL IN 24m questionnaire decimal 1 : has
Complete: 2067 (100.00%)